Descrizione del progetto
Nuovi serbatoi per lo stoccaggio di energia termica per il solare a concentrazione e le fabbriche come fonte energetica convenzionale
Al momento, i serbatoi per lo stoccaggio di sali fusi sono la soluzione più diffusa negli impianti solari a concentrazione (CSP, Concentrated Solar Power) per lo stoccaggio dell’energia solare durante il giorno. I serbatoi attualmente utilizzati si dimostrano spesso inaffidabili perché i materiali di cui sono costituiti si corrodono e si rompono. Il progetto TANKRETE, finanziato dall’UE, sta elaborando un nuovo concetto di serbatoi a sali fusi realizzati in calcestruzzi termici e particolari leghe di acciaio, che consente un elevato livello di gestibilità basato su dimensioni, tipi di energia e posizioni (aerea o sotto terra) differenti. La nuova tecnologia offrirà maggiore stabilità e durabilità, riducendo al contempo i costi di investimento del 20 %. Queste unità di potenza potrebbero inoltre essere progettate per il recupero del calore di scarto industriale, il che contribuirà a ridurre notevolmente l’impronta di carbonio.
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is one of the most promising renewable energies, but its deployment has been negatively affected by its high investment costs. This fact reduces its competitiveness compared to other alternatives (photovoltaics and wind power). In addition, existing CSP plants are facing troubling issues with the molten salts mega tanks, one of the core elements of their Thermal Energy Storage (TES) areas. These tanks, usually worth around €10M, are made of stainless-steel or carbon. The length of their welding cord and the increased corrosiveness of these materials at high temperatures endanger their durability. Recently, some settlements and even breakages have been reported in commercial plants, causing relevant repairing and substitution costs.
TANKRETE project, developed by InCrescendo, is aimed at tackling this problem while contributing to increase the CSP profitability. TANKRETE is a cylindrical tank with an isolating foundation system, all manufactured with patented thermal concretes. TANKRETE provides greater stability and durability to the TES area, with a significant reduction in the investment cost (35% cheaper than current tanks), plus additional 3-4% savings in a budget of €45M in salt volume. TANKRETE provides adaptability and design flexibility, as well as immediate applicability, it being compatible with current plants’ technologies. We have developed two small-scaled functional prototypes, whose long term thermal and structural stability has been successfully tested.
Based on our estimates, TANKRETE will reach by the 3rd year from launch a cumulative turnover of €63M in a turnkey business model, with a cumulative profit for us of €6.3M. This is a high-risk project. We have the customer base and a current existing demand. However, they need a more adequately sized pilot unit to be tested, due to the high investment. We aim to confirm our preliminary feasibility data through Phase 1 and then we will pursue the pilot unit construction.
Campo scientifico
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsrenewable energywind power
- natural sciencesmathematicspure mathematicsgeometry
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsrenewable energysolar energysolar thermal
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsrenewable energysolar energyphotovoltaic
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsrenewable energysolar energyconcentrated solar power
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41005 Sevilla
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