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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Participatory Real Life Experiments in Research and Innovation Funding Organisations on Ethics

Descripción del proyecto

Marco ético para experimentos participativos

En las últimas décadas, las prácticas participativas y los experimentos reales han ganado popularidad. Permiten la participación democrática de poblaciones en el cambio deseado o la innovación en las vidas y los entornos de las personas. Sin embargo, hay muchas técnicas o formas de realizar prácticas experimentales, por lo que es necesario establecer normas jurídicas o éticas a fin de proteger a los participantes o a otros ciudadanos de los peligros o las injusticias que se deriven de dichos experimentos. A través de un diálogo profundo, el proyecto PRO-Ethics, financiado con fondos europeos, creará un marco ético para dichas actividades mediante la formulación de principios, criterios, buenas prácticas y propuestas para garantizar la justicia y la transparencia de los métodos utilizados. Este marco se probará y validará en once casos prácticos en varios campos y diferentes condiciones culturales y locales.


The implementation of participatory practices for the development of innovations has gained prominence over the last years. Through introducing open R&I configurations innovators can gather additional knowledge about the needs and desires of citizens, public and semi-public caretakers, NGOs, social entrepreneurs etc. and thus be able to answer those through innovative products and processes. However, the ways how this is done, how it is based on legal and regulatory frameworks and to what extent ethical issues are taken into account differ massively between various countries and contexts. Furthermore, concrete concerns regarding the protection of participating non-traditional stakeholders (e.g. citizens) and their potential exploitation emerge with these new modes of innovation.
Therefore, PRO-Ethics elaborates an ethics framework with principles, guidelines, assessment criteria, good practice and proposals on regulatory environments how citizens’ engagement can be properly put in place without disregarding ethical principles of fairness, transparency, gender, privacy and sustainability. This will be done through iterative discourse and learning loops together with eight participating research funding organisations (RFOs), five expert partners and two international organisations. Furthermore, the framework will be applied, tested and validated in real life through 11 practical cases and experimental pilots implemented by the RFOs in three different action fields (i.e. project funding; strategy development and evaluation). PRO-Ethics will have an European-wide outreach, nevertheless, it will incorporate and compare local conditions and other specific and cultural characteristics of the partnering RFOs from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Spain and Brussels implementing the PRO-Ethics cases and pilots.

Palabras clave

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 671 105,56
1150 Wien

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Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 671 105,56

Participantes (14)