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HelIcon PlasmA Thruster for In-space Applications

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HIPATIA (HelIcon PlasmA Thruster for In-space Applications)

Reporting period: 2020-01-01 to 2021-03-31

1.1 Context
• Extended use of EP for in-Space propulsion.
• EP technology impact on competitiveness recognised by the European Commission.
• Disruptive concepts might provide radical improvements in performance and/or cost.
• Faster maturation of disruptive technology towards demonstration actions is encouraged.

1.2 Starting point
• SENER and UC3M:
o The HPT-05 TU (TRL4)
o The HPT-03 TU + RFGPU (TRL4-5)
• ADS as LSI using EP technology for more than 10years.
• CNRS as the reference laboratory for EP testing in France.
• AST having developed EPR (TRL5) and FCU (TRL6) for EP.
• Fruitful previous collaborations: SEN-UC3M, SEN-ADS, UC3M-ADS, ADS-AST…

1.3 Performance and configuration challenges
• Overall TU+RFGPU low efficiencies: around 10%.
• Thermal loads: RFGPU efficiency > 75%, but thruster thermal losses around 70%.
• Magnetic topology: mass vs temperature limits & mass vs thruster performances & magnetic torque vs optimum B shape
• EMC: “High power” RF system and high magnetic fields intensities.

1.4 Approach
• Improve the plasma physics understanding to reduce thruster losses.
• Perform a detailed thermal analysis and design of the TU.
• Magnetic topology modelling and tests.
• Detailed EMC testing at unitary and system level.
• RF shielding where necessary.

1.5 Objectives
The goal of the HIPATIA Project is to verify the function and performances of an Electric Propulsion System based on the Helicon Plasma Thruster (HPT) technology, for its application in no-geostationary satellites constellations and other small spacecrafts.

1.5.1 Technical objectives
• Advance in the HPT technology to fit market needs.
• Improve the performances of the HPT.
• Raise the TRL of the HPT and the associated technologies to TRL6.
• Plan the development for higher TRLs and industrialisation.

1.5.2 Non-technical objectives
• Disseminate, communicate and exploit HIPATIA results and products.
• Consolidate a collaboration scheme among the Consortium partners.
2.1 Summary of the Project’s overall progress and status
• Phase 1
o Completed in first semester 2020.
• Phase 2
o Ongoing. Next activity coupling tests review board.
o 3-6 months delay, depending on the task.
• Phase 3
o CDR in June-July 2021 (4 months delay).
o Activities in this phase will prospectively start in July 2021.

Figure1: Project progress and status after Project First Period.

2.2 Summary of the Project’s results achieved so far

2.2.1 Thruster Unit
• EM worked, but not as expected.
• New EBBMs have been built, ready for Coupling Test.
• EM design under review TRL4-5.

2.2.2 Propellant Flow Control Unit
• Unitary tests concluded, ready for Coupling Test.
• EBBM developed TRL4-5.

2.2.3 Radiofrecuency Generation and Power Unit
• Unitary tests concluded, ready for Coupling Test.
• EBBMs of all the boards are ready TRL4-5.

2.2.4 Research on HPT technology
• Set and testing on Helicon reactor at CNRS with two different propellants (Xenon, Krypton). First analysis of plasma properties and instabilities.
• Advances on simulation models including compatibility with alternative propellants and a novel model for plasma turbulence.

2.2.5 HIPATIA Coupling test
• Completed testing activities with all the HIPATIA units for Phase 2 verification.
• Successful functional chain demonstration in relevant environment TRL 4
• Preliminary evaluation of TU EBBM performances indirect (plasma diagnosis) and direct measurements (thrust balance).

Figure2:Expected HIPATIA Project’s results.
3.1 Progress beyond State of the Art
Figure3:Expected evolution in TRL of the HIPATIA System and Units.

The Figure3 shows the expected evolution in TRL of the different units to be developed in HIPATIA, plus the HIPATIA System itself.
During the first year of the Project the more significant advances in this regard have been achieved at System level, its first integration being already achieved in early 2021, obtaining a TRL4.
For RFGPU and PFCU the progress has also being important. Both units have advanced from TRL3-4 to TRL4-5, with EBBMs already functional and operating as expected.
The TU EM was assembled and operated already in 2020 achieving TRL5. However, problems in its operation were detected and it is currently under re-design. Therefore, the advances of this unit beyond SoA have been limited to a certain progress within what can be considered TRL5.
At the end of the Project, during the phase 4, an actual TRL assessment will be carried out taking the TRL Handbook by ESA as a reference.

3.2 Expected results until the end of the Project
Expected results and outcomes from the HIPATIA Project have already been listed in Figure2.

3.3 Potential impacts as listed in the call
“To promote and accelerate the development of potentially breakthrough EP or EP-related concepts and technologies in order to be able to provoke a disruption in the propulsion landscape in the medium to long term”
The HIPATIA Project has been organised to promote and accelerate the HPT disruptions availability to the market:
• System level approach
• Schedule targeting prospective fly opportunities (e.g. EU IOD) in 2023 TBR
• Experimental validation of the HIPATIA technologies
• Market-oriented approach
“To foster the necessary long term evolutions needed to provide Europe with a competitive and innovative electric propulsion products in order to maintain the European capacity to compete in the worldwide arena of electric propulsion satellites”
Focus on product and processes innovation, together with the research and test component:
• Design and development up of the HPT up to TRL6-7 and its associated technologies up to TRL5-6.
• Development of computational tools, validated through tests using innovative diagnosis methods.
“To enable the identification and targeting of future markets and applications which are not yet addressed by the current well-established products or their expected improvements”
Focus on small satellites markets, especially those in large fleets, but still:
• Potential interest of HPT technology for VLEO
• In-orbit servicing and exploration missions
• Orbit raising and station keeping of larger satellites

3.4 Other identified potential impacts
• Enhanced innovation capacity and competitiveness for European Space technology
• Benefits to society
• Synergies with ongoing work in the area of technology harmonisation and standardisation
• New Space and Industry 4.0
• Recurrence of use and transversal applicability
Figure3:Expected evolution in TRL of the HIPATIA System and Units.
Figure2:Expected HIPATIA Project’s results.
Figure1: Project progress and status after Project First Period.