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Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FEVER (Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-08-01 al 2022-07-31

FEVER’s scope is defined by three axes and for each we have a clear set of objectives:
Dimension 1: Flexibility measures and flexibility-based electricity grid services
1. Implement flexibility measures that address the local needs for flexibility at the distribution grid, leveraging various flexibility assets
2. Implement a comprehensive flexibility aggregation, management and trading solution that incorporates intelligence around the optimal flexibility orchestration and is capable to offer flexibility services in different markets
3. Implement electricity grid services such as congestion management and overvoltage avoidance based on flexibility management techniques such as EVs’ (dis)-charging control
Dimension 2: Enhanced monitoring and automated control of the distribution grid
4. Implement an innovative toolbox that empowers the DSOs with advanced monitoring and automated control functions
5. Implement an advanced technology that leverages batteries’ inverters towards providing ancillary services
Dimension 3: Market mechanisms supporting and incentivizing flexibility services
6. Implement a hierarchical and scalable operational mechanism for day-ahead and continuous trading of flexibility services
7. Implement a toolbox for peer-to-peer flexibility trading based on decentralized ledger technologies.
FEVER also encompasses a set of cross-dimensional objectives:
8. Demonstrate and validate in realistic settings the mechanisms implemented in the project
9. Gain evidence of the replicability and scalability of the implemented solutions
FEVER’s implementation is organized in nine work packages (WP) and runs in a timeframe of 42 months. WP1 has set the scene for the core innovation activities to be pursued and demonstrated in the project providing a contextual analysis and the project’s technical specification. WP2 has developed a decentralized automatic flexibility trading platform, connecting flexibility providers (consumers, producers, prosumers), intermediaries (Aggregators, VPPs) and DR users (BRPs, DSOs, TSOs). WP3 has delivered a set of advanced tools that improve DSO’s observability of the grid and enable them to apply real time control strategies, facilitating ancillary services provision at the distribution level such as supply and demand balancing, security, dynamic stability enhancement and power quality management. WP4 is elaborating the roles of the Market Operator, the Flexibility Aggregator and the Distribution System Operator through three novel market mechanisms/tools i)Day-Ahead, ii) Intraday and iii) Real-Time. WP5 has implemented a toolbox capable to support P2P flexibility trading on the basis of distributed ledger technologies. The outcomes of WPs 2,3,5 are being deployed in a real life setting in three different pilot sites in the context of WP6, following their integration with each other and with legacy systems / field infrastructure in each site. Demonstration activities will take place in WP7 gathering adequate datasets for the quantitative assessment of the impact of the project. Finally, WP8 focuses on the measures to maximize the project’s impact (communication, dissemination and exploitation). So far 15 scientific publications have been made and the project has be represented in many events/initiatives.
FEVER is a collaborative project that puts emphasis on implementing innovative solutions and services that leverage flexibility towards offering electricity grid services. Innovation in the project is being pursued in the following three dimensions:
1. Optimized flexibility aggregation, management and trading
• Extraction and management of flexibilities from physical and virtual energy reservoirs. A wide range of user types and production processes and constraints are taken into account. The flexibility management algorithms have the ability to link several energy vectors.
• Multi-layered optimization of the flexible assets scheduling at the levels of each EMS territory and of the Flexibility Aggregator, implementing optimization features such as prioritized load activation and adaptation, dynamic backup load involvement in case of outages and simultaneous load adaptation and peak shaving operation.
• Optimization of the flexibility trading policy by matching flexibility offers and requests based on price optimization. An auction-based process selects the flexibility offers for activation, calculating the energy price and financial flows of the parties involved into the trading.
• Peer-to-peer flexibility trading on the basis of distributed ledger technologies and a set of innovative dAPPS (FlexTrading , FlexCoin, Community Management ) that support a total flexibility trading solution for Energy Communities.
2. Enablers of enhanced observability and controllability of the distribution grid
• Enhanced PV generation and load forecasting with emphasis on fine-grained spatiotemporal resolution. To achieve accurate short- and mid-term PV generation forecasting, machine learning models based on artificial neural networks was employed, whilst for load forecasting several methods were tested with random forest being considered as the state-of-the-art solution for the formulated problem.
• Enhanced distribution grid observability. For detecting abnormal variations from network variables (voltage and currents at the substations/grid nodes) multivariate statistical models are employed based on principal component analysis. For local observability, novel algorithms for accurate state estimation at the level of MV or LV feeder leveraging a variety of –often scarce- sensing data.
• Battery-based power quality monitoring and power quality enhancement services. Such services leverage power converters to enhance power quality through harmonics and unbalances forecasting and estimation of asset capacity reserve.
• Enhanced distribution grid control and automation including the identification of potential violations on the network operational constraints and proposition of mitigation actions based on grid reconfiguration and DERs’ flexibility.
3. Novel hierarchical and scalable mechanisms for day-ahead, close to real time and real-time markets for energy and ancillary services
• For the day-ahead horizon the proposed market mechanism includes flexibility as a tool and solves an optimization problem taking into account both the central market mechanisms and various technical constraints of the decentralized local distribution grid. In order to further enhance the secure operation of the distribution grid in case of unpredictable events, a continuous intraday trading mechanism is proposed, where the DSO and aggregators can trade grid energy and services to resolve emerging issues. Finally, for the real-time electricity balancing markets, FEVER proposes a real-time multi-layer iterative mechanism to provide ancillary services to the electricity balancing market.
For all the innovation dimensions mentioned above, during this phase the initial prototypes were finalized and integrated for supporting the 3 project's pilots. During the next phase, the impact of the solutions will be measured and evaluated on the basis of piloting of 15 High Level Use Cases and their relevant Key Performance Indicators.