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D64 Multidimensional policyrecommendation matrix highlighting the interrelationship of social economic integrationspecific and regional development policies In Task 62 CUAS coordinates the elaboration of the matrix and the gathering of feedbacks from national regional and local stakeholders working with migrants during thematic roundtables 1 per country
Report of the thematic round tables with relevant policy makersD65 Report of the thematic roundtables with relevant policy makers The report gathers the outcomes and observations shared by practitioners and organizations public service providers as well as policy makers at regional level In Task 62 CUAS will coordinate the drafting of the report presenting the outcomes of the thematic roundtables
MATILDE matrixD2.6 MATILDE matrix is the data collection framework developed in Task 2.4: with a step-wise approach, it creates a set of composite indicators to measure the impact of TCNs arrival and settling in, their spatial distribution and mobility across urban and rural areas.
2000 regional maps printed and distributedD7.11 2000 regional maps printed and distributed. The maps will provide cartographic representations on migration to rural and mountain areas, based on Task 2.2. Eurac will coordinate the editing, printing and distribution in Subtask 7.4.5
6 publications in peer-reviewed journalsD79 6 publications in peerreviewed journals published in line with H2020 Open Access rules Gold access is also planned This achievement of this deliverable is coordinated by UEF in Subtask 743
Factsheet on the politics of integration and inclusionD6.1 Factsheet on the politics of integration and inclusion, elaborating a review of existing political strategies, goals and programs related to integration at European, national and regional-local level. In Task 6.1, CUAS will coordinate all research partners in conducting a literature review to highlight the goals and guiding principles in the governance of migration and integration politics, considering their development across time in concomitance with key events from the 1990’s onward.
Collection of European best-practices on integration of TCNsD69 Collection of European bestpractices on integration of TCNs containing a selection of best practices in the formulation of policy objectives and implementation In Task 64 CUAS will coordinate the collection among all research partners and make them available on the project website
10 country-based economic policy briefings on policies and governance in the economic realmD4.1 10 country-based economic policy briefings on policies and governance in the economic realm, focusing on the policies formulated for the integration of TCNs in the economic structure of the host society, giving particular attention to the ones formulated following the recent refugee peak highlighting and also highlighting policy developments in the long-term. In Task 4.1, GCU coordinates research partners in conducting quantitative analysis (desk research, policy content analysis) and qualitative research (5 interviews with stakeholders and practitioners from the above-mentioned categories at national and regional level per each MATILDE country).
Cartographic representation of MATILDE regions and TCNs stocksD2.3 Cartographic representation of MATILDE regions and TCNs stocks based on the classification and on the database developed in Task 2.1. This will result in visual output to be printed and distributed at during project’s events.
Report on existing integration-political goals, programmes and strategiesD6.2 Report on existing integration-political goals, programmes and strategies at different levels, highlight existing political strategies at different levels (from European to local) and their interactions. In task 6.1, CUAS coordinates the preparation of the report based on inputs collected by research partners.
Comparative report on TCNs economic impact and entrepreneurshipD4.4 - Comparative report on TCNs economic impact and entrepreneurship including a policy overview, quantitative and qualitative findings on the economic impact of TCNs. In Task 4.4, GCU coordinates the comparison of national reports provided by all research partners. Specific attention will be devoted on how regional level regulations influence TCNs entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship
Database on spatial features and TCNs distributionD2.2 Database on spatial features and TCNs distribution based on GIS technology, created by the coordinator in Task 2.1 by combining spatial features and development characteristics of MATILDE regions. The database combines indicators on the employment sector, housing market, public financial resources, education infrastructures and (non)accessibility of infrastructures/urban centres. For the categorization of TCNs, the task sketches the spatial distribution of TCNs by using secondary stock data (e.g. foreign-born nationals at a specific place). Data on TCNs, will be collected at LAU2 level by all partners for their own region considering the selected timeframe of MATILDE project.
