CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Publishing of training activities and material on the Marketplace
M21 On-line version of Business servicesUpdate Publishing on the Marketplace of all new business services available for ICs
Ecosystem Management PlatformEcosystem Management Platform, as one of the key assets of the SmartEEs2 project, is aimed at driving innovation and growth around the digital and collaborative economy while creating new cross-bordering market opportunities around the next generation of FWE products.
M21 On-line version of Technical servicesUpdate / Publishing on the Marketplace of all new technical services available for ICs.
Delivered websiteFinalized and published association website
Virtual Tours available at the websiteVirtual tours of RTOs’ laboratories and main technologies available to produce FEW-enabled prototypes and scale-up to be published on SmartEEs2 website.
M8 On-line version of Technical servicesPublishing on the Marketplace of all technical services available for ICs.
M21 On-line version of Ecosystem servicesUpdate Publishing on the Marketplace of new services available at the other rDIHs that will be outreached
M8 On-line version of Ecosystem servicesPublishing on the Marketplace of all ecosystem services available inside the 4 Lighthouse r-DIHs and 6 Follower r-DIHs linked to the consortium.
WebsiteA portal for information, news and services on FWE technologies, products, applications to help raise awareness of the project and its services among SMEs, FWE community, public bodies, and EU citizens.
M8 On-line version of Business servicesPublishing on the Marketplace of all business services available for ICs.
Dissemination material outlining the challenges the ICs faced and resolved and the AEs immediate and anticipated impacts at IC level increase in productivity competitivity turnover job creation investment knowledge and knowhow collaborations and EU level economical environmental andor societal impact
M21 Printed version of the portfolio of servicesUpdated version of the brochure (electronic file) of Ecosystem/Technical/Business services for dissemination and outreach activities.
M8 Printed version of the portfolio of servicesA Brochure (electronic file) detailing the portfolio of Ecosystem/Technical/Business services for dissemination and outreach activities.
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