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Results of workshop 1 with ethics committees and research integrity bodies to ensure the that the project is valuable to representatives of international, national and sub-federal ethics and research integrity bodies. Results of the two workshops organised to intensify the dialogue between policy makers, funding agencies and the ethics and research integrity bodies will also be reported
Paper manuscript on Participatory Practices and Ethics issues in InnovationPaper manuscript on Participatory Practices and Ethics issues in Innovation (mainly linked to Task 1.2)
Report with insights and recommendations for embedding the learning across national ecosystemsReport with insights and recommendations for embedding the learning across national ecosystems. Results of the national events organised will be reported.
Findings of the stakeholder dialoguesFindings of the stakeholder dialogues and the stakeholders' engagement activities carried out in Task 4.2.
Documentation of the final conference of PRO-ethicsPaper manuscript for publication on ethics in new actor constellations
Paper manuscript for publication (e.g. submitted to Science and Public Policy Journal,/Oxford Uni-versity Press or Research Policy Journal/Elsevier) on Governance, Structures and Regulations to foster ethics in new actor constellations in innovation programmes of Research Funding Organisation (RFOs) in Europe.
Summary and evaluation reports on pilot I resultsSummary and evaluation reports on pilot I results linked to the activities implemented in Task 1 by the funding agencies (namely Innoviris, RCN, CDTI, FFG, VDI/VDE, TACR, UEFISCDI, RCL) and their selection of innovative participatory real-life experiment for detailed ethical analysis.
List of Events - Update 2Update on significant events conferences seminars workshops which will be organised by the project title date location content
Report on the results of the e-consultationReport on the results of the e-consultation. Both the ethics framework (T1.4 and T5.2) and the derived guidelines and criteria (T1.4 and T5.3) will be made available via an online platform for e-consultation to gather feedback from external innovation funding agencies, ethics committee representatives, and research integrity experts, particularly aimed at assessing the usability of the framework and the guidelines as well as scrutinising the completeness of the criteria.
Policy Brief 3Third policy brief
PRO-Ethics ethics framework 0.1 and guidelinesPRO-Ethics ethics framework 0.1 and guidelines linked to activities carried with T1.4 that systematizes the work of all WP1 tasks.
Policy Brief 1First Policy brief
Reports on pilot II resultsCompilation of ethics narratives in real life experiences
Compilation of ethics narratives in real life experiences based on activities carried out in Task 3.4 and the stories of first-hand experiences of the RFOs in dealing with the implementation of the draft ethics framework in novel interaction modes
Results of the workshop 2 with ethics committees and research integrity bodiesResults of workshop 2 with ethics committees and research integrity bodies.
Synthesis Report on Pilot experiencesSynthesis Report on Pilot experiences' findings.
Monitoring and Evaluation conceptPolicy Brief 2
Second Policy Brief
List of events - Update 3Update on significant events (conferences, seminars, workshops) which will be organised by the project (title, date, location, content).
Practical guidelines and criteriaPractical guidelines and criteria based on activities described in Task 5.3
PRO-Ethics framework 1.0PRO-Ethics framework 1.0 taking into account the project activities developed in WP1 and project findings of WP2, WP3 and WP4.
List of EventsInformation on significant events (conferences, seminars, workshops) which will be organised by the project (title, date, location, content).
List of Events - Update 1Update on significant events (conferences, seminars, workshops) which will be organised by the project (title, date, location, content).
Project logo and website. Any communication activity related to the project (including in electronic form, via social media, etc.) will display the EU emblem and (b) include the following text: “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872441”.
Wiarda, M., Coenen, T.B.J., Doorn, N.
Veröffentlicht in:
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Ausgabe 48, 2023, ISSN 2210-4224
Elsevier BV
Wiarda, M., van de Kaa, G., Doorn, N., Yaghmaei, E.
Veröffentlicht in:
Science and Engineering Ethics, Ausgabe 28, 2022, ISSN 1353-3452
Opragen Publications
Wiarda, M., van de Kaa, G., Yaghmaei, E., & Doorn, N.
Veröffentlicht in:
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Ausgabe 172, 2021, ISSN 0040-1625
Elsevier BV
Kofler, Jakob, Nindl, Elisabeth, Sturn, Dorothea & Wailzer, Magdalena
Veröffentlicht in:
fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, Ausgabe 52, 2021, Seite(n) 47-55, ISSN 1726-6629
Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
Wiarda, M., Janssen, M.J., Coenen, T.B.J., Doorn, N.
Veröffentlicht in:
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Ausgabe 50, 2024, ISSN 2210-4224
Elsevier BV
Wiarda, M., Sobota, V.C.M., Janssen, M.J., Kaa, G. Van De, Yaghmaei, E., Doorn, N., van de Kaa, G., Yaghmaei, E., Doorn, N.
Veröffentlicht in:
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Ausgabe 191, 2023, ISSN 0040-1625
Elsevier BV
Wiarda, M., Doorn, N.
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Responsible Technology, Ausgabe 16, 2023, ISSN 2666-6596
Wöhrer, Veronika, Buchner, Tobias, Kerschhofer-Puhalo, Nadia, Kieslinger, Barbara, Mayer, Katja, Schürz, Stefanie, Streicher, Barbara & Truckenbrodt, Sina
Veröffentlicht in:
Proceedings of Science
Wiarda, M.J.
Veröffentlicht in:
Simon Stevin Series in Ethics of Technology, 2023
Delft University of Technology
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