Periodic Reporting for period 2 - B-HUB FOR EUROPE (Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth)
Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Five main objectives were pursued:
1. Monitor blockchain startups ecosystems growth and discover talents and technology excellence
2. Educate target beneficiaries and create awareness on blockchain potential and its possible applications in the industry and service sector
3. Increase the technology demand and create more opportunities for blockchain technology uptake
4. Enhance the interaction between blockchain startups and the public and private sector to create business opportunities, encourage technology partnerships and assist fundraising operations
5. Contribute to the creation of a more favorable regulatory framework for blockchain technology by gathering inputs and insights from the blockchain community.
The project, implemented over a 24 month period, started in January 2020 and closed by 31/21/2021.
A broad capacity building action was put in place towards private (corporates and SMEs, non-profit organisations, sectoral associations) and public organisations (central and local governments, public agencies and academies) in the five target countries reaching more than 460 organisations and 600 participants to transfer knowledge on the blockchain technology application in different verticals, the most advanced solutions suitable for application to improve business production and distribution processes and innovate public services.
Matchmaking opportunities through matching labs were created for 51 startups with 90+ SMEs, corporates, public administrations, local governments and investors to establish business links and technology partnerships. The efforts put in place led to 2 B2B commercial agreements and 3 technology partnerships signed, one seed fundraising operation finalised, 3 PoCs developed, 5 pilots for technology validation, 20 startups supported to access national and European funding schemes. Links with investors were also created for more than 20 startups.
The B-HUB FOR EUROPE community is growing in the five ecosystems, involving blockchain startups, experts, enthusiasts and various stakeholders engaged in project activities and dissemination events. Through 112 events, including conferences, webinars, workshops, training sessions and summits, the B-HUB consortium reached 10,800+ participants. Furthermore, a bi-monthly digital newsletter was distributed to about 1,500 stakeholders in the five countries.
Through a scouting and mapping activity conducted by partners over the period 2020-2021, profiles of national ecosystems in the blockchain field were traced. A Blockchain Report was published in December 2021 illustrating the five ecosystems blockchain profiles.
The B-HUB FOR EUROPE team created cross-border and international links building synergies with 25 ongoing initiatives dealing with blockchain innovation and ecosystems mapping at European level. Contacts established provided for business leads for supported startups. Furthermore, links allowed for knowledge transfer, signposting of startups and innovations, joint organisation of events and public initiatives, data and figures exchange on blockchain ecosystems.
Finally, B-Hub has collected feedback and inputs from the engaged stakeholders and startups on the main needs, critical aspects and upcoming opportunities related to the standardisation and normative processes at national and EU levels. Material collected led to the publication in October 2021 of a startup survey reporting insights on the blockchain technology adoption landscape. Furthermore, final remarks, observations and recommendations were consolidated in a Report to contribute to the improvement of the ongoing regulatory process for a sustainable growth of the blockchain technology at EU level.
The brand-new & customised acceleration programme tailored to the needs of the participating companies provided increased European visibility to the accelerated startups favouring the establishment of international links. Furthermore, services supplied contributed to reinforce startups business models and competitive capacity in an international context.
A dynamic community of experts and startups was created experimenting new technological partnerships.
A strong boost was ensured to public national and European funding schemes by encouraging and supporting startups to access the available opportunities for access to finance.
Accelerated startups benefited of enhanced awareness on the importance of IP protection management as strategic lever for business growth.
Through mapping activities, an updated picture was provided of the five blockchain ecosystems. Data collected were published and transferred to other European observatories and mapping initiatives to enrich the information base and give more visibility to the startups and actors identified in each country.
Recommendations and policy insights were brought to stimulate the launch of capacity building actions for SMEs and financial support for blockchain technology uptake in the five ecosystems.