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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Addressing productivity paradox with big data: implications to policy making

Descripción del proyecto

Nueva metodología para aumentar la productividad europea

El problema actual de la economía europea es una paradoja: los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea poseen economías innovadoras, pero no logran aumentar la productividad, los salarios ni el crecimiento interno. El objetivo del proyecto BigProd, financiado con fondos europeos, es ampliar las metodologías econométricas actuales con medidas operacionales de datos masivos teóricamente sólidas, validadas mediante estudios piloto y comunicadas a las partes interesadas pertinentes; un método logrado al descubrir los orígenes de la desaceleración de la productividad en muchas economías occidentales. El modelo BigProd se pondrá en funcionamiento mediante una muestra estratificada aleatoria de hasta 200 000 empresas europeas. El método propuesto es muy novedoso y ayudará a crear nuevas políticas para resolver problemas de baja productividad.


"The objective of the BIGPROD project is to extend existing econometric approaches to productivity, such as the Crepon-Duguet-Mairesse (CDM) model, with theoretically sound “Big data” measures that are operationalized, validated through pilots and communicated to relevant stakeholders. This is achieved by uncovering the origins of the productivity slowdown in most Western economies. Based on this understanding, we will extend the CDM model to better account for changes in the innovation process and utilize measures enabled by ""Big data"". The model created will be operationalized using for a random stratified sample of 160,000-200,000 European companies.

The operationalization and theoretical framework will be validated using a multi-criteria impact assessment approach. The validation will include three pilots based on issues arising from the research literature on challenges of existing measures of productivity. These are 1) high-technology and digitalization, 2) low-technology and innovation outcomes and 3) services and incumbent entrant dynamics. To allow for full integration with the policy cycle, the project will incorporate a deep stakeholder consultation mitigating the skills gap, creating transparency, enabling stakeholder influence in sources and tools and enabling policymakers being informed on utilizing tools and pilots.

The BIGPROD project addresses the work program by enabling the exploitation of ""Big data"" in productivity analysis with a transparent operationalization and pilots addressing key issues in integrating ""Big data"" to the policy cycle. The rigorous theoretical approach will enable a better understanding of the ""quasi-standstill"" of productivity. Using a tested data architecture, now being expanded, the project will address data accuracy and security. The impact assessment will allow us to create stakeholder validated results. Finally, outreach to existing indicator sets, such as observatories, will allow findings to be deployed."

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 250 305,00
02150 Espoo

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 250 305,00

Participantes (5)