CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.
Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .
D1.5 Performance of native and invasive species exposed to multiple stressors (M46, UiT). Report presenting the combined effects of selected multiple stressors on the vital rates of selected target species. These target species will include both invasive and native species.
ECOTIP Photo ExhibitD5.5 ECOTIP Photo Exhibit (M30, GRIDA). Production of a story/photo exhibit which links human stories about ongoing change with the science and recommendations of ECOTIP. The exhibit will be on display at various public spaces in Greenland. The exhibit will also be available in electronic format and be able to travel around physically too. Considerable effort will be made to find a suitable occasion and time to launch and present it at an EU institution.
Inventory of water column stressors of Arctic biodiversityD11 Inventory of water column stressors of Arctic biodiversity M12 HZG A report including maps and tables that summarize the current knowledge of the geographic distribution and intensity of climatic and nonclimatic stressors in the four study areas
Assessment of fisheries adaptationD41 Assessment of fisheries adaptation AAU M28 Report to identify and synthesize recorded incidents where Greenland fishery practices and fishery policies have changed in response to climate change The article will tentatively focus on 1 changes in the pelagic offshore fishery and the management of new species eg mackerel 2 changes in fishery practices in coastal fisheries which have been associated with environmental change in fishing ground eg in a fiord system and any associated management changes
Past and recent changes in Arctic marine biodiversityD2.2 Past and recent changes in Arctic marine biodiversity (M46, AU). Report compiling evidence of past (recent millennia) and recent responses in in Arctic biodiversity, i.e. species and/or traits of phyto- and zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, fish and marine mammals to environmental changes.
Cookbook (Training Guide) and policy briefs on adaptation options for fisheries sector and local communitiesD5.7 Cookbook (Training Guide) and policy briefs on adaptation options for fisheries sector and local communities (M42, GRIDA). The cookbook is a practical synthesis of all the research done under WP4 and will demonstrate best practices for the fisheries sector and local communities. It will be disseminated in both Greenlandic and English. In addition, it will provide concrete policy recommendations for the fisheries and related sectors, including on the governance and regulatory level (e.g protected area management, tourism, fisheries directorate etc).
Sediment and land-based stressorsD1.4 Sediment and land-based stressors (M36, HZG). Report compiling and assessing information on (1): sediment water column fluxes, in particular of oxygen, carbonate system species (DIC; AT, pH) and selected trace metals and on (2): terrestrial runoff (freshwater/salinity, carbonate system species, nutrients, particle load, trace metals). Data will be acquired from ECOTIP field expeditions, literature and relevant data bases.
Recommendations for enhanced and optimized biodiversity monitoring in the Arctic regionD5.8 Recommendations for enhanced and optimized biodiversity monitoring in the Arctic region (M45, IOPAN). Report arising from workshop M4.5, compiling and describing current opportunities for biotic monitoring in relation to identifying shifts in Arctic biodiversity and functioning, and assessing the current capacity of long-term observations of marine biodiversity with respect to scientific and societal requirements. Recommendations for enhanced and optimized monitoring in line with the best practices and international standards will also be included, with particular focus on elements currently not included in observing programs, such as invasive species via eDNA, and on the benthic communities.
Communication StrategyD52 Communication Strategy M6 GRIDA Strategic document describing a broad range of different communication methods designed for each enduser group Some of the main tools and channels include website visual identity social media stories and scientific blogs collaborate stakeholder workshops press releases and policy briefs The strategy will also address the needs of promoting Ocean Literacy
Distribution of invasive species based on eDNAD 13 Distribution of invasive species based on eDNA M36 DTU Report describing the distribution of the target species along the arctic shipping lanes and selected harbors as well as data on seasonal and geographic distribution of invasive species detected with eDNA and compared to traditional taxonomic sampling
Changes in pelagic and benthic processesD2.3 Changes in pelagic and benthic processes (M42, ABO). Report compiling evidence of biodiversity changes contributing specifically to net productivity, export flux, the biological pump and benthic-pelagic coupling.
Microbial traitsD32 Microbial traits M20 DTU Report compiling and documenting a critical review of mechanistic trait modeling Workshop M31 associated with microbial processes in the marine environment following from M31 Key traits to be examined are those associated with diazotrophy particle remineralization and deep water productivity
Functional diversity of marine plankton under climate changeD3.6 Functional diversity of marine plankton under climate change (DTU, M46). Report documenting the ensemble mechanistic model (D3.1, D3.3 & D3.4) under climate change scenarios. Analysis will focus on changing functional diversity and its effect on key ecosystem services – fisheries productivity and carbon sequestration
Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of ResultsD54 Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results PEDR M6 GRIDA This Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results PEDR will be the first refined and updated version of the PEDR which was submitted as part of the Grant Agreement and will address potential endusers and usages of the results that will be generated in the project to ensure maximum uptake and impact The PEDR will be a living document updated continuously throughout the project mainly in parallel with the project s periodic review A final report will also be produced M46 summarizing the activities and their achieved impact where possible
Novel tests of paleo-remains as a proxy for plankton communityD2.1 Novel tests of paleo-remains as a proxy for plankton community (M43, AU). Report describing the novel methodology and outcomes of tests conducted on copepod remains in marine sediments as a proxy for past changes in zooplankton community and production.
Species diversity impact on fleets and ports in Greenland's fisheries.D4.2 Species diversity impact on fleets and ports in Greenland’s fisheries. (UiT, M36). Report mapping the changes of fish species diversity along the Greenland coast and analysing how this determines variations in fleet structure and the importance of ports.
