CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
All the PlatOne platforms will be integrated on the PlatOne framework prototype following the specification provided by T2.1 and T2.4. The PlatOne framework will be tested and delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation, in order to be used and validated during the pilots execution.
PlatOne Market platform (v1)The PlatOne Market Platform implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The platform will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne Integrated Framework Prototype (v1)All the PlatOne platforms will be integrated on the PlatOne framework prototype following the specification provided by T2.1 and T2.4. The PlatOne framework will be tested and delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation, in order to be used and validated during the pilots execution.
PlatOne DSO Technical Platform (v1)The PlatOne DSO Tehcnical Platform implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The platform will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
Delivering of technology (v1)BlockChain Based Customer Access Platform and the connected Customer Database able to record, certify and publish to all the relevant market players the customer's flexibility action results
PlatOne Market platform (v3)The PlatOne Market Platform implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The platform will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne BlockChain Customer Access Layer (v3)The PlatOne Blockchain Customer Access Layer implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The layer will include the DSO Common Access Interface and the Customer Data Archive. It will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne DSO Technical Platform (v2)The PlatOne DSO Tehcnical Platform implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The platform will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne BlockChain Customer Access Layer (v2)The PlatOne Blockchain Customer Access Layer implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The layer will include the DSO Common Access Interface and the Customer Data Archive. It will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne BlockChain Customer Access Layer (v1)The PlatOne Blockchain Customer Access Layer implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The layer will include the DSO Common Access Interface and the Customer Data Archive. It will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne Market platform (v2)The PlatOne Market Platform implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The platform will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne DSO Technical Platform (v3)The PlatOne DSO Tehcnical Platform implemented according to reference architecture and user requirements. The platform will be delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation.
PlatOne Integrated Framework Prototype (v2)All the PlatOne platforms will be integrated on the PlatOne framework prototype following the specification provided by T2.1 and T2.4. The PlatOne framework will be tested and delivered incrementally, following the iterative approach defined for the PlatOne framework implementation, in order to be used and validated during the pilots execution.
Delivering of technology (v3)Final version of the aggregator platform, i.e. the one that implements all the flexibility market functionalities, able to interface on one side the Market Place Platform and, on the other side, DSOs and Customers
Delivering of technology (v2)The Result of the Deliverable 3.5 will be the DSO Platform, i.e. the SW (software) application running on the DSO grid control system, able to analyze the grid status and, on the basis of this evaluation, validate or emendate the flexibility action request coming from aggregators
This deliverable will provide an exploitation and marketing plan for future partners and customers being interested in the PlatOne solutions It will describe the major lessons learnt from trial implementations and partner collaboration taking into account the market policy and regulation situation in the EU to find the most promising environment for the further deployment
Report on first integration activity in the fieldDuring Month 20 a first report will be issued concerning the integration activities of the deliverables released on month 18
Communication and Dissemination Plan (v2)The purpose of this deliverable is to summarize and structure all communication and dissemination activities according to the development stage of the project It is a living document and will integrate the lessons learned of the communication activities It will also take into account all changes and improvements of the PlatOne project and adapt the communication and dissemination strategy accordingly It will be updated annually
Communication and Dissemination Plan (v1)The purpose of this deliverable is to summarize and structure all communication and dissemination activities according to the development stage of the project It is a living document and will integrate the lessons learned of the communication activities. It will also take into account all changes and improvements of the PlatOne project and adapt the communication and dissemination strategy accordingly. It will be updated annually.
Report of optimal communication solutions between customer database and market playersThe report delivered will be composed of: 1) the tecnichal specifications for the hardware 2) the cost-benefit analyses to select the communication channels and the appropiate protocol 3) the desciption of the system architecture to connect the stakeholders 4) Implementation of the use cases 5) Description of the Shared Customer Database 6) work progress status
Use Case 1 Demonstration ReportUse Case Demonstration Reports contain the relevant experience from use case demonstration Including lessons learned implication for future operation and evaluation based on project KPI
Final ReportFinal report that wraps up the experience and learnings from the project, including implications for future operations, lessons learned, open issues and potential areas of further research.
