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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HiPEAC (High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation)

Período documentado: 2021-03-01 hasta 2023-02-28

Europe is strong in computing research, but this does not always translate to products and services. To ensure continued prosperity in Europe, it is important that research into cyber-physical systems of systems powers industry innovations and reaches society as a whole.

HiPEAC6 aims to improve the competitiveness of the computing industry in Europe by stimulating collaboration between academic and industrial researchers, and by connecting them to the innovation community in Europe in the field of cyber-physical systems of systems. The project draws on existing successful instruments (networking, conference, training, consultations, mobility, bi-annual vision document) to structure and connect the European academic and industrial research and innovation communities.

High-level objectives:
[O0] Stimulating collaboration between academic and industrial communities, and connecting them to the innovation community in the field of CPSoS.
[O1] Structuring the community
[O2] Connecting the communities
[O3] Sharing information
[O4] Sharing talent
[O5] Roadmapping
[O6] Impact analysis
[O7] Stimulating innovation

HiPEAC6 objectives were translated into a joint programme of activities consisting of 4 work packages, supplemented by appropriate management processes.
WP1: Community building & networking
This work package focused on attracting new members from the industrial, innovation, stakeholder, EU new member states and CPS research communities. On top of this, the network also strived for better gender balance.

Between 1 Mar 2021 and 28 Feb 2023, the HiPEAC community welcomed 90 new members, 30 of them from industry, 6 from the innovation community, 8 from NMS and 22 from the CPS community. Currently, HiPEAC has 12 partners, 719 European members, and 130 associate members. Of the 719 members, 247 are from companies. Furthermore, we have 1106 HiPEAC PhD students and 413 other affiliate members. See

HiPEAC also offered the community a range of networking events to stimulate collaboration, facilitate technology transfer, and build competences, as follows:

The HiPEAC2022 conference in Budapest brought 379 attendees together. Twenty papers were presented in the main track and 40 workshops & tutorials took place. HiPEAC2023 took place in Toulouse and welcomed 557 attendees. A total of 29 papers were presented and 39 workshops & tutorials were organized.

The ACACES 2021 summer school was held on 12-18 Sept 2021 in Italy. The summer school attracted 258 applications, which resulted in 154 participants accepting the invitation to attend. Fifteen industry participants, representing 11 different companies, attended. The ACACES 2022 summer school took place from 10 to 16 Jul 2022 also in Italy. The 2022 summer school received 295 applications of which 200 people attended the event. Thirteen of the attendees came from industry representing 13 companies.

HiPEAC also organized several computing systems weeks (CSW):
• Spring 2021 CSW (virtual): a series of one-hour webinars spread over a period of six weeks. Three keynotes and eight thematic sessions were organized. A total of 416 people participated in the webinars.
• Autumn 2021 CSW (Lyon, 25-27 Oct 2021),102 participants. This had a focus on system-on-chips (SoC) and embedded systems. Three keynotes were held along with eight sessions focusing on this topic, and two student / careers-focused sessions.
• Spring 2022 CSW (Tampere, 26-28 April 2022),139 attendees. This event focused on the smart internet of things (IoT). Three keynotes and nine sessions on this and related topics were organized, along with two student / careers sessions.

WP2: Communication & talent management

HiPEAC communications are managed by a dedicated communications officer. They seek to promote project objectives and disseminate results widely. Communication activities include website news, social media, email bulletins, the HiPEAC magazine, and the HiPEAC TV YouTube channel. As part of the roadshow, HiPEAC promoted members and projects in events such as EFECS, DATE and embedded world.

Another asset of the network is the recruitment service and jobs website. In HiPEAC6, we continued to work with a talent manager to further develop recruitment support and the jobs portal.

HiPEAC6 offered three mobility activities: internships, collaboration grants and jobs. The HiPEAC jobs portal is an active marketplace for job seekers, and employers. See The primary reason for its success is that it is specialized in profiles with significant expertise in software, computer architecture, tools, embedded systems, compilation. Institutions and companies can post European-based job openings on the portal. This helps retain talent in Europe, while attracting talent from outside Europe. In HiPEAC6, a record number of 2797 jobs were posted on the portal. In addition, HiPEAC Jobs has continued to provide mentoring activities leveraging the expertise of our community.

WP3: Roadmapping & impact analysis

This is a work package with longer-term goals. It contains technology watch and roadmapping activities that lead to the HiPEAC Vision. By working together with other stakeholders, it also has a structuring effect on the community.

The HiPEAC Vision sets out HiPEAC’s analysis of high-performance and embedded architecture and compilation over the coming decade. The 8th version was published in Jan 2021. The main outcomes were presented at eight dissemination events informing experts all over the world. In addition, a short video and press release introducing the main highlights of the 2021 Vision were produced. The 9th version of the vision was launched in January 2023, accompanied by a press release. It was downloaded 493 times by the end of February 2023. See

During HiPEAC6, an in-depth impact analysis of publicly funded research was also carried out by interviewing successful small / medium enterprises (SMEs) who had benefited from EU funding. This analysed the key factors that led to their success, and whether public funding played a role, and if so, at which stage.

WP4: Management

The HiPEAC network is coordinated by Koen De Bosschere, UGENT. The HiPEAC steering committee meets monthly. HiPEAC has four staff members. Vicky Wandels (UGENT) does the project management, Eneko Illarramendi (UGENT) is the technical officer, Madeleine Gray is the communications officer and Federico Iori (BSC) is the recruitment officer.

To contribute to sustainable development, HiPEAC6 focused on (1) taking measures to reduce the environmental carbon footprint of the events organized, (2) reducing the environmental footprint of the catering and goodies and (3) communicating actively about computing-based solutions that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
HiPEAC6 improved the competitiveness of the computing industry in Europe by stimulating collaboration between academic and industrial researchers, and by connecting them to the innovation community in Europe in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems. HiPEAC6 used successful instruments (networking, conference, training, consultations, mobility, bi-annual vision document) to structure and connect the European academic and industrial research and innovation communities. By making use of its efficient infrastructure, the CSA has been working on this ambitious goal from day one.
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