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ZETAMIX, the first Desktop Ceramic 3D printer on the market


Verbesserung von 3D-Druckerzeugnissen durch Innovation

Der Markt für additive Fertigung entwickelt sich rasant weiter, wobei neue Methoden und Produkte mit Wettbewerbsvorteilen eingeführt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das KMU NANOE nach der Anpassung feinkeramischer Nanopulver für die Verwendung auf bereits am Markt erhältlichen Desktop-Druckern nun einen weiteren Beitrag zu hochwertigen Ressourcen für die additive Fertigung leisten. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts ZETAMIX wird das KMU die weltweit erste Reihe gebrauchsfertiger Keramikfilamente auf den Markt bringen, die mit gängigen 3D-Desktop-Druckern verwendet werden können. Das innovative Produkt bietet eine Lösung, die es ermöglicht, hochwertige technische Keramik schnell, kostengünstig und zu jeder Zeit in kleinen Serien zu drucken. ZETAMIX wird sich zunächst auf die Marktsegmente Automobil, Luftfahrt und Energie und anschließend auf breitere internationale Märkte konzentrieren.


NANOE is an SME evolving on the Ceramic Engineering market for 10 years, as a manufacturer of ready-to-sinter and high-purity nanopowders for the industry. NANOE innovated on that market by allowing its clients to use its powders in a standard production process, by resolving difficulties linked to powder’s fineness. With the development of a complete range of ceramic materials and high industrial production capacities, NANOE rapidly succeeded in increasing its turnover. To further increase its development, NANOE diversified its activities on the Additive Manufacturing (AM) market, where the only commercialized Ceramic printers, based on stereolithography and binder-jetting technologies, stay complex to use and costly. Instead of adapting printers to the production of specific raw-materials, NANOE adjusted Ceramics’ binding formulation, so that it can be used on desktop printers already available on the market. ZETAMIX will be the first range of ready-to-use ceramic filaments that can be used with common desktops 3D printers worldwide. Thanks to ZETAMIX, industrials will be able to print quicker high-quality technical ceramics in small series, at any time and for an entry-price of €10 000. NANOE commercialized a first version of its ZETAMIX filaments, which is currently produced at a laboratory-scale and tested within some companies. Thanks to its numerous competitive advantages, its unique approach, its existing network of resellers and the recognition of its brand, NANOE should rapidly expand on the technical materials for AM market. NANOE will first target the markets segments of automotive, aeronautics and energy and rapidly expand on international markets. NANOE still have to solve technical challenges regarding filaments’ facility of use and parts quality. These developments will be financed in the frame of SME instrument Phase 1, with the objective to become the worldwide leader in technical materials’ 3D printing for the industry within the next 5 years.

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€ 50 000,00

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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Essonne
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00