Overview of regulatory aspects that impact the solutions tested in the demos in European countriesThis deliverable will assess regulatory elements that will be relevant throughout the conduct of the project and its DEMOs It will provide a general overview of the regulatory framework in which the project is acting and allow the identification of regulatory recommendations to support the implementation of solutions identified and developed in the project
Use Case 3 and 4 Demonstration ReportUse Case Demonstration Reports contain the relevant experience from use case demonstration. Including lessons learned, implication for future operation and evaluation based on project KPI
Report on the analysis of the regulatory and legislative frameworkThe analysis will outline the national and European legislative and regulatory framework that concerns the three demonstrations. Moreover, gaps and obstacles in the regulation and legislation will be identified.
Communication and Dissemination Plan (v3)The purpose of this deliverable is to summarize and structure all communication and dissemination activities according to the development stage of the project It is a living document and will integrate the lessons learned of the communication activities. It will also take into account all changes and improvements of the PlatOne project and adapt the communication and dissemination strategy accordingly. It will be updated annually.
Project KPIs definition and measurement methodsThis deliverable will frame the definition of some common KPIs across DEMOs and their measurement methods that will be used to evaluate the project results. It will be developed in close cooperation with DEMO WPs as well as with Tasks 7.1 and 7.2.
Mesogeia demonstration: meta-analysis and lessons learnedThis deliverable will provide an overall meta-analysis of the methodologies that were implemented in an all-encompassing context to draw conclusion on applicability. Moreover, it will provide the lessons-learned from the demonstration across all the topics studied.
Main findings and recommendationsThis report will provide a comprehensive summary of the main contributions and final results obtained within the PlatOne CBA and SRA, with an emphasis on the work developed within the fourth and final year of the project. Firstly, a theoretical framework and a practical methodological approach will be developed before proceeding to the analysis itself. The core of this methodology corresponds to a simulation-based technical analysis which required classifying the different smart grid solutions attending to their specific goals. Furthermore, this report will present an extensive discussion on how non-technical boundary conditions, i.e. regulation and stakeholders’ perspectives, may affect the replication and upscaling of the PlatOne use cases. Lastly, this report will introduce some additional concluding remarks in order to highlight the future work that may help expand the analyses presented herein as well as the main barriers encountered whilst developing this work.
Mesogeia demonstration: reportThe report will include a detailed description of the demonstration. The performance of the algorithms will be analyzed using the KPIs and any practical issues and experiences will be detailed.
Definition of data to be collected by the field to perform the analysesThis deliverable aims at describing the input that are necessary for performing the SRA and MCA-CBA, in close cooperation with WP1, 3, 4 and 5. These data are necessary to build the representative networks that will be used in the simulations will be defined and gathered during this task. The list of data will be agreed in close cooperation with the DSOs that participate to the consortium. These data will be used to create representative networks. A consistency check will be performed at month 28 between the KPIs calculated by the network models and the baseline value of project KPIs, calculated after the first release of the platform
Algorithm for optimal DER controlA method will be developed for optimal control of DERs with an emphasis on flexible loads in order to alleviate line and voltage limit violation problems within the distribution network Preferably indirect control methods such as dynamic tariffs will be used that emphasize on data privacy and transparency
Periodic report on lessons-learned (v4)A periodic report will be conducted of the positive and negative developments with regard to the implementation of standard guidelines. The input for these reports will be coming from the three demonstrations and the success of the guidelines will be evaluated depending on both technical and nontechnical goals set for each demonstration.
D1.1 General Functional Requirements and specifications of joint activities in the DemonstratorsThis document will compile the architectures of the various DEMOs and their use cases in order to describe and classify the use cases by: scope, solutions adopted, level of description, topology of the solution, standardized actors/system involved. DSO operation specifications will also be defined for each project areas. These inputs will foster scalability and replicability, in interaction with WPs 6 and 7.
