CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.
Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
A record of undertaken and planned D&C activities, collection of D&C material produced, evaluation of the KPIs and needed mitigation actions. Two versions will be delivered and updates will be provided in project reports.
Emerging socio-technical and economic requirements and challenges in manufacturingcomprises outputs from T21 providing contextual socioeconomic and sociotechnical requirements
Actual standards for HRC applicationsA record of project outputs and undertaken standards related activities.
Design of measures for safety controlcomprises outputs from T63 will provide the SRPCS Safety Related Parts of Control System according to EN ISO 13491
Dissemination and Communication activities (I/II)A record of undertaken and planned DC activities collection of DC material produced evaluation of the KPIs and needed mitigation actions Two versions will be delivered and updates will be provided in project reports
Dissemination and Communication Plan (D&C Plan)Planning and description of the DC activities
APRIL ergonomics requirements, standards and compliancecomprises outputs from T22 providing contextual and compliance requirements for ergonomics
APRIL safety regulation and standards compliancecomprises outputs from T23 providing contextual and compliance requirements for safety
Characteristics of the APRILs website and internal web based communicationrepository tools
Valerio Ortenzi, Francesca Cini, Tommaso Pardi, Naresh Marturi, Rustam Stolkin, Peter Corke, Marco Controzzi
Veröffentlicht in:
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Ausgabe 7, 2020, ISSN 2296-9144
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