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European Self Sovereign Identity Framework Laboratory

Descripción del proyecto

Innovaciones para lograr transacciones por internet seguras y fiables

La identidad soberana (SSI, por sus siglas en inglés) apoya la gestión de la identidad en un internet seguro y fiable, en el que se permitan las transacciones protegidas y se eliminen los inicios de sesión. La SSI tiene como objetivo empoderar a las organizaciones de la Unión Europea para realizar transacciones innovadoras y protegidas con las partes interesadas, lo cual ahorrará miles de millones de euros en gastos administrativos. La integración de la SSI también creará nuevos puestos de trabajo y oportunidades empresariales. Sin embargo, a pesar de que las soluciones de la SSI se han expandido por todo el mundo, la gran mayoría se centran en problemas específicos de ámbitos concretos y que inusualmente interoperan. El proyecto eSSIF-Lab, financiado con fondos europeos, es un proyecto de innovación que tiene como objetivo reforzar la fiabilidad de internet en las identidades digitales mediante el desarrollo y la adopción de tecnologías de SSI. El objetivo final es adelantar la asimilación a gran escala de la SSI como solución de próxima generación para una identidad digital de confianza y abierta.


Self-sovereign identity (SSI) promises to empower European citizens with new means to manage privacy, to eliminate logins, and to enjoy much faster and safer electronic transactions via the internet as well as in real life. SSI promises to empower European organisations to speed up, secure and automate transactions with customers, suppliers and partners, resulting in tens of billions of euros savings annually on administrative costs in Europe. SSI promises to drive a new business ecosystem with thousands of new jobs, new job categories and new business opportunities for existing and new European companies.
SSI is not a self-fulfilling promise. While so-called SSI ‘solutions’ are popping up all over the world, the vast majority has a local scope, i.e. they solve a problem in a specific domain, they do not scale (at every level they need to, e.g. at the technical, process, information and business levels), and scarcely interoperate. Addressing these issues is a top priority for the eSSIF-Lab project.
eSSIF-Lab (European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Laboratory) is a lab-to-market project for ICT-24 subtopic 1-b “strengthening internet trustworthiness with electronic identities”, that facilitates the further development, integration and adoption of SSI technologies through a cascade funding approach targeting innovative companies developing SSI based solutions. eSSIF-Lab is championed by leading experts in SSI technologies, cascade funding, business acceleration and continuous deployment of open-source software. eSSIF-Lab will award up to 65 subgrants in 2 types of open calls, 1 targeting technical enhancements and extensions of the SSI framework (up to 23, for SMEs, startups, self-employed individuals, mid-caps, large companies, non-for profit-entities, research organisations, academic innovators, and innovators from larger organisations), and 2 targeting SSI business and social innovations and applications (up to 42, for SMEs and startups). 1 additional extra call of the business-oriented project type (a call to complete the Framework) will be launched, if the number of selected companies is lower than expected and required funding and resources for additional support are available after the scheduled open calls (up to 4, for SMEs, non-for-profit and research entities). The project will provide business and technical support to integrate SSI technology with market propositions, and to accelerate SSI-related businesses and social applications. The outreach though the open calls and the prominent position in the emerging SSI community will enable the eSSIF-Lab consortium to advance the broad uptake of SSI as a next generation open and trusted digital identity solution.

Ámbito científico (EuroSciVoc)

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 493 743,75
Coste total
€ 493 743,75

Participantes (5)