Solution Design and Technical SpecificationsDescribes the technical design of the field test site including specifications of hardware, software, SLD and IT-components
Intermediate report on the stakeholders engagement, exploitation, dissemination, communication and standardization activitiesThis deliverable is a comprehensive intermediate report and assessment of the measures taken to raise awareness and create impact with the preliminary project results taking into account the intermediate KPI values
Periodic report on lessons-learned (v3)A periodic report will be conducted of the positive and negative developments with regard to the implementation of standard guidelines. The input for these reports will be coming from the three demonstrations and the success of the guidelines will be evaluated depending on both technical and nontechnical goals set for each demonstration.
State estimation toolThis tool will make use of forecasting techniques for the customer load and intermittent DERs. Its aim is to enhance the observability and automation in the network necessary for implementing complex control methods.
Specification of the interoperability and standard communication protocols (v1)This deliverable will define the intraplatform interoperability mechanisms and standard communication protocols necessaries for the PlatOne framework implementation In addition it will report the specification for data interoperability with an highly focus on security and privacy best practices
Definition of Use Case algorithmsGives a detailed overview ov er the use case algorithms to be implemented and tested during field test phase. Including motivations and reasoning behind use case design.
Report on second integration activity in the fieldOn Month 40 it wiil be delivered a second report on the integration activities implemented with the aim to have all the system components working properly according to market rules.
CBA methodologyThis deliverable provides an overview of the methodologies that will be applied to perform the major tasks of WP7 Cost benefit Analysis This analysis will complement the scalability and replicability analysis for elaborating general conclusions from the experiences in the 3 project demos
Report on solutions and recommendations for the roll-out of the designed solutionsThe recommendations and solutions will be in the form of policy and new/complementary regulatory frameworks. The overarching goal is that the practical realization of the solutions proposed in PlatONE, will be rolled-out, viable to be implemented in different context, and scalable.
Periodic report on lessons-learned (v2)A periodic report will be conducted of the positive and negative developments with regard to the implementation of standard guidelines The input for these reports will be coming from the three demonstrations and the success of the guidelines will be evaluated depending on both technical and nontechnical goals set for each demonstration
Report on main results achieved in the field test"This Deliverable will be a ""Key Document"": it will describe a complete comparison between the initial PlatONE Goals and the final results achieved, outlining the real and measured tecchnological innovation, process quality optimizations, global energy market efficiency enhancements. The results of the field test of the WP3 will be gathered, evaluated and validated. The output of the evaluation process of the scientific results will be reported and disseminated in an open access report, which will be shared with the scientific communities ans sector stakeholders through dedicated dissemination activities."
Communication and Dissemination Plan (first draft)The purpose of this deliverable is to summarize and structure all communication and dissemination activities according to the development stage of the project It is a living document and will integrate the lessons learned of the communication activities. It will also take into account all changes and improvements of the PlatOne project and adapt the communication and dissemination strategy accordingly. It will be updated annually.
Report on the analysis of most relevant standardsThis report will be a product of the investigation conducted in task 6.1. It will analyze the standardization ecosystem and will provide the input of D6.2
Report on lessons-learned from the customer engagement methodologiesThe report will analyze the outcomes of the customer engagement phase of the demonstration. It will focus on identifying the best methodologies and practices.
Detailed Use Case DescriptionsGives a detailed overview over the use cases to be tested and demonstrated, including motivation, KPI and expected result and impact on future operations.
Replicability at International level - application to CanadaThis report evaluates the extent to which the technical SRA rules presented in previous WP7 reports would be applicable to contexts with different technical and regulatory boundary conditions. The cases of Canada has been selected since this Country is active in the areas of renewable energy and smart grids. Furthermore, network characteristic and regulatory context in This region are noticeably different from the EU, thus enabling a wider and more comprehensive SRA analysis.
