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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories

Descrizione del progetto

Costruire le fabbriche del futuro

Le fabbriche europee stanno diventando più intelligenti, ottimizzando i processi di produzione e consentendo un’industria più sostenibile e competitiva. L’obiettivo finale è di trovare il giusto equilibrio tra automazione efficiente dal punto di vista dei costi e compiti ripetitivi, nonché il coinvolgimento dei lavoratori in ambiti quali adattabilità, creatività e agilità. In linea con il modello di fabbrica altamente connesso, all’interno della fabbrica vengono generati numerosi dati, attraverso i sensori integrati e le attrezzature di produzione connesse. Tutte queste informazioni sono utili per migliorare i processi. Il progetto SHOP4CF, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà una piattaforma su un’architettura aperta che può supportare gli esseri umani nelle attività di produzione e fornire un’implementazione di base come soluzione gratuita e open-source. Esso si affiderà a progetti pilota che fungono da impianti di prova e semi per l’adozione della piattaforma.


SHOP4CF aims to find the right balance between cost-effective automation, repetitive tasks and involve the human workers in areas such as adaptability, creativity and agility where they create the biggest added value. Also to pursue the highly-connected factory model to reap the benefits of all the data generated within the factory.
Tapping into those data streams and human capital requires creating favorable technological, economical and societal conditions. SHOP4CF will do so by relying on the following:
• A platform developed on an open architecture encompassing technologies based on RAMI 4.0 and FIWARE Technologies which can support humans in production activities and providing basic implementation as a free, open-source solution. Including 30 components developed within SHOP4CF project by top RTOs from all over Europe.
• Implementing pilots acting as the testing facilities and seeds for adoption of the platform. 4 large scale pilots lead by industrial leaders in Europe and 30 FSTP Pilots selected through 5 competitive open calls that will receive technical, business and access to investment support.
• A marketplace as one-stop-shop for SMEs (developers and end users) to access essential services for digital transformation including business modelling, technical support, access to skills and finance.
• Building a vibrant and growing community around the platform necessary to create the adoption critical mass.
• Leading pre-standardization activities in the areas of collaborative robotics, AGVs and use of IoT devices on the shopfloor.
SHOP4CF will continue its operations with a self-sustainable non-profit association with members all over Europe that could be integrated with the one created by DIH2 project. SHOP4CF will demonstrate that public funded research can help SMEs & Mid-Caps achieve digital excellence and global competitiveness through adopting advanced robotics solutions in human-centric digitalization

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 4 131 522,69
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Muenchen

Mostra sulla mappa

Bayern Oberbayern München, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 4 131 522,93

Partecipanti (22)