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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Securing biodiversity, functional integrity and ecosystem services in DRYing rivER networks


A report on existing European meta-community and trait database.

A database on existing European metacommunity data at the network scale and the corresponding information on resilience traits to drying for all groups of organisms

Report on the beta version of the dynamic model

A report that includes information on the model design and development

A report on the meta-community and trait database at the focal DRN scale for CELAC.

The metacommunity database of the three focal DRNs in CELAC including macroinvertebrates and fish and data from all sites and times

Report on downscaling data assimilation method to constrain catchment-scale hydrological models by global hydrological models

This report will describe the downscaling data assimilation method proposed to constrain catchmentscale models by global hydrological models

Catalogue of legislative and policy barriers and opportunities

An inventory of legislative and policy documents that are central for the management of river networks on EU national and subnational scales related to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

Report on future projections of flow intermittence for the 6 European focal DRN

This report will describe the implementation of hydrological models for the CELAC focal DRNs

A report on an R-package for river network meta-ecosystem modelling

Manual and help files for a generalizable river network metaecosystem model

Stakeholder mapping

An inventory of the key stakeholders that should be targeted at the EU regional national and local levels in the focal DRNs

Report on flow intermittence indicators

This report will propose the definition of spatiotemporal indicators of flow intermittence and pathways to simulate them with hydrological models

Report on continental-scale high-resolution modelling of streamflow intermittence

This report will describe the implementation of continentalscale modelling of streamflow and flow intermittence

Conceptual model of the ecosystem services provision of DRN and its application at the focal DRN level

Compiles the conceptual model for ES provision developed in Task 41 and the modelling application at the six EU CS Task 42

A report on the final version of the model and the simulation results.

A report presenting the simulation model and its predictions

Report on catchment-scale spatially distributed models for the 6 European focal DRNs

This report will describe the implementation of distributed hydrological models for the 6 EU focal DRNs

A report on meta-community and trait database at the focal DRN scale in Europe with spatio-temporal models and meta-community patterns

The metacommunity database of the six focal DRNs in Europe including macroinvertebrates and fish and data from all sites and times with a description of the spatiotemporal patterns iof beta diversity considering all groups of organisms

Report on catchment-scale hydrological models for the CELAC focal DRNs

This report will describe the implementation of hydrological models for the CELAC focal DRNs

An R package for the simulation model of meta-community dynamics

A package that encapsulates the simulation model of metacommunity dynamics in DRNs

Visual identity materials: logo, templates, communication kits (leaflet, poster, roll-up banner)

Creation and delivery of the complete visual identity material to partners in order to ensure the transfer a recognisable and coherent image of the project in all communication and dissemination activities


Local hydrologicla conditions and spatial connectivity shape invertebrate communities after rewetting in temporary rivers.

Publié dans: Hydrological, 2022, ISSN 0018-8158
Éditeur: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-022-04799-8

Global prevalence of non-perennial rivers and streams

Auteurs: Mathis Loïc Messager, Bernhard Lehner, Charlotte Cockburn, Nicolas Lamouroux, Hervé Pella, Ton Snelder, Klement Tockner, Tim Trautmann, Caitlin Watt, Thibault Datry
Publié dans: Nature, 2021, ISSN 0028-0836
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03565-5

Drought in intermittent river and ephemeral stream networks

Auteurs: Sarremejane R, Messager ML, Datry T
Publié dans: Ecohydrology, 2021, ISSN 1936-0592
Éditeur: Ecohydrology
DOI: 10.1002/eco.2390

Flow Intermittence Drives the Benthic Algal Composition, Biodiversity and Diatom-Based Quality of Small Hilly Streams in the Pannonian Ecoregion, Hungary

Auteurs: B-Béres V, Kókai Z, Várbíró G, Mustazhapova G, Csabai Z, Pernecker B, Borics G, Bácsi I, Boda P
Publié dans: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, ISSN 2296-701X
Éditeur: Lausanne
DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.834548

Unlocking our understanding of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams with genomic tools

Auteurs: Blackman, R. C., F. Altermatt, A. Foulquier, T. Lefébure, M. Gauthier, A. Bouchez, R. Stubbington, A. M. Weigand, F. Leese, and T. Datry.
Publié dans: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2021, Page(s) 574–583, ISSN 1540-9309
Éditeur: ESA
DOI: 10.1002/fee.2404

The terrestrial and semi-aquatic invertebrates of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams

Auteurs: Alisha L. Steward,Thibault Datry,Simone D. Langhans
Publié dans: Biological reviews, 2022, ISSN 1464-7931
Éditeur: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1111/brv.12848

Navigating through space and time : a methodological approach to quantify spatitemporal connectivity using stream flow data as a stydy case.

Publié dans: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Numéro 14, 2023, Page(s) 1780-1795, ISSN 2041-210X
Éditeur: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/2041-210x.14105

From meta-system theory to the sustainable management of rivers in the Anthropocene

Auteurs: Núria Cid; Tibor Erős; Jani Heino; Gabriel Singer; Sonja C. Jähnig; Sonja C. Jähnig; Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles; Núria Bonada; Romain Sarremejane; Heikki Mykrä; Leonard Sandin; Riikka Paloniemi; Liisa Varumo; Thibault Datry
Publié dans:, Numéro 1, 2021, ISSN 1540-9309
Éditeur: Esa journal
DOI: 10.1002/fee.2417

Securing biodiversity, functional integrity, and ecosystem services in drying river networks (DRYvER)

Auteurs: Datry, T., D. Allen, R. Argelich, J. Barquin, N. Bonada, A. Boulton, F. Branger, Y. Cai, M. Cañedo-Argüelles, N. Cid, Z. Csabai, M. Dallimer, J. C. de Araújo, S. Declerck, T. Dekker, P. Döll, A. Encalada, M. Forcellini, A. Foulquier, J. Heino, F. Jabot, P. Keszler, L. Kopperoinen, S. Kralisch, A. Künne, N. Lamouroux, C. Lauvernet, V. Lehtoranta, B. Loskotová, R. Marcé, J. M. Ortega, C. Mata
Publié dans: Research Ideas and Outcomes, 2021, ISSN 2367-7163
Éditeur: Pensoft
DOI: 10.3897/rio.7.e77750

A global perspective on the functional responses of stream communities to flow intermittence

Auteurs: Julie Crabot,Cedric P. Mondy,Philippe Usseglio-Polatera,Ken M. Fritz,Paul J. Wood,Michelle J. Greenwood,Michael T. Bogan,Elisabeth I. Meyer,Thibault Datry
Publié dans: Ecography, 2021, ISSN 0906-7590
Éditeur: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.05697

Efficiency of invertebrate-based bioassessment for evaluating the ecological status of streams along a gradient of flow intermittence

Auteurs: Julie Crabot, Sylvain Dolédec, Maxence Forcellini, Thibault Datry,
Publié dans: Ecological Indicators, Numéro volume 133, 2021, ISSN 1470-160X
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108440

Disturbance-driven alteration of patch connectivity determines local biodiversity recovery within metacommunities

Auteurs: Crabot J, Dolédec S, Forcellini M, Datry T
Publié dans: Ecography, Numéro monthly, 2022, Page(s) e06199
Éditeur: Nordic Society Oikos
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.06199

Greenhouse gas dynamics in river networks fragmented by drying and damming

Auteurs: Crabot J, Dolédec S, Forcellini M, Datry T
Publié dans: Freshwater biology, Numéro monthly, 2023, Page(s) 1-15
Éditeur: Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/fwb.14172

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