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Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Good practice recommendations for evaluation of PhD courses in transferable skills

This deliverable will provide practical guidelines for the evaluation and accreditation ECTS of PhD courses in transferable skills based on the experiences of the DocEnhance project and recommendations from the course developers in WP2

Index list of recommended online courses

WP2 will collect and index existing Massive Open Online Courses MOOCs of high relevance and quality to feed into the DocEnhance curriculum

Initial PEDR

This deliverable will provide a Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of the project Results (PEDR) to define the outreach and targeted strategy for the dissemination of the project results and activities. The plan will include in detail the dissemination activities, channels, tools and stakeholder target groups that are relevant to the project.

European voluntary standard (CWA)

This deliverable will provide a CEN workshop agreement CWA for implementation of the careertracking study This will require the following A business plan must be made and evaluated before the proposal for standardisation is accepted A formal CENadvertised and organised kickoff meeting will be held at the beginning of the process The proposed standard must to some degree be structured according to a preexisting template An open hearing process lasting at least 60 days will be publicly announced and the feedback from the hearing will be used as input for a consensusbased version A formal CENadvertised and organised consensus meeting will be held at the end of the process where points of contention if any are debated and decided on

2nd Policy Brief

This deliverable provides a brief overview of the impact achieved by the project up to M36

Good practice recommendations for integration of transferable skills training in PhD programmes

This deliverable will provide a review of different initiatives and resources eg the DocEnhance skills gap preassessment and results generated by relevant EU projects that are pertinent to creating good practice recommendations for integrating transferable skills training into PhD programmes The purpose of this deliverable is to identify the position of transferable skills in PhD training across Europe and beyond

The DocEnhance curriculum

WP2 will provide the DocEnhance curriculum a recommended curriculum for transferable skills to be integrated into PhD programmes across Europe and will build on the output from the stakeholder workshops online consultation and career tracking results in WP1

Report on reference architecture

This deliverable will describe the reference architecture for the DocEnhance Platform as well as the functional specification (functionalities, interfaces, interactions) of the core building blocks will be developed. The reference architecture will also specify the MoSCoW planning of the functional specifications to be delivered over the development phases.

Interaction model for educational collaboration between the academic and non-academic sector

WP3 will define the key factors in highquality interaction with and responsiveness to society in the piloted courses Based on this WP3 will develop an interaction model for educational collaboration between the academic and nonacademic sector in alignment with the SoTL

Requirements analysis

This deliverable will describe all the requirements that are specified for the DocEnhance Platform, considering the features outline and technical blueprint. Requirements can be separated into operational, design, performance and technical (functional and non-functional) requirements. This deliverable will consider the desired features from the perspective of each stakeholder involved in the DocEnhance project. Particular attention will be paid to the visibility of the DocEnhance brand when considering the different bootstrapping options onto the European PhD Hub.

Project evaluation

A specific plan for ongoing evaluation of the projects activities and results will be developed at the beginning of the project The plan will include methodologies and tools to be used a timetable expected results and contributing partners and stakeholders for each evaluation activity to be carried out The plan will be revised annually to ensure that it is in line with the evolution of the project This report provides the initial plan together with an evaluation of the different phases of the project

Final roadmap for implementation of the DocEnhance resources

This deliverable will provide a final roadmap for implementation of the DocEnhance Network that will be created by mapping of relevant stakeholders

Implementation of the pilot course in Supervision

WP3 implements the pilot course in Supervision The course will be run at two universities in the first iterative loop followed by evaluation WP4 Feedback will be gathered and accordingly changes will be made to refine the course concept and content WP2 The improved course will be rerun and further refined in the second iterative loop

Implementation of the pilot course in Data stewardship

WP3 implements the pilot course in Data stewardship The course will be run at two universities in the first iterative loop followed by evaluation WP4 Feedback will be gathered and accordingly changes will be made to refine the course concept and content WP2 The improved course will be rerun and further refined in the second iterative loop

Good practice recommendations for implementation of the career-tracking survey

The overall aim of this deliverable is to create good practice recommendations for career tracking and alumni networking The DocEnhance careertracking survey will build on an established PhD tracking survey previously developed and implemented by ESF All university partners will be involved in the development and implementation of this survey of their PhD graduates during the past 57 years Two of the university partners TUM and MU have already participated in the ESF careertracking survey in 2017 and will therefore be able to share their best practices with the partner universities new to PhD graduate tracking The open access survey and good practice recommendations for implementation will enable costefficient and harmonized PhD graduate tracking among European universities thus improving the coverage and significance of the findings beyond the consortium

Platform testing framework

WP5 will provide a framework for testing the DocEnhance platform. The iterative testing phase will take place at the same time as the two iteration phases. During the implementation phase, the developer team will deliver new functionalities following the burn-up chart, using iterative testing method to have short feedback loops.