Second policy reportShort document based on EC template presenting the results of policy analyses and recommendations conducted by M36
MATILDE toolboxD27MATILDE toolbox is the backbone of MATILDE multiscale and multidimension impact assessment Task 25 will combine a set of quantitative qualitative and actionresearch methods for data collection and analysis that will be combined into the MATILDE toolbox
Handbook on participatory practices in migration researchD710 Handbook on participatory practices in migration research The book will provide a conceptual framework for the assessment of the social and economic impact of foreign immigration in mountain and rural areas together with an overview of the set of methods adopted in the MATILDE project The publication is coordinated by UEF in Subtask 744
Guidelines on the content and use of the toolsD67 Guidelines on the content and use of the tools targeted and adapted for the needs of local level policy makers by CUAS in Task 63
Comparative report on TCNs in rural and mountain areasD55 Comparative report on TCNs in rural and mountain areas presenting crossregional comparison and categorization of the impacts and processes pertaining to different paths of migration processes in the 13 local contexts considered by the case studies In Task 54 EURAC coordinates the gathering of data stemming from the local case studies and takes responsibility for the comparative analysis in cooperation with partners FAU UEF CGU and CUAS Based on this the PPs jointly elaborate the checklist establishing criteria for replicability of migration impact assessment at the local level
Report on conceptual frameworks on migration processes in rural areasD2.4 Report on conceptual frameworks on migration processes in rural areas, developed in Task 2.2 and presenting a multi-dimensional conceptual framework for a better understanding of the spatially-located characteristics and the path-dependent and long-term effects of migration processes of TCNs to rural and mountain areas.
10 statistical briefings on economic impactsD4.2 10 statistical briefings on economic impacts assessment: in Task 4.2, CUAS will coordinate the selection of models for quantitative analysis to be applied at national and regional levels to assess the impact of TCNs on the economic systems in the receiving contexts.
1 virtual catalogue of innovative integration practicesD56 1 virtual catalogue of innovative integration practices highlighting actions that facilitate and improve the integration of TCNs The virtual catalogue will present on a map these initiatives categorized according to spatial characteristics type and intensity of impact It will be hosted on the virtual gallery Task 754
Stakeholders involvement planD2.8 Stakeholders involvement plan will detail the type of stakeholder, its level and its specific contribution for the MATILDE project, the adequate method and channels to engage them. Task 2.6 will define the Plan and guarantee the active and timely participation of stakeholders
First policy reportShort document based on EC template presenting the results of policy analyses and recommendations conducted by M24
Classification on spatial specificities and TCNs distribution in MATILDE regionsD2.1 Classification on spatial specificities and TCNs distribution in MATILDE regions using existing typologies based on criteria such as population density, degree of urbanization and spatial distribution of population. The coordinator will develop this classification in task 2.1
Comparative report and social innovation practicesD3.4 - Comparative report and social innovation practices is prepared by UEF in Task 3.4 to compare data across national and regional contexts in order to better understand how TCNs impact varies across countries and regions and how it influences the social dimensions of the receiving society. The report is compiled based on the national reports provided by partners in Task 3.3 and it includes a comparative overview of policy and governance, of the quantitative and qualitative findings of the social impact of TCNs and the identification the most interesting social innovation practices based on findings on Task 3.3.
At least 4 policy briefs for improved governance and policy arrangements (local/regional/national/EU)D63 At least 4 policy briefs for improved governance and policy arrangements localregionalnationalEU formulating policy recommendations In Task 62 CUAS coordinates the analysis of different areas of integration horizontal perspective political levels vertical perspective regionallocalnationalEuropean and TCNs groups Mixedmethods approach is deployed including action research Policy briefs will place specific emphasis on promoting measures and governance processes capable to better connect urban and ruralmountain area
300 booklets with policy recommendationsD713 300 booklets with policy recommendations to be distributed during the roundtables ensuring wider spread of the policy recommendations and solutions provided by MATILDE CUAS will coordinate the overall implementation in Subtask 747
10 country reports on social impactsD3.3 - 10 country reports on social impacts focusing on qualitative impacts of TCNs arrival and settlement. In Task 3.3, UEF coordinates research partners in conducting in-depth and narrative interviews (at least 10 per country, at national or regional level), focus groups (at least 3 per country, at the regional level, with different stakeholders), SWOT for case-studies analysis and visual graphs for social network analysis at local level. Reports will focus in particular on practices of social innovation stemming from the direct, indirect and induced effects of TCNs arrival and settling in in destination contexts.
