CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable will describe the impact on the whole shipping industry and maritime transport It will further describe fields of development and applications use cases such as VTS to extend the potential impact further
Report on Communication Sub-system RequirementsExplicit requirements on the communications subsystem
Dissemination PlanThis deliverable will explain in detail the annual planned dissemination activities
Report on Ship Application Use Cases and Application ScenariosDetailed description of overall ship use cases and scenarios
Report on Use case functional safety analysisInitial analysis on the application from a functional safety perspective result component level requirements
Communication PlanThis deliverable will explain in detail annual planned communication activities
Project website providing external communication and facilitating internal communication
Data dissemination for open research originating from the work performed in D71
Report on FSA and environmental impactThis deliverable will represent the FSA formal safety assessment describing the impact on shipping safety based on the reliable positioning and exchange of intended positions in the use case The increased maritime transport efficiency environmental impact and reduction in emissions based on the dynamic predictor and geofencing is analysed
This deliverable will explain in detail the progress and results after the final project year.
J Hüffmeier, L Sanchez-Heres, R Rylander, S Nord, S Alissa, A Bagge, P Bergljung, P Henkel, A Rydlinger and P Hansen
Published in:
ICMASS Conference, Issue IOP Conference series: Material Science and Engineering (MSE), 2020
IOP Science
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