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Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools To Communities

Risultati finali

Final Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan

We will develop strategies for dissemination exploitation and communication and set up a related plan We will revise the first version of the plan and revise it throughout the project and thereby develop a final version

Manual to plan and perform SCP

The manual will provide operational steps schools need to follow when they wish to run a SCP such as decide on which teachers classes or groups are supposed to participate decide on in which framework the SCP is to take part eg in a project week at the end of the term decide on a rough topic and possible cooperation partners contact possible partners set up an activity plan for the SCP This stepbystep manual will also script critical moves

Pedagogical guidelines and exemplary science materials

PEDAGOGICAL GUIDELINES AND EXAMPLARY SCIENCE MATERIALSPedagogical guidelines for the SCP One main aspect of MOSTs success is the meaningful engagement of all involved stakeholders and community members Therefore we will introduce cocreation processes and collaborative working methods as well as provide information on pedagogical concepts we recommend applying see 131 and particularly for girls Specific Objective I2 Exemplary scientific materials on waste and energy As the project participants themselves will select challenging waste and energy issues relevant to their community there will be many different specific topic questions Thus we need to provide background information which can be used universally or be tailored to the needs of the respective SCP Interesting facts on waste managementenergy across Europe information on where to find further scientific and practical knowledge on these topics or posing societal questions on waste and energy management for both primary and secondary level as naturally problems for primary schools need to be simpler than for secondary schools

Account on the European conference

We will draft a brief advertising account to be put on the website and distributed via newsletter to disseminate the projects results

Guidelines: MOST Fairs & setting up regional partnerships

These guidelines will contain information on the aims of the fairs what preparation needs doing for the fairs advertising finding participants and exhibitors beyond the Open Science Schooling Communities what means of dissemination may be used who should be invited what the fair should offer exhibition of the SCP results stands of possible other stakeholders working on wastemanagement or energy saving workshops presentations how to organise the fairs awardsceremony including criteria for selecting the best SCP Additionally these guidelines will provide recommendations on how to use the Regional Support Team to set up a sustainable Open Schooling network in the region eg who to involve how to maintain contact how to ensure that different network members collaborate how to present the network on website

Final evaluation of the impact of the MOST project

The report will draw on the evidence collected through the two cycles of implementation It will discuss the impact of the project and provide a rich picture on how to contribute to a more interested and literate society through the development of SCPs This report will cater for exploitation of the SCPs in communities beyond the Consortium as it will also summarise the SCPs in relation to what went well and what did not and give related recommendations to policy makers and communities

European report on the solutions found in teh SCPs

EUROPEAN REPORT ON SOLUTIONS FOUND IN THE SCPAll regions will submit best solutions to environmental issues found by SCPs in their region to the WP lead They will collate the reports then write an introduction to the different regional reports


Developing tools to evaluate the impact of open schooling on students’ science literacy and sustainability consciousness

Autori: Romero-Ariza, M., Quesada, A., Abril, A. M., & Martín-Peciña, M
Pubblicato in: INTED2023 Proceedings, 2023, ISBN 978-84-09-49026-4
Editore: IATED
DOI: 10.21125/inted.2023

School-community Projects as Keys to Sustainability Education in the STEM Domains

Autori: Romero-Ariza, Marta
Pubblicato in: STEM and Open Schooling for Sustainability Education / Proceedings if the fourth ETE conference, 2023, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

MOST: What Are The Skills Teachers Need To Implement Open Schooling Projects?

Autori: Metin Sardag Gökhan Kaya Gultekin Cakmakci
Pubblicato in: ETE IV conference on STEM & Open Schooling for Sustainability Education, Numero 2023, 2023, Pagina/e 118-120, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

Openschooling through the Eyes of Experts

Autori: Svatava Janoušková, Martin Bílek and Veronika Scholzová
Pubblicato in: Project-based and other student-activation strategies and issues in science education - PBE 2022 - Proceedings, Numero 2023, 2023, Pagina/e 20-26, ISSN 2695-0626
Editore: Faculty of Education, Charles University

MOST: A Smart Pandemic Classroom: School-Community Project

Autori: Mehmet Sogut Metin Sardag
Pubblicato in: ETE IV conference on STEM & Open Schooling for Sustainability Education, Numero 2023, 2023, Pagina/e 154-155, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

The implementation of school-community-projects and the effects on students’ sustainability consciousness

Autori: Mirte Linthorst, Sanne Korte, Michiel Doorman
Pubblicato in: STEM and Open Schooling for Sustainability Education / Proceedings of the fourth ETE conference, 2023, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

MOST: Science Fairs Through Virtual Environments

Autori: Gokhan Kaya Metin Sardag Gultekin Cakmakci
Pubblicato in: ETE IV conference on STEM & Open Schooling for Sustainability Education, Numero 2023, 2023, Pagina/e 54-56, ISSN 978-3-95987-2252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

