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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Integrated Fire Management System

Descripción del proyecto

Un nuevo «software» para ayudar a combatir los incendios forestales

El cambio climático está empeorando todavía más los incendios forestales. No solo está aumentando la cifra de este tipo de incendios, sino que estos se propagan con mayor velocidad y la temporada de incendios es ahora más larga. Las estructuras de lucha contra los incendios forestales están teniendo problemas para hacer frente a su carácter impredecible. No se dispone de ninguna herramienta fiable que permita predecir las dimensiones y la fuerza de un incendio. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos S2IGI apoyará la gestión de incendios en las tres etapas principales del proceso: prevención y reducción de los incendios forestales, organización de la gestión de las tareas de extinción y recuperación tras el incendio. El proyecto utilizará datos satelitales, datos auxiliares de la zona y predicciones meteorológicas para obtener previsiones fiables y oportunas de los incendios forestales. S2IGI se distribuirá con un modelo de «software» como servicio (SaaS).


The nowadays worldwide wildfire context is defined by extreme fire behaviour characterised by rapid fire spread, intense burning, and unpredictable shifts causing enormous socio-economic impacts. Problems that faced firefighters are: unreliable early-time fire detection tools; unpredictability of fire ignition and unpredictable behavior of fire. S2IGI is a end-to-end Decision Support System (DSS), that aims to support actions in the three main phases of fire management -1. forest fire prevention and mitigation, 2. event management and 3. post-fire recovery. S2IGI through satellite images, in-situ ancillary data and weather numerical predictions, assures timely and reliable fire forecast information. The principal S2IGI target market are public administrations responsible for fire monitoring, prevention, management and damage mitigation; privates as insurance companies and financial entities are also potential customers. S2IGI was developed by Nurjana Technologies in collaboration with CNR-IBIMET the Aerospace Engineering School of the Sapienza University of Rome (SIA). Nurjana Technologies provides expertises in systems development, real time applications/simulations and programs management for Defense, Aerospace and Space market through a Customer Integrated Project Team approach. The objective of the present project is to prove the commercial potential of the S2IGI system in Europe and worldwide, enhance its growth potential and favors private investment opportunities. 30% of the project cost will be financed by the company own capital. The revenue model is based on annually recurring revenue, which favors customer loyalty and service scalability. S2IGI is distributed as a Software as Service (SaaS). The feasibility assessment will be carried on EU (Mediterranean, Balcanic and Northern) and worldwide countries with the highest fire risk as USA, Canada, Australia and Russia. The expected turnover in 4 years from S2IGI sales is about € 5 M. and a 40% of market share

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 50 000,00
09067 ELMAS

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 71 429,00