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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform

Descripción del proyecto

Promover las competencias transferibles en la investigación doctoral

Varias universidades y organizaciones no académicas se han unido, bajo la coordinación de la Universidad del Ártico de Noruega, para mejorar la educación doctoral a través de la formación de las competencias transferibles y la articulación del mercado laboral. En el marco del proyecto DocEnhance, financiado con fondos europeos, crearán un plan de estudios para los programas de doctorado más orientado a la innovación y al empleo con el fin de facilitar la transición al mundo laboral. El proyecto también diseñará un concepto de curso, materiales y una encuesta de seguimiento laboral de acceso libre. Se centrará en las competencias transferibles, que facilitan la transición al mundo laboral y pueden aplicarse en múltiples ámbitos, independientemente del campo científico y de la orientación profesional elegida. Todos los resultados del proyecto estarán disponibles como recursos educativos de acceso libre a través de la plataforma DocEnhance y serán puestos a prueba entre varias universidades socias europeas.


DocEnhance aims to enhance transferable skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by i) involving the non-academic sector in developing a more employment and innovation-oriented curriculum for PhD programmes, ii) facilitating work-based learning and business-education partnerships through developing PhD courses, and iii) tracking of PhD graduate career paths. The major outputs of the project are a recommended transferable skills curriculum for PhD programmes, a novel course concept and material, and an open access career-tracking survey. The project will focus on transferable skills, as these skills facilitate the transition into employment and are widely applicable, regardless of scientific field and chosen career path. All project outputs will be provided as freely available Open Educational Resources through an online platform, the DocEnhance Platform. This platform will function as a comprehensive, user-friendly and equal access point for transferable skills intelligence and training in research education for researchers in all career stages, as well as a community and networking site, designed to live beyond the project lifetime.

DocEnhance builds on a large, diverse and experienced consortium, several existing EU-projects and other initiatives to achieve these ambitious goals. The External Advisory Board and the Industry Reference Group represent the major stakeholders and end users of the project outputs, and their involvement is ensured through a co-creation approach that includes project evaluation and validation events. All project outputs will be piloted among several European partner universities during the project for proof-of-concept, and a project partner from Africa and member university of the the World University Network represents the interests of non-European countries.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 165 490,00
9019 Tromso

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Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 165 490,00

Participantes (18)