Changing distributions, invasions and trophic interactionsD2.4 Changing distributions, invasions and trophic interactions (M46, MFRI). Report compiling empirical documented evidence and results of model projections of Arctic biodiversity in relation to distributional shifts, invasions and trophic interactions within Arctic marine ecosystems.
Climate change scenariosD1.2 Climate change scenarios (M24, HZG). Report compiling relevant data from existing Earth System and Ocean models, describing the translation of the evolution of hemispheric and/or global stressors into the Arctic ECOTIP regions. Will include code and documentation for coupling transport matrix representation of physical circulation to trait-based ecosystem models (D3.1 & D3.2). Verified examples of trait distributions for present day conditions.
Proposed revisions to the EOV and EBV for sustained ocean observationsD5.6 Proposed revisions to the EOV and EBV for sustained ocean observations (M36, IOPAN). Report on workshop (M5.3) with recommendations for new or refined observing requirements for sustained ocean observations of relevant Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and overlapping Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). The proposed requirements will reflect the project outcomes and consider information needs identified by climate (e.g. IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate report) and biodiversity (e.g. IPBES) assessments.
Fishing industry in Greenland's economy.D4.3 Fishing industry in Greenland’s economy. (UiT, M42) Report dealing with the relatively large fluctuations in the Greenlandic fishing industry, partly damped by the capacity of a long coast and many ports. Investigates the importance of local boom and bust cycles in affecting the national economy.
Trait-based analysis of fish communitiesProject website including dedicated intranet portal
D51 Project website including dedicated intranet portal M4 GRIDA The ECOTIP website will provide one of the main online platforms to communicate and disseminate project results The website will act as the central port of entry for the project and its outputs be seamlessly linked with ECOTIP social media and have an intranet to ensure timely and efficient communication and exchange of information between project partners Parts of the website will be in other languages Greenlandic and possibly Danish to be relevant to local communities
Marine biodiversity and Greenlandic LEKD4.4 Marine biodiversity and Greenlandic LEK. (AAU, M46). Report compiling and synthesizes existing studies of fishers and hunters observations (LEK = local ecological knowledge) of marine biodiversity change in Greenland. A large range of workshop reports, scientific articles and databases have been produced within the last 10-15 years in Greenland. This review will offer an identification of these and a typology for the different sorts of observations made in a LEK context, using grounded theory.
D3.5 Bayesian Network assessment tool (HZG, M46). Report documenting the Bayesian network tool, its functionality, implementation and interpretation. Functionality will be determined early on in consultation with end-users (M4.1) and will be evaluated in a follow-up stakeholder workshop (M4.5), both of which will be documented here. The final tool will be interactive in that users (targeted stakeholders and project partners) may enter specific knowledge, references or scenarios for parts of the system, learning which effects these assumptions would have for other parts of the system. The Bayesian Network assessment tool will be interactive and made available on the internet.
Mechanistic model of zooplanktonD3.3 Mechanistic model of zooplankton (M24, DTU). Code and documentation of trait-based model of the zooplankton (copepods) component of the marine ecosystem. Model will be coupled to unicellular model (D3.1) and to the transport matrix model (D1.2) to provide an estimate of functional diversity and key ecosystem metrics (export flux, trophic transfer efficiency).
Mechanistic, trait-based modelling approach for unicellular planktonD31 Mechanistic traitbased model for unicellular plankton M12 DTU Code documentation and validated implementation example for simulating the unicellular component of marine ecosystems Implementation will be in a vertical water column under a variety of relevant physical forcing scenarios Model will include algorithms to report the functional diversity unicellular plankton community
D5.9 Data Management Plan (M46, IOPAN). The final version of the Data Management Plan describing the means of handling collected and generated data during and after the project’s completion, including comprehensive information on standards and methods, access to the data, as well as their curation and preservation. The plan will consider data as well as model code and outputs.
Initial Data Management PlanD53 Initial Data Management Plan M6 IOPAN The initial Data Management Plan M6 will describe the means of handling collected and generated data during and after the projects completion including comprehensive information on standards and methods access to the data as well as their curation and preservation The plan will consider data as well as model code and outputs This will be a rolling document with the final version in M46
Cage; Pieńkowski; Jennings; Knudsen; Seidenkrantz
Opublikowane w:
Journal of Micropalaeontology, Numer 5, 2021, ISSN 0262-821X
The British Micropalaeontological Society
Marja Koski, Rasmus Swalethorp, Sanne Kjellerup, Torkel Gissel Nielsen
Opublikowane w:
Progress in Oceanography, Numer 197, 2021, Strona(/y) 102670, ISSN 0079-6611
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Cage, Alix G.; Pieńkowski, Anna J.; Jennings, Anne; Knudsen, Karen Luise; Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig
Opublikowane w:
Journal of Micropalaeontology, Numer 10, 2021, ISSN 0262-821X
The British Micropalaeontological Society
Bennike, Ole; Jensen, Jørn Bo; Nørgaard-Pedersen,Niels; Andresen, Katrine Juul; Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig; Matthias, Moros; Wagner, Berndt
Opublikowane w:
Boreas, 2021, ISSN 0300-9483
Taylor & Francis
Richardson, Katherine; Bendtsen, Jørgen
Opublikowane w:
Frontiers in Marine Science, Numer 5, 2021, ISSN 2296-7745
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