Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Presque (Smart Nursing Bra)
Reporting period: 2019-07-01 to 2019-12-31
The objective for Presque is to develop need-specific lactation aids to mitigate the main reasons mothers wean early and could partially ameliorate the global health burden resulting from insufficient breastfeeding for the recommended two years.
Presque smart wearable lactation aids enable simultaneous dual direct breast and supplemental feeding of an infant while promoting a mother’s lactation cycle, building her self-confidence with data-driven insight, and supporting the safe implementation of skin-to-skin contact.
The interest displayed by potential users during the feasibility study interviews-80% liked our product and wanted to learn more about it—is a telling sign that the current state of the art is not satisfactory for many mothers. At the same time, the global breastfeeding accessories market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% in coming years.
In this scenario, Presque is the perfect goal for a small ambitious start-up with an experienced team and full dedication to the product. Our conclusion is that the project is ready for the implementation of the measures considered in this study for market rollout.
The use and adoption of Presque will help mitigate the main reasons mothers wean early and could partially ameliorate the global health burden resulting from insufficient breastfeeding for the recommended two years.