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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Citizen Science cafes

Citizen Science cafes. CSI-COP Cafés and Stakeholder Engagement (M42)

Recruited CS Community

Recruited community of CSICOP Citizen Scientists M29

Android App Trackers

Android App Trackers Database. Database of CSI-COP Android App Trackers (M34)

Website cookie trackers

Website Cookie Trackers Database. Database of CSI-COP Cookie Trackers (M34)

Parent-Teacher Round tables

Parent-Teacher Roundtables. Parent-Teacher-Citizen Science Round Tables (M42)

Scientific Communications

Scientific Communication. Communication: conferences and peer-reviewed journal papers (M42)

CSI-COP main event

CSI-COP main event. Main CSI-COP project dissemination event (M41)

List of all CSI-COP events - updated

A list of each and every CSI-COP event providing detailed information of completed and upcoming events for monitoring purposes

Societal Impact Assessment Report 2

Societal impact assessment report 2 M42

CSI-COP Framework

CSI-COP Framework. Public report for CSI-COP Framework (M09).

CDE Strategy

New deliverable for CSICOP communication dissemination and exploitation CDE strategy in WP6 under subtask T611

Societal impact assessment report1

Societal impact assessment report M28

List of all CSI-COP events

A list of each and every CSI-COP event providing detailed information for monitoring purposes.Deliverable due in month 3.

Policy Brief v2

Final policy brief version 2 M43

Policy Brief v1

Policy brief version 1

List of all CSI-COP events - final

Final list of each and every CSICOP event providing detailed information of completed events for monitoring purposes M42

GDPR Tracker compliance

GDPR Tracker compliance Synthesis of CSICOP GDPR Tracker compliance M44

Guidelines for CS recruitment

Guidelines for CS recruitment. Guidelines for balanced recruitment and selection of Citizen Scientists (M05)

CS Research Report

CS Research report. Public report on current methods in CS Engagement (M03)

Taxonomy of Trackers

Taxonomy of Trackers Systematic classification mapping website cookies and app trackers M39

Internal AGSEG report

AGSEG report CSICOP citizen scientists age socioeconomic and geographical AGSEG distribution report M35

Project website

Project website. CSI-COP project website and citizen science forum (M3)

Web-based Knowledge resource

Webbased Knowledge resource TRL 5 Searchable Public Webbased Knowledge Resource on Cookie and App Trackers M41


Beneath the bonnet of online privacy

Autores: Huma Shah and Ian Marshall
Publicado en: EU Researcher, Edición 4, 2023, Página(s) 78-81, ISSN 2752-4736
Editor: EU Research
DOI: 10.56181/efud6956

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