Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SolMate (The world’s first “Plug-in and Use-Solar PV with Storage”, designed for small city apartments in the EU.)
Reporting period: 2019-08-01 to 2020-01-31
The core innovation of EET is the patented, non-invasive measurement technology called “NetDetection”, a high frequency measurement, that allows the smart utilization of photo-voltaic (PV) power without any hardware installation and costs. The innovative product is called “SolMate”, which is a smart photovoltaic and storage system that can be installed by anyone (without need of installer or installation company) by simply plugging it in a standard European power socket.
With SolMate, everyone will be able to produce their own electricity. Just set it up on the balcony, plug it into a power socket and your own renewable electricity is fed via the power socket into your apartment. SolMate is the first solar storage for the power socket. With this invention, the installer is not needed anymore and if a tenant moves from one apartment to another, he/she can simply unplug SolMate, take it to new place and plug it in again.
Target users are the owners and renters of city apartments/small buildings with a strong focus on lifestyle, health and sustainability. With this unique plug-in micro-system, it is possible to generate a new niche market and supply with renewable and affordable PV electricity. Final customers are private households wanting to gain independence while contributing to the energy transition with a reasonable investment barrier. This target group is reached via four distribution channels: Energy providing companies, Photovoltaic installing companies, Real estate companies, online sales.
During this project (SME Instrument Phase-1), market feedback was collected, market and legal frameworks were evaluated and summarized in an action plan for a broad scale-up and market penetration. Market prospects for easy-to-use and decentralized energy producing systems is highly promising.
In the last years, EET, specially SolMate has won more than 10 different awards at national and international level. The Austrian Chamber of Commerce awarded EET as “Born Global Champion” due to extraordinary global market potential.
For more information, please visit
- Cable harness (and optimization of internal wiring)
- Injection moulding of all plastic components
- Sealings
- Production of printed circuit boards (PCPs)
- Testing protocol for final quality check during manufacturing
- Software implementation
- Manufacturing guidance document
- Complete list of parts and components
All aspects are developed in a way to be scalable for the production in upcoming years.
SOLMATE is an all-in system and consists of 5 lightweight, semi-flexible photovoltaic panels and the small storage device. The panels are put on a wall, balcony, fence, etc., connected to the storage device and the storage is plugged into a regular wall socket.
Additionally, SOLMATE is the only plug-in system that can be used for both cases: on-grid and off-grid. As such, SOLMATE is also an emergency back-up in the case of a black out.