Report of customer involvementThe delivered report will explain the methodology used in customer sensibilization on the decarbonization / flexibility matters, the customer's answers/response to the Aggregator Offers, the actual results in terms of customer satisfaction; implementation of the use cases and of the relevant customer engagement and envolvement activities; work progress status
Report on twin projects coordination WorkshopsPlatOne is not the only project selected in the framework of this ES-1 “Flexibility and retail market options for the distribution grid” call. Several workshops will be held in order to foster cooperation between PlatOne and its twin projects, the final goal being the overall maximisation of solutions developed at EU level. This Deliverable will report on these workshops in order to fulfil this objective.
Report on Workshops on customer engagementIn order to maximise the involvement of customers, several workshop will be organised throughout the project to promote customer engagement. Deliverable 1.5 will report on the conduct of these workshops and identify the main outcomes of the discussions as well as recommendations to other tasks of the project.
Report on standard guidelines for each demonstrationThis report will identify the standards that are to be employed in PlatONE. There will be guidelines for each demonstration as how to integrate those standards.
Summary of PlatOne contribution to Bridge WGsThis deliverable will describe the contributions of the PlatOne consortium to all Bridge Working groups, task forces, , fair presences, newsletters and other publications.
Report on the definitions of KPIs and UCsA thorough report on the KPIs that will be used for measuring the success of the methodology implemented in the demo. In addition, a description of the Use Cases that will be developed to cover a wide range of scenarios related to providing ancillary and network related services
Exploitation and Marketing Plan for the involvement of partners and future customers (v2)This deliverable will provide an exploitation and marketing plan for future partners and customers being interested in the PlatOne solutions. It will describe the major lessons learnt from trial implementations and partner collaboration, taking into account the market, policy and regulation situation in the EU to find the most promising environment for the further deployment.
Ex-ante qualitative evaluationA qualitative cost-benefit analysis of the proposed standard implementation will be performed. Given the defined KPIs and UCs of each demonstration, the benefits occurring from the use of said standards will be listed.
PlatOne Platform requirements and reference architecture (v1)The report of all the functional and non-functional requirements and the reference architecture that will be the base for the implementation of PlatOne Platform.
Periodic report on lessons-learned (v1)A periodic report will be conducted of the positive and negative developments with regard to the implementation of standard guidelines. The input for these reports will be coming from the three demonstrations and the success of the guidelines will be evaluated depending on both technical and nontechnical goals set for each demonstration.
Algorithm for ancillary servicesA method will be developed for providing ancillary services using flexibility of the customer load in order to provide frequency services for the transmission system The flexible load will be aggregated to articipate in the balancing market and provide Frequency Containment Reserve in a cost optimal manner
Methodology for SRAThis deliverable provides an overview of the methodologies that will be applied to perform the major tasks of WP7 scalability and replicability analysis This analysis will complement the CBA analysis for elaborating general conclusions from the experiences in the 3 project demos The methodology proposed for technical SRA will be presented in this document together with the selection of use cases relevant for technical SRA and the specific application of the technical SRA methodology to each of these use cases The technical impact of the PlatOne use cases will be assessed based on simulation of the implemented solutions on representative networks to compute a set of Key Performance Indicators and other metrics under different technical boundary conditionsThe practical implementation of the technical SRA methodologies developed for the use cases is described in detail introducing the models assumptions and parameters that will be used and considered for simulation
Use Case 2 Demonstration ReportUse Case Demonstration Reports contain the relevant experience from use case demonstration Including lessons learned implication for future operation and evaluation based on project KPI
PlatOne Platform requirements and reference architecture (v2)The report of all the functional and nonfunctional requirements and the reference architecture that will be the base for the implementation of PlatOne Platform
Specification of the interoperability and standard communication protocols (v2)This deliverable will define the intra-platform interoperability mechanisms and standard communication protocols necessaries for the PlatOne framework implementation. In addition it will report the specification for data interoperability, with an highly focus on security and privacy best practices.
The Data Management Plan will detail