Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SWING (Sonaca WING flap process Development)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-04-01 al 2022-09-30
This type of new flap should help civil aircraft to be lighter and more efficient (i.e. having less consumption)
• Selection of a thermoplastic composite pre-impregnated tape that fulfil both the design, the process and the economic requirement.
• Process parameter control strategy to guarantee in situ consolidation of composite with the nominal performance of the material for the targeted complex geometry
• Efficiency of tape laying to match with the economic equation. Efficiency includes the maximum laying speed and the gestion of start and stop (loss of time, scraps…)
• Assembly solution to create a closed wing section that include the ribs and possibly other reinforcement (for mechanical fastening, at trailing edge….).
SWING aims at overcoming these challenges with significative achievement to allow the integration of the thermoplastic flap in demonstrator wings of hybrid laminar flow control.
To manufacture the Krueger-Panel, Loiretech and the SWING consortium agreed on and set up the following tooling concept: A rotative tooling with the following functions:
- Cells winding on 200°C rotative mandrels
- Cells bonding at room temperature adjustable tooling
- Skin winding at room temperature and rotative tooling
From a manufacturing point of view, it has been demonstrated that an aircraft flap (here a Krueger flap) could be manufactured by tapes winding with a better quality (better positioning of the tapes, no need to go through the autoclave because of the fusion of the thermoplastic as soon as it is positioned). It has been proven that this technology could also be used to manufacture volumes with concave and warped surfaces; This pave the way to a new manufacturing process of very light wing component for Large Passenger Aircraft.