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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Securing biodiversity, functional integrity and ecosystem services in DRYing rivER networks

Descrizione del progetto

Nuove strategie per la mappatura, lo studio e la gestione dei fiumi in via di prosciugamento

I fiumi sono tra gli ecosistemi con maggiore biodiversità al mondo, ma anche i più minacciati dall’attività umana: oltre la metà delle reti fluviali della Terra è in via di prosciugamento. Il progetto DRYvER, finanziato dall’UE, raccoglierà, analizzerà e modellerà dati ottenuti da nove casi di studio in Europa e in Sud America e creerà un nuovo approccio meta-sistemico globale che integra idrologia, ecologia, biogeochimica e socioeconomia. Il progetto, che riunisce un gruppo multidisciplinare di esperti, svilupperà delle strategie per mitigare gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sulle reti fluviali in via di prosciugamento e per sostenere i meccanismi di adattamento di tali sistemi, definendo nuovi strumenti e linee guida. I risultati contribuiranno al raggiungimento degli obiettivi dell’accordo di Parigi, che intende limitare il riscaldamento globale.


River networks are among Earth’s most threatened hot-spots of biodiversity and provide key ecosystem services (e.g. supply drinking water and food, climate regulation) essential to sustaining human well-being. Climate change and increased human water use are causing more rivers and streams to dry, with devastating impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Currently, over half the global river network consist of drying channels and these are expanding dramatically. However, drying river networks (DRNs) have received little attention from scientists and policy makers, and the public is unaware of their importance. Consequently, there is no effective integrated biodiversity conservation or ecosystem management strategy of DRNs facing climate change.
A multidisciplinary team of 25 experts from 11 countries in Europe, South America, China and the USA will build on EU efforts to investigate how climate change, through changes in flow regimes and water use, has cascading impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services of DRNs. DRYvER (DRYing riVER networks) will gather and upscale empirical and modelling data from nine focal DRNs (case studies) in the EU and CELAC to develop a meta-system framework applicable to Europe and worldwide. It will also generate crucial knowledge-based strategies, tools and guidelines for cost-effective adaptive management of DRNs. Working closely with stakeholders and end-users, DRYvER will co-develop strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change effects in DRNs, integrating hydrological, ecological (including nature-based solutions), socio-economic and policy perspectives. The end results of DRYvER will contribute to reaching the objectives of the Paris Agreement and place Europe at the forefront of research on climate change.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 193 230,00
75007 Paris

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 1 193 230,00

Partecipanti (24)