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Waterjade: the global platform to predict water resources


Neue Technologie zum Auffüllen der Wasserressourcen

Wasserknappheit infolge von Umweltveränderungen fordert in vielen Bereichen ihren Tribut, insbesondere im Energiesektor. Das Fehlen effizienter Methoden zur Prognose der Mengen von Wasser, die aus Schnee und Flüssen entstehen, ist eines der zentralen Probleme für Wasserkraftunternehmen. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts Waterjade wurde eine neue Technologie entwickelt, bei der eine Reihe von Datenquellen zur Wettervorhersage sowie Satelliteninformationen genutzt werden. Ziel des Projekts ist es, einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten, dass die wahrscheinliche Wassermenge pro Jahr mit einer verlässlichen Präzision prognostiziert werden kann. Waterjades Kunden waren ursprünglich Wasserkraftwerke, doch das Projekt beginnt nun auch, mit öffentlichen und privaten Einrichtungen zu arbeiten, um Situationen wie Dürren oder Lawinen vorherzusagen.


"Water is called the new gold of the 21st century, yet, due to climate change, water resources are becoming ever more discontinuous, creating hazardous sitations and big uncertainties in numerous sectors, like energy, where water is the primary ingredient for daily operations.
One of the most recurrent question raised by professionals is: ""how much water is there and when will it become available""?
We have developed a new technology, called Waterjade, capable of predicting water resources at high resolution, both in terms of snow and river discharge. Differently from other competitive technologies, it adopts a physically based modeling approach that integrates multiple sources of data, like in-situ stations, numerical weather predictions and satellite data. The advantages are increased accuracy and scalability to ungauged basins.
Our customers are hydropower companies, whom we deliver a service of snow monitoring upstream the production plants, so they can quantify the energy that is likely to be produced in the long run, and a service of short-term inflow predictions to the plants, useful for safety reason and to optimize the energy production. We are extending the service of snow monitoring also to the public sector, that use it for safety reasons (avalanches) and as an index to anticipate drought.
Working with public and private sectors is giving positive feedback, both in terms of credibility and accuracy as we can benefit from the capillary distribution of in-situ stations from public agencies.
The business model is a ""subscription-based Service"" to the Waterjade portal and the market potential is estimated in about 500 M€/y worldwide, with great potential in particular for hydropower, Europe's and world’s largest renewable energy resource.


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