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SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SHOW (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption)

Reporting period: 2021-07-01 to 2022-12-31

Connected and automated transport plays a key role in European strategies for clean, efficient and safe transport, and towards the development of the Digital Single Market. All Automated Driving-related Roadmaps and position papers, such as those of ERTRAC, EPoSS and ECSEL agree that electrified and automated mobility in cities is one of the most challenging milestones to be achieved; being typically pushed towards 2030 and beyond. This is a disruptive change, which prompts some reservations and questions: 1) To what extent does it contribute to the objectives of sustainable mobility planning? 2) Is this feasible?, and, 3) Who pays for it? SHOW vision is to support the deployment of shared connected and electrified automation in urban transport chains through demonstration of real-life scenarios to promote seamless and safe sustainable mobility. The SHOW project aims to support the migration path towards affective and persuasive sustainable urban transport, through technical solutions, business models and priority scenarios for impact assessment, by deploying shared, connected, cooperative, electrified fleets of AVs in coordinated PT, DRT, MaaS and LaaS operational chains in real-life urban demonstrations in 5 Mega, 6 Satellite and 3 Follower Pilots taking place in 20 cities across Europe. By deploying a fleet of at least 74 L4/L5 AVs of all types (buses, shuttles, pods, robo-taxis, automated cars connected with MaaS and cargo vehicles) and for all transport operators (passengers, cargo and mixed transport) in both dedicated lanes and mixed traffic, connected to a wide range of supporting infrastructure (5G, G5, IoT, etc.) and operating under traffic speeds ranging from 18 to over 50km/h, it aims to satisfy 7 UCs families and 22 single UCs; that together cover all urban automated mobility needs and wants of the stakeholders. Project pilots will last for 24 months, with real service seamless operation in each pilot site lasting at least 12 months and will transport with AV fleets over 1,500,000 passengers and 350,000 units of goods. Being the bigger and more holistic ever real life Cooperative Connected Automated Vehicle (CCAV) urban demonstration initiative, it is user led (by UITP) and realised by a Consortium of 69 Partners, 6 third parties and with the additional support of 60 stakeholders (connected through Letter of Support, including major stakeholder Associations) and twinning actions with 11 organisations the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia, China, Taiwan and Singapore.
During the second period of the project (M19-M36), the key building blocks have been completed.
The required physical, digital and communication infrastructure was put in place across the sites. Local system architectures were finalized, while interoperability and cybersecurity solutions were deployed. At the vehicle level, optimal control and handover strategies were implemented, to ensure safe and reliable operation during transitions between automation levels. Communication interfaces between connected and non-connected traffic users were implemented. Finally, all vehicle demonstrators completed final upgrades to allow operation in a safe manner.
Non-technical work was also completed. This includes the finalization of the ethics plan; the optimization of the subjective surveys; and the definition and application of user engagement strategies.
As a result, the technical verification and validation, as well as the pre-demo activities, were concluded for the majority of sites and final public operations were begun.
Preparations for the exploitation of results were advanced. The project Dashboard is publicly available, providing dynamic visualization of pilot sites KPIs. All data streaming, interfacing, and processing systems were defined and all pilot sites are connected.
Evaluation and impact assessment frameworks and tools were finalized and the final experimental plans for all sites were concluded.
Initial results from pre-demo operation have been reported, and three business models were validated. An initial assessment of exploitation and business plans was made, with 46 KERs identified.
The first issue of recommendations for Adapting Regulatory and Operational Strategies for CCAV deployment at Local and Regional Level and of the project Application Guidelines has been released. 3 training courses are under development
Replication activities have been launched, with 8 initial candidates taking part in a matchmaking process with SHOW partners.
Additional service- and simulation-based activities have also been completed. The SHOW marketplace is publicly available, offering operational, energy management and personalization services. The deployment of four Big Data/AI services began in this period. Requirements for the simulation suite were defined, and a second round of pilot-based vehicle and micro/macro traffic simulation studies was completed.
International collaboration activities are on-going with Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, China, US, Australia. AUTOMATE concertation group is established on European level, led by SHOW.
To accompany local site activities and achievements, as well as project-level advances, a wide range of dissemination activities took place.
SHOW encompasses a high number of novelties but its key innovation is its holistic and integrated approach, as it brings automated operation to all levels of city mobility from fixed route PT to DRT, connected MaaS and LaaS, supporting all urban traffic environments, from dense city traffic to remote peri-urban areas, neighborhoods and specific environments, considering the needs and wants of all citizens (around 1,5 millions of citizens in 20 cities and 13 countries being transported by AVs of all types), specifically specific user clusters (tourists, commuters, PRM, students, elderly). SHOW is expected to be a Game Changer in the path of urban mobility automation. This is to be achieved through a) becoming the bigger ever showcase and living lab for AV fleets by transporting over 1500000 people and 350000 containers of goods through a combined AV fleet of over 70 vehicles (bus, shuttle, pod, car) in 20 cities across Europe.; b) Setting the relevant Industrial standard, by enrolling the vast majority of AVs OEMs and operators (13 in total) in a single project and in many cases in the same Pilot site; thus resulting in a commonly accepted open system Architecture, widely adopted standardisation and policy recommendations and de facto proven interoperability protocols; c) Involving the full value chain of autonomous PT mobility services throughout the project and in each of its Pilot sites. Thus, 13 OEMs and operators liaise with 5 tier 1 and Telco providers, 10 local authorities, 6 value added services industries and 7 SMEs, as well as 23 Research and Academia representatives (reflecting the highly innovative nature of the issue). Also, each Pilot site constitutes a PPP integrating one or more OEMs and operators with the local society (municipalities and other authorities) including all key actors of the value chain (as full partners, associate partners, sub-contractors or through LoS); d) being truly Europewide. Encompassing 14 sites of varying geographical areas, city sizes, weather conditions, socioeconomic and cultural issues. Local differences will be met by specific UCs adaptation, varying technologies (i.e. C-ITS or 5G enabled) and different business models.
SHOW Linkoeping
SHOW overview picture
SHOW Data Management Portal