Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Switch2save (Lightweight switchable smart solutions for energy saving large windows and glass façades)
Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2023-09-30
Another key activity in the second reporting period was the preparation of technology demonstration in two operational buildings, one at NIKAIA Hospital in Greece and one office building in Uppsala, Sweden. The activities included the verification of all manufacturing steps for large smart electrochromic insulating glass units (manufacturing a 4.4 m² large demonstrator), the development of suited control units for electrochromic switching, component level performance and durability testing and finally the pre-installation monitoring of energy demand in the demonstrator buildings. Both a fully wireless smart control unit (Samsung SmartThings compatible) and a WIFI capable low power control unit were developed for manual and automatic switching of EC windows. Manufacturing of more than 200 m² electrochromic films and smart insulating glass units is currently ongoing. Quantified test protocols for photometric assessment, thermal and lighting comfort assessment have been developed. The durability test protocols for electrochromic systems, that were derived in the first reporting period, are currently being applied to electrochromic test IGUs to verify their durability for up to 25 years of use in application.
Specially adapted system designs and automatic switching protocols for the electrochromic film maximize the energy saving potential in the building: Modelling results demonstrated that Switch2Save EC and TC technology may reduce HVAC (heating, venting, air conditioning) energy demand for buildings with large windows or glass facades by up to 70%. Majorly, the saving is determined by a drastical reduction of the energy demand for cooling on hot summer days. The Switch2Save lightweight energy smart IGU are suitable both for renovating existing buildings (by replacing old windows) and for construction of new buildings. The windows synergize well with any solution for energy smart non-transparent wall and facade components to further decrease energy demand of buildings towards zero and plus energy houses. Electrochromic windows enable significantly more comfortable indoor lighting conditions compared to mechanical window blinds. Such mechanical windows blinds can be left out completely - which saves overall installation cost and reduces complexity of the building structure for large glass facades.