Good practice recommendations for DocEnhance course concept implementation

WP3 will provide good practice recommendations for running the courses in alignment with the SoTL including a collective timeline in order to ensure interlinkage and interchangeability between hosting institutions

Interim PEDR

This deliverable provides an updated version of the Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of the project Results.

Report from the stakeholder validation workshop

WP4 will organise a validation workshop backtoback with the DocEnhance annual meeting spring 2022 following the second iterative loop where internal and external stakeholders will validate the second prototype of the DocEnhance Platform and its revised contents This deliverable will collate feedback from the validation workshop and provide a report including all relevant suggestions comments and observations to be incorporated in the final version of the DocEnhance Platform

Report from the stakeholder evaluation workshop

WP4 will organise an evaluation workshop backtoback with the DocEnhance annual meeting spring 2021 following the first iterative loop where internal and external stakeholders will evaluate the first prototype of the DocEnhance Platform and its contentsThis deliverable will collate feedback from the evaluation workshop and provide a report including all relevant suggestions comments and observations to be incorporated in the second iterative loop

Project visual identity (logo, templates)

This deliverable provides a project-specific branding identity in line with the communications strategy that will support and facilitate the promotion of the project. This will provide a common visual denominator for stakeholders to identify the project clearly and therefore raise the project’s visibility to non-partners. Overall, the following elements will be developed and produced within this deliverable for the promotion of the project and its results: • A project visual identity (logo and templates)

Implementation of the pilot course in Career management and entrepreneurship

WP3 implements the pilot course in Career management and entrepreneurship The course will be run at two universities in the first iterative loop followed by evaluation WP4 Feedback will be gathered and accordingly changes will be made to refine the course concept and content WP2 The improved course will be rerun and further refined in the second iterative loop

User's manual for the DocEnhance platform

This deliverable will provide a user manual for the DocEnhance platform.

Final PEDR

This deliverable will provide a revised version of the PEDR to ensure that the targeted strategy for the dissemination of the project results and activities is in line with the evolution of the project and the latest results It will be adjusted to properly consider the project needs and integrating input and feedback received from all project partners

Iterative testing and development

The iterative testing phase will take place at the same time as the two iteration phases During the implementation phase the developer team will deliver new functionalities following the burnup chart using iterative testing method to have short feedback loops This will update the users manual for the platform and provide a final update of the online platform to increase the maintainability of the platform and decrease the total cost of ownership

Report on career tracking of PhD graduates

This deliverable will provide a report on the run a careertracking survey of PhD graduates among partner universities The DocEnhance careertracking study will build on an established PhD tracking survey previously developed and implemented by ESF All university partners will be involved in the development and implementation of this survey of their PhD graduates during the past 57 years The survey and results will be made publicly and freely available on the DocEnhance Platform and be used in order to finetune the proposed roadmap and recommended curriculum

1st Policy Brief

This deliverable provides a brief overview of the impact achieved by the project up to M18.

External project website

This deliverable will provide a project website presenting the project goals, expected impact, consortium partners, milestones and a news section. The website will serve to inform the target groups identified in the PEDR about the project progress. Relevant project outputs will be made available on the website, while their sustainability will be guaranteed through the DocEnhance Platform (WP5).

The DocEnhance Platform

The main aim of WP5 is to establish a dynamic, adaptable and sustainable online platform, the DocEnhance Platform, for building and maintaining the network and community, and for sharing of the developed DocEnhance OERs (SO7). The DocEnhance Platform will support the creation of a network of academic and non-academic institutions by creating an online and interdisciplinary space for co-operation and information sharing with the aim of supporting innovative career-oriented PhD training. The platform will therefore support the modernisation of PhD programmes by making resources (courses, guidelines, reports, studies) created through the project available to different networks. WP5 will build upon an existing platform and network called the European PhD Hub. DocEnhance will bootstrap onto this existing resource to maximise project impact and improve efficiency of EU funds allocated to the field of making PhD education future proof.