Second periodic progress reportSecond periodic progress report detailing progress achieved by each partner by M24 conducted in Task 15
10 statistical briefings on social impactsD3.2 - 10 statistical briefings on social impacts to provide an in-depth quantitative assessment of the 4 dimensions determining the social impact of migration at multiple-scales. In Task 3.2, UEF coordinates research partners in applying the MATILDE matrix and toolbox. The assessment will be conducted through a combination of different techniques such as descriptive and interpretative statistics (univariate and multivariate analysis), spatial econometric regression, etc... Data processing and interpretation is conducted to quantify the implications of the arrival and settlement of TCNs in terms of changes in the endowment of resources in rural and mountain regions. Each partner will deliver a country-based statistical briefing on the quantitative assessment of TCNs social impact.
13 quantitative briefing on the case studiesD5.2 - 13 quantitative briefings on the case studies, presenting data collected in Task 5.2 in the 13 locations where the local case studies are implemented. Quantitative briefings will cover both MATILDE Social Dimensions (MSDs) and MATILDE Economic Dimensions (MEDs). Specific attention will be placed on the impact of reception services for asylum seekers and refugees.
10 country-based policy briefings on Migration-related social policyD3.1 -10 country-based policy briefings on Migration-related social policy: in Task 3.1, UEF coordinates all research partners in applying the Migration Governance Tools (MATILDE toolbox) to analyse migration-related social policies and governance related to TCNs integration process at different scales. The task leader UEF coordinates the analyses conducted by national partners (FAU, UU, GCU, CUAS/BAB, UEF, NBU, BILGI, INN, ZAR) through desk research, in-depth interviews (at least five) to major stakeholders and policy content analysis on multilevel governance, considering both vertical and horizontal distribution as well as migration-related social policies explicitly targeting TCNs and other policies that may indirectly affect social outcomes. Regional development policies and strategies will be also considered.
13 reports on action-research results in each case studyD53 13 reports on actionresearch results in each case study presenting the findings gathered in Task 53 about the social economic and spatial impacts of TCNs at the local level in rural and mountains regions In Task 53 EURAC will coordinate the application of qualitative methods at least 12 interviews and 4 focus groups with stakeholders and local experts for each case study and of other techniques open space technology OST outreach world caf participatory videos
10 country reports on economic impactsD4.3 10 country reports on the qualitative impacts of TCNs on the economic system of hosting societies at national and regional levels. In Task 4.3, GCU coordinates all research partners in selecting cases and assessing the impact of migration on the research, innovation and development of companies, social enterprises and SMEs
MATILDE toolbox for self-assessment for policy makersD66 MATILDE toolbox for selfassessment for policy makers to allow a quick overview of the status quo of their own local integration processes and to support the inclusion of the specific needs and challenges of rural and mountain areas in decisionmaking processes In Task 63 the toolbox will be adapted by CUAS to the needs of the EU national regional provincial and municipal level policy makers
D73 Social media online tools and website are developed by STL in Subtask 732 and 731 respectively The project website will host the description of the project the consortium the research proposed the results and outputs achieved For Social Media project accounts will be created on Facebook and Twitter the usage of others social media like YouTube LinkedIn Instagram Research Gate or Academiaeu will be evaluated A project hashtag will be created in order to mark and vehicle project related contents also via the social media accounts of all PPs
MATILDE Visual identityD7.2 MATILDE Visual identity is developed by STL in Task 7.2. It includes ad identity kit guideline and visual elements, standard presentation (PPT) and different word and flyers templates.