Openschooling through the Eyes of Experts

Autori: Svatava Janoušková, Martin Bílek and Veronika Scholzová
Pubblicato in: Project-based and other student-activation strategies and issues in science education - PBE 2022 - Book of Abstract, Numero 2022, 2023, Pagina/e 9
Editore: Faculty of Education Charles University

MOST: alfabetización científica y educación para la sostenibilidad a través de proyectos de escuela abierta

Autori: Romero-Ariza, M., Abril Gallego, Ana M., Quesada, A., Martín-Peciña, M.
Pubblicato in: La enseñanza de las ciencias en un entorno intercultural / 30 Encuentros Internacionales de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, 2022, ISBN 978-84-338-7039-1
Editore: Universidad de Granada, Servicio de Publicaciones Place of publication: Melilla (Spain)

STEM and Open Schooling for Sustainability Education using the example of the H2020 project MOST

Autori: Sabrina Deck, Sabine Mickler
Pubblicato in: STEM and Open Schooling for Sustainability Education / Proceedings of the 4th ETE conference, 2023, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

MOST in Czechia – Best Practice Example of Waste Oriented Project

Autori: Martin Bilek and Svatava Janouskova
Pubblicato in: ETE IV conference on STEM & Open Schooling for Sustainability Education, Numero 2024, 2024, Pagina/e 147-149, ISBN 978-3-95987-274-4
Editore: WTM Verlag

Context-based teaching for students’ sustainability consciousness

Autori: Thu, Hanne Valde; Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria; Grindeland, John Magne and Malmo, Jan Tore
Pubblicato in: STEM and Open Schooling for Sustainability Education / Proceedings of the fourth ETE conference, 2023, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

How do the CriThiSE PD-model support teachers in implementing critical thinking in sustainability education at upper primary school?

Autori: Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Scheie, Eldri; Gericke, Niklas
Pubblicato in: STEM and Open Schooling for Sustainability Education / Proceedings of the fourth ETE conference, 2023, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

CYANce: Climate Creativity – Youth for Alpine Needs Establishing a sustainable co-creative climate lab and launching an “education-research-industry” network for co-creation and inquiry-based learning in Tyrol

Autori: Vanessa Färber
Pubblicato in: STEM and Open Schooling for Sustainability Education/Proceedings of the fourth ETE conference, 2023, ISBN 978-3-95987-252-2
Editore: WTM Verlag

Kontekstbasert undervisning for bærekraftig utvikling

Autori: Hanne Valde Thu
Pubblicato in: Master thesis, NTNU. Published at NTNU Open, 2022
Editore: Norwegian University of science and technology

Jeg satt å tenkte på: hva er det jeg egentlig gjør selv

Autori: Øistein Villa Rikheim
Pubblicato in: Master thesis, NTNU. Published at NTNU Open, 2022
Editore: Norwegian university of science and technology

Utforskende undervisning som fremmer elevers bærekraftsbevissthet

Autori: Staberg, Ragnhild; Febri, Maria I.M.; Malmo, Jan Tore
Pubblicato in: Utforskende undervisningsformer i skolen, 2024
Editore: Universitetsforlaget

Okul Toplum Proje Uygulamaları

Autori: Metin Sardag Onur Can Ilkyaz Nihal Arar Gultekin Cakmakcı
Pubblicato in: STEM Eğitimi Uygulamaları III, Numero 2023, 2023, Pagina/e 312-332, ISBN 978-605-72552-2-8
Editore: Vizetek

Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools to Communities - School-Community-Projects (SCPs) as a purposeful implementation instrument for Open Schooling

Autori: Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Febri, Maria; Romero, Marta; Abril, Ana Maria; Quesada, Antonio
Pubblicato in: ICSE Springer book, 2025
Editore: Springer

Open Schooling: an exciting opportunity for igniting enthusiasm for STEM

Autori: Aileen Fahrländer and Katja Maaß
Pubblicato in: PHERECLOS White Book on Open Schooling, Numero Editura Niculescu, 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 20-21, ISBN 978-606-38-0776-3
Editore: PHERECLOS consortium member organisations and NICULESCU Publishing House

Open Schooling im Kontext ökologischer Trauer

Autori: Sabrina Deck, Elena Köck, Sabine Mickler & Katja Maass
Pubblicato in: ph fr Zeitschrift der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg, Numero annual, 2023, Pagina/e 7-8, ISSN 1611-0390
Editore: Der Rektor der Pädagogischen Hochschule

Die Methode des Open Schooling im pandemischen Kontext

Autori: Aileen Fahrländer und Katja Maass
Pubblicato in: ph fr Zeitschrift der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg, Numero annual, 2022, Pagina/e 30-31, ISSN 1611-0390
Editore: The Rector of the University of Teacher Education

School Community Project and Integrated STEM Education Practice: Smart Classroom Design

Autori: Metin Sardag Mehmet Sogut Orhan Curaoglu
Pubblicato in: Journal of Multimedia Enriched STEM Education, Numero 1, 2023, 2023, Pagina/e 4-18, ISSN 2980-3608
Editore: Hacettepe Science Center

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