Integrierte Altenpflege mit Unterstützung von IKT
Die alternde Bevölkerung Europas steht vor der Herausforderung, gesundes Altern und einen unabhängigen Lebensstil sicherzustellen. Älteren Menschen sollte es ermöglicht werden, ihre Pflege mitzugestalten und ihre Selbstständigkeit beizubehalten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt VALUECARE hat sich vorgenommen, älteren Menschen, die unter kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen, Gebrechlichkeit und mehreren chronischen Erkrankungen leiden, eine effiziente, ergebnisorientierte integrative Pflege zu bieten. Dabei sollen die Grundsätze der „wertschätzenden Pflege“ angewandt werden. Dieser Ansatz wird von einer stabilen, sicheren und skalierbaren digitalen Lösung unterstützt, die in sieben groß angelegten Pilotstudien in Europa getestet und ausgewertet werden soll. Ziel ist es, die Lebensqualität von älteren Menschen und deren Familien zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die europäischen Gesundheits- und Sozialsysteme nachhaltiger zu gestalten.
Healthy ageing along with independent living have become key challenges for Europe as countries are experiencing growth in the number of older persons in their population. Several international organisations have stressed the importance of the independence, participation and autonomy of older people to remain healthy and, consequently, to ensure their quality of life. VALUECARE will deliver efficient outcome-based integrated (health and social) care to older people facing cognitive impairment, frailty and multiple chronic health conditions in order to improve their quality of life (and of their families) as well as the sustainability of the health and social care systems in Europe. It will also take into account the job satisfaction and the wellbeing of the health and social service providers, thus moving from the “Triple” to the “Quadruple Aim”. The project’s vision of integrated value-based care will be supported by a robust, secure and scalable digital solution that will be tested and evaluated in 7 large-scale pilots in Europe following a sound methodology developed by the project partners together with the end-users. VALUECARE proposes greater efficiency in the use of resources and coordination of care in a setting that ensures trust of users and policy makers about data access, protection and sharing and standardisation that can be replicated in EU. The consortium, made up of 17 partners from 8 EU countries, led by the Erasmus Medical Centre, has been built to guarantee the full coverage of the scientific, technological, clinical and social competencies, and to gather the viewpoint of different actors necessary to develop, test and evaluate the concepts, paradigms, protocols and interventions related to VALUECARE. The project’s multidisciplinary consortium includes stakeholders from the whole supply chain of the digital health and social care environment in order to maximize its chances of success.
- H2020-EU.3.1. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Health, demographic change and well-being Main Programme
- H2020-EU. - Active ageing, independent and assisted living
- H2020-EU. - Optimising the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare provision and reducing inequalities by evidence based decision making and dissemination of best practice, and innovative technologies and approaches
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