3 MATILDE National WorkshopsD74 3 MATILDE National Workshops dissemination and exploitation of MATILDE results in particular for the selfassessment tools Task 63 and the best practices at local level Task 54 Around 3040 people are expected to participate in each workshop National workshops will target practitioners and organisations in migration related fields social policies and territorial planning They are implemented by ZAR GCU and FAU in Subtask 741
Visual outputs from case studiesD54 Visual outputs from case studies presenting the process and outcomes of actionresearch and of the specific techniques deployed in different case studies Under the coordination of EURAC in Task 53 each partner will keep track of research activities by means of visual support that will feed the virtual gallery Task 754
Journalistic coverage of MATILDE resultsD714 Journalistic coverage of MATILDE results based on the media partnership established with panEuropean media network European Data Journalism Network EdjNet and the support from the national branches of the Association of European Journalists The achievement of D714 is supervised by NBU in Subtask 752
Final conference in BrusselsD76 Final conference in Brussels organized by EURAC in Task 741 Prominent scholars from outside the project will be invited along with European level policy makers and stakeholders NGOs and thinktanks on migration local and rural development fields Brussels offices of international organisations such as IOM UNHCR and journalists
MATILDE postcardsD7.15 MATILDE postcards in 8 different languages (IT, ES, DE, EN, BL, TR, SE, NO), containing the project idea and the link for the MATILDE quiz to be found on the official project website. STL coordinated the achievement of this deliverable in Subtask 7.5.3.
Mid-term conference in SofiaD7.5 Mid-term conference in Sofia organized by NBU in Task 7.4.1. It will present the outcomes of comparative assessments of the social and economic impact conducted in WP3 and WP4.
Training videos on the use of the toolsD68 Training videos on the use of the tools In Task 63 CUAS will develop the training videos to make decisionmakers and administrative staff as well as stakeholders in the nonprofit sector familiar with the methodology of the MATILDE toolbox for selfassessment
MOOC on international migration in rural, mountain regionsD78 MOOC on international migration in rural mountain regions will offer a farreaching training for young researchers practitioners journalists and NGO staff on the conceptual and policyoriented results of MATILDE It will be organized by BILGI in Subtask 742 The MOOC will present the results of MATILDE conceptual elaborations and case studies to at least 100 participants
MATILDE virtual galleryD7.16 MATILDE virtual gallery on the projects case studies and the resulting artistic outputs is created by CMTORINO in Subtask 7.5.4 on MATILDE official website and disseminated via social media. Pictures collected through the contest (Subtask 7.5.5, STL) will also feed the virtual gallery (Task 7.5.4).
D7.7 MATILDE Summer school will be a face-to-face training course focusing on methodologies and tools to investigate the impact of international migration in rural and mountain areas. It will be organized by Eurac in Subtask 7.4.2 and it will be open to c.25 young researchers and practitioners from EU and non-EU countries.
13 thematic round-tables on policy recommendationsD7.12 13 thematic round-tables on policy recommendations. Roundtables will present and share with local stakeholders (regional, provincial and municipal level policy makers, entrepreneurs, employers and their representative bodies, migrants’ organizations, service providers in the 13 regions covered by MATILDE) the policy recommendations developed in WP6. CUAS will coordinate the overall implementation of roundtables by each research partner in Subtask 7.4.7
Jussi P. Laine, Daniel Rauhut, Marika Gruber (eds)
Publié dans:
2023, ISBN 9781803927688
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Andrea Membretti, Thomas Dax, Anna Krasteva
Publié dans:
2022, ISBN 978-1-032-19711-1
Ayhan Kaya
Publié dans:
Assessing the social impact of immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishinh
Marika Gruber, Kathrin Zupan, Nuria del Olmo Vicén and Raúl Lardiés‐Bosque
Publié dans:
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe, 2023, ISBN 9781803927688
Edgar Elgar Publishinh
Publié dans:
Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems: A Global Challenge: Facing emerging risks, adapting to changing environments and building transformative resilience in mountain regions worldwide, 2023, ISBN 0128220953
Daniel Rauhut, Jussi P. Laine and Marika Gruber
Publié dans:
Assessing the social impact of immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Tobias Weidinger, Stefan Kordel
Publié dans:
The Renaissance of Remote Places, 2022, Page(s) 68-75
Ulf Hansson, Akin Deniz, Zuzana Macuchova and Per Olav Lund
Publié dans:
Assessing the social impact of immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Marika Gruber, Nuria del Olmo-Vicén, Raúl Lardiés-Bosque
Publié dans:
The Renaissance of Remote Places, 2022, Page(s) 92-100, ISBN 978-1-032-19711-1
Jussi Laine
Publié dans:
The Renaissance of Remote Places: MATILDE Manifesto, 2022, Page(s) 61–69, ISBN 978-1-032-19711-1
Birgit Aigner-Walder, Marika Gruber, Rahel Schomaker
Publié dans:
The Renaissance of Remote Places, 2022, Page(s) 51-59, ISBN 978-1-032-19711-1
Susanne Stenbacka and Tina Mathisen
Publié dans:
Assessing the social impact of immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishinh
Jussi P. Laine, Daniel Rauhut and Marika Gruber
Publié dans:
Assessing the social impact of immigration in Europe, 2023, ISBN 9781803927688
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Pirjo Pöllänen, Lauri Havukainen and Olga Davydova-Minguet
Publié dans:
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Pınar Uyan Semerci, Fatma Yılmaz Elmas, Raúl Lardiés Bosque and Nuria Del Olmo-Vicén
Publié dans:
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Marika Gruber and Daniel Rauhut
Publié dans:
Assessing the social impact of immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Maria Luisa Caputo, Michele Bianchi, and Simone Baglioni
Publié dans:
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Raúl Lardiés-Bosque and Nuria del Olmo Vicén
Publié dans:
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Ingrid Machold, Thomas Dax, and Lisa Bauchinger
Publié dans:
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Anna Krasteva
Publié dans:
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe, 2023
Edgar Elgar Publishing
Monica Gilli
Publié dans:
Fuori luogo, Numéro 12(2), 2022, Page(s) 97-114, ISSN 2723-9608
Olga Davydova-Minguet, Pirjo Pöllänen
Publié dans:
Barents studies: Peoples, Economies and Politics, Numéro Vol. 7(5), 2022, Page(s) 59-79, ISSN 2324-0652
University of Lapland
Ayhan Kaya
Publié dans:
Middle East Critique, Numéro 31:4, 2022, Page(s) 327-340, ISSN 1943-6157
Michele Bianchi, Maria Luisa Caputo, Martina Lo Cascio, Simone Baglioni
Publié dans:
Journal of Rural Studies, Numéro Volume 99, 2023, Page(s) 62-70, ISSN 0743-0167
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Ayhan Kaya
Publié dans:
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Numéro 27177483, 2022, Page(s) 335 - 359, ISSN 2717-7483
Istanbul Ticaret University
David Spenger, Stefan Kordel, Tobias Weidinger
Publié dans:
International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2023, ISSN 1609-4069
International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, University of Alberta
Yılmaz Elmas, F. and A. Kaya
Publié dans:
Çalışma ve Toplum, Numéro 4:75, 2022, ISSN 1305-2837
Birleşik Metal İş Sendikası
Ayhan Kaya
Publié dans:
Journal of International Migration and Integration, Numéro Special Numéro on Welcoming Spaces, 2023, ISSN 1874-6365
Daniel Rauhut
Publié dans:
Society, Numéro 57/2, 2020, Page(s) 211-218, ISSN 0147-2011
Transaction Publishers
Ingrid Machold, Lisa Bauchinger, Thomas Dax
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists (DAES) and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists (ÖGA): Societal changes and their implications on agri-food systems and rural areas, 2022, Page(s) 61-62, ISBN 978-961-94943-1-8
Association of Agricultural Economists of Slovenia (DAES)
Stefan Kordel, Tobias Weidinger, David Spenger
Publié dans:
Kordel, Stefan; Weidinger, Tobias; Spenger, David
Publié dans:
Ayhan Kaya, Tobias Weidinger, Fatma Yılmaz-Elmas
Publié dans:
MATILDE Working Papers, Numéro 2021, 2021, Page(s) 1-33
Marmara Belediyeler Birliği
Marika Gruber, Raúl Lardiés-Bosque, Andrea Membretti, Daniele Tonelli
Publié dans:
GSSI Discussion Paper Series in Regional Science & Economic Geography, 2021
GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute
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