Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SSHARE (Self-sufficient humidity to electricity Innovative Radiant Adsorption System Toward Net Zero Energy Buildings)
Période du rapport: 2019-11-01 au 2021-10-31
To achieve this goal project has been divided by six Work Packages. Namely,
- WP1 Innovative nano-structured composites Design. Objective: Development and optimization of oxide nanomaterials-based active layers with a controlled level of adsorption-induced electrical energy generation to manufacture humidity to electricity converter layers for “Tandem” and Adsorption Energy Generator (AEG) Types of Advanced Radiant Panels.
RESULTS: Fully operational humidity to electricity conversion system of three main types. YSZ based Active Coating, Porous Block and CaSiO3-based active adsorber layer will be delivered.
- WP2 Materials Characterization. Objective: Comprehensive characterization/analysis of the materials and produced energy converter structures.
RESULTS: Protocol on the practical use of the CaSiO3 materials in Humidity to Electricity conversion process.
Protocol on the Electrical and Thermal Properties of Active Coating, YSZ- and CaSiO3-based Porous Blocks structures.
- WP3 Panel Assembly. Objective: Optimization of fabrication procedures and Assembly of Testing Devices of Tandem and AEG types of Radiation Panel in a Lab scale.
RESULTS: Principles of Self-sufficient radiant panels assembly elaborated and optimized; Protocol on the fabrication of working testing devices; Protocol on testing device system Performance.
- WP4 Corrective Measures. Objective: Overall efforts directed to the SSHARE device performance enhancement.
RESULTs: Optimized design of the SSHARE systems
- WP5 Prototype Elaboration. Objective: Prototype elaboration. Optimization of design features.
RESULTs: Technical documentation, containing a recommendation for the SSHARE device development; Patent application
- WP6 Management. Objective: Project Management, Dissemination Activities.
RESULTs: Successful Implementation of SSHARE project.
Within project lifetime until reporting period following progress was made on such objectives implementation.
(i) Within project implementation 32 ESR and ER researchers performed 141.63-person moths of secondments.
(ii) Joint activity within project led to the number of yearly based meetings successfully implemented, namely Kick-of, 1st year and 2nd year meetings, other will be implemented in accordance with work plan. Was published 16 scientific peer-reviewed publications, 5 peer-reviewed conference proceedings, more 5 articles are submitted, and 1 PhD Thesis (UA DIPE) successfully defended based on results of the project ongoing activity.
(iii) All visiting researchers accessed training courses, seminars and workshops provided by host universities, as far as it was possible since, number of such events have been drastically decreased do to the pandemic situation.
(iv) Also, project website ( and web page) has been created to disseminate research activity. Thus, until reporting period 450 persons viewed project information.
1. development and design of the advanced nanomaterial based Self-sufficient Radian Panel;
2. nanomaterials controlled functionalization;
3. extended energetic characterization of materials for both thermal and electric energy;
4. corresponded certification as a preparatory stage product validation at real scale application.
The project will: (i) facilitate knowledge transfer between research centers of excellence and SME’s in Europe, Associated Countries and Third Countries; (ii) provide effective training for both experts, young scientists and PhD students. It will result in: (iii) joint publications in journals, books, and collective monographs; (iv) joint presentations at international conferences; (v) effective exchange of ideas, information, samples, etc.; (vi) more effective use of equipment; (vii) implementation of methodologies developed by the participants at the partner institutions; (viii) creation of a network of national research centers of excellence in the area of nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, renewable energy, construction materials; (ix) strengthening of existing bi-lateral collaborations.
A long-term regular exchange between the Teams in this project will result in intensification of joint investigations and increased volume and value of scientific output. The measures taken to reinforce a lasting cooperation between the partners will be: (i) continuation of investigations at Partner Teams beyond individual visits and the end of the project; (ii) introduction and support of the measures to ensure the partnership self-sustainability (as described below) (iii) joint supervision of PhD students using internal funds.
Benefits to society are also expected in the longer term: The successful implementation of policies to deal with invention and collaboration with industry will lead to a number of benefits for society at large and, in particular, the local economy. These benefits include new jobs [working places creation is foreseen for the involved SME (UA) Partner and better education/advanced skills. Target know-how transfer to open nanotech innovation will ensure further development of advanced highly Energy Efficient Heating/Cooling solution for the Building Materials market and like that will bring social benefits for the people life quality and well-being.
Within implemented activity during reporting period were achieved:
- test devices of two different types namely, Porous Blocks and Active Coating for further WP3-5 implementation;
- theoretical basis of Ca-based commercial material SCAMOL use as an active layer for humidity to electricity conversion devices, which will allow “ready to start” Task1.3 of WP1 implementation in accordance with plan;