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Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - JERICO-S3 (Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3)

Reporting period: 2021-08-01 to 2023-01-31

JERICO-S3 (JS3 in the text), Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observatories - Sciences, Services and Sustainability, will provide a state-of-the-art, fit-for-purpose and visionary observational research infrastructure, expertise and high-quality data on European coastal and shelf seas, supporting world-class research, high- impact innovation and a window of European excellence worldwide.

Coastal and shelf seas have come to a critical point. The shelf seas are the most dynamic part of the ocean, significantly providing humankind with resources and services and playing a major role by regulating global weather and climate. However, the environmental pressures are putting the coastal area at high risk. Indeed, important ocean changes are well identified: The Ocean is warming up, acidifying and losing oxygen; the temperature is rising and finally pollution is increasing.

JS3 aims to provide a powerful and structured European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories by gathering the expertise of the coastal scientific community, defining a common scientific strategy and delivering society with top-level services and data. Specifically, JS3 will: (1) pursue the effort on scientifically sound joint observation of physics, biogeochemistry and biology (2) increase the scientific excellence of the consortium thanks to an increased structured networking with consideration of the regional and local ecosystems; (3) extend its expertise towards the shelf seas and the littoral by using satellite and/or modelling data, and (4) not be restricted to pure technological aspects but will also include fundamental scientific advancement.

JS3 will drive the preliminary development of an e-infrastructure in support to scientists and users by offering access to services. As well, it will progress on the design of the RI and its strategy for sustainability. JS3 will interface coastal and shelf seas with the Open Ocean and establish a land–sea observational continuum.
The work performed during the project is organised according to 5 main axes:

Axe 1: Integrating and improving access to coastal data flow and observatories and strengthening the coastal community and services.
FAIRness assessment for IRS and PSS (D6.7).
The TA call #3 was performed, 12 projects were accepted. Additional 4th call, 5 projects were accepted.
First report on VA JERICO Resources access statistics and service provision (D11.1) was submitted.

Axe 2: Developing and testing innovative monitoring strategies and technology
IRS progressed towards roadmap goals of regional integration, interoperability / harmonisation, business case development, and organisational activities. Each of the five IRSs built stronger links within IRSs, between IRSs and with other PSSs (D3.2 D3.3).
PSS contributed to KSC identified within JERICO-RI (D1.2). PSSs have identified common and region-specific research topics, highlighting joint topics.
31 specific study actions have been implemented and interim reports has been delivered in D4.2 and D4.3.
A JERICO-S3 TA feedback seminar was organised with the SEABER SME.
JERICO-CORE and EPOS code were integrated by Oct. 2021 and was put into production as a new VA service in Nov. 2022 (D7.6).
The cEGIM in situ pre-demo started on 16th Dec. 2022 and was a success. The cEGIM embedded data processing algorithm has been defined, developed and tested. The software package for the data interoperability between the cEGIM and the JERICO-CORE (D7.8). Designs for benthic observation and eDNA sampling.

Axe 3: Promoting harmonisation and seamless interface with open sea and riverine/terrestrial Infrastructures
Interfacing with other European RIs have progressed with shared project proposals, a MoC with GROOM and close working relationships with Danubius. Building of relationships with other actors in fields of satellite observations, modelling, governance bodies and non-EU RIs.
IRSs and PSSs provided inputs for harmonisation (WP5).
An e-Handbook was published on OBPS and is based on best practices for “mature” platforms with physical and BGC parameters. New best practices for Bio-imaging regarding metadata model, data model and vocabularies was produced (D6.4). A thematic workshop on bio imaging was organised (WP6).
HF Radar, Glider, Ferrybox, Fixed platform, Multiplatform biogeochemical sensors, Protocols for automatic sampling for DNA analysis, Biological automatic sensors made significant progress on harmonisation and methodologies (D5.2 D5.4).
The definition of the maturity levels of best practices will allow a standardised evaluation of the harmonisation process (D5.3).

Axe 4: Fostering societal impacts through synergies with European and international initiatives
RI-RI collaboration projects in TA calls 3 and 4 include RI’s AQUACOSM Plus, DANUBIUS-RI, and EUROFLEETS.
A revised communication plan was published (D10.2b). A review of implementation and impact of communication plan was produced (MS56). Production of a suite of graphics to raise the visibility of the JERICO-RI. Website was updated to have multilingual functionality.

Axe 5: Strategy and sustainability
Significant progress has been achieved in terms of Integration of national and regional science strategies (D1.2).
The definition and thematics for Expert Centres of JERICO-RI are identified.
An online training to consolidate the economic model and business plan of JERICO RI (approx 15 participants) has been performed.
TA projects contribute to extending the JERICO-RI partnership in Europe (Black Sea, Baltic Sea and Eastern Europe).
JS3 is making an important step forward by leading key actions. Amongst actions foreseen in the work plan we can point out key ones and some associated outcomes exposed here after:
WP1, Integration of national and regional science strategies, definition of Central Actions and reinforcement of regional structuration progressed.
WP2, Two shared project proposals were established with other European RIs.
WP3, Integrated Regional Sites progressed towards roadmap goals of regional integration, interoperability/harmonisation, business case development, and organisational activities. Stronger links within IRSs as well as between multiple IRSs and with other PSSs were established.
WP4, PSSs have identified common and region-specific research topics, highlighting joint topics. PSSs have identified common and region-specific organisational challenges that prevent or complicate implementing transnational multiplatform observations.
WP5, The definition of the maturity levels of best practices will allow a standardised evaluation of the harmonisation process along the different components of the JERICO-RI.
WP6, An e-Handbook was published on OBPS and is based on best practices for “mature” platforms with physical and BGC parameters.
WP7, The cEGIM that embed Data processing algorithms was deployed successfully for the pre-DEMO phase.
WP8, the third TA call was launched, 12 projects were accepted. An additional 4th call was conducted. 5 projects were accepted.
WP9, A training to consolidate the development of the JERICO RI economic model and business plan has been performed.
WP10, The website was updated to have multilingual functionality. Webinars for TA project outreach were organised with SMEs.
WP11, JERICO-CORE (e-JERICO) and EPOS code were integrated by October 2021 and were put into production as a new VA service.