Promotion and communication material

This deliverable provides a project-specific branding identity in line with the communications strategy that will support and facilitate the promotion of the project. This will provide a common visual denominator for stakeholders to identify the project clearly and therefore raise the project’s visibility to non-partners. Overall, the following elements will be developed and produced within this deliverable for the promotion of the project and its results: • Printed and digital brochures and flyers • Digital banners • Printed and digital posters

Pilot course in Data stewardship

WP2 will develop online lectures, creation of concepts for practical-skills training through student-active interdisciplinary group work, and creation of a concept for applying the gained knowledge and skills in a non-academic setting through regional assignments. More specifically, the course will introduce foundational concepts and practices underlying data stewardship. This will include the following steps in a research project: i) data search and reuse: making use of existing datasets, ii) collecting or generating new data, iii) storing, structuring, describing and analysing data, and iv) archiving and sharing data, in alignment with the FAIR data principles. The pilot course will be built according to evidence-based principles of multimedia learning, active learning and constructive alignment. Good practice elements include video lectures with embedded practice exercises, quizzes and peer assessment, all derived from clearly formulated learning outcome statements. The deliverable leader will incorporate the input from WP1 for development of course content. In addition, this deliverable will provide guidelines for the recommended workload and gained ECTS.

Pilot course in Supervision

WP2 will create online lectures and concepts for practical-skills training through interdisciplinary group work and peer coaching, and for involving non-academic actors and settings in supervision. The course will focus on embedding general and practical skills in supervision, and training the participants to implement them in various contexts. By the end of the course, the participants will have knowledge of alternative supervision practices by which they can develop their supervision environment to be more open and responsive to the changes in the working life. The deliverable leader will incorporate the input from WP1 for development of course content. In addition, this deliverable will provide guidelines for the recommended workload and gained ECTS.

Pilot course in Career management and entrepreneurship

WP2 will develop online lectures and practical-skills training on specific case studies, following the approach pioneered by the Harvard Business School in the interdisciplinary group work. The gained knowledge and skills will be applied in a non-academic setting through regional assignments. The course content will be structured to teach researchers at all career stages how to navigate their career choices based on self- and career awareness, and to enable their entrepreneurial journey from idea generation and hypothesis-driven innovation to creation of value chains. The deliverable leader will incorporate the input from WP1 for development of course content. In addition, this deliverable will provide guidelines for the recommended workload and gained ECTS.

Initial Data Management Plan

DocEnhance is part of the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot, and therefore this deliverable will provide an initial Data Management Plan (DMP). The DMP will detail what kind of data the project is expected to generate and how it will be handled and managed safely during the project period. In addition, it will detail how the data will be curated and preserved, exploited and made accessible through open archiving in the DocEnhance community on Zenodo for verification and reuse after the project has ended. The DMP will be updated at the end of each reporting period in the case of inclusion of new data sets, changes in consortium policies or external factors, and to capture any other new information relevant to the project’s research data management. The DMP will be made openly available after the project end.

Final Data Management Plan

This deliverable will provide the final updated version of the DMP The DMP will detail what kind of data the project has generated and how this data will be curated and preserved exploited and made accessible through open archiving in the DocEnhance community on Zenodo for verification and reuse after the project has ended The DMP will be made openly available after the project end


Labour market perspectives for PhD graduates in Europe

Autorzy: Eva Hnatkova, Iryna Degtyarova, Margaux Kersschot, Julia Boman
Opublikowane w: European Journal of Education, 2022, Strona(/y) 395-409, ISSN 1465-3435
Wydawca: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12514

Utvikling av gjenbrukbart undervisningsmateriale: Erfaringer fra prosjektet DocEnhance

Autorzy: Andreassen, Helene N.; Hansen, Poul Henning Gustaf
Opublikowane w: Numer 7, 2022
Wydawca: Bibliotekenes nettverk for ph.d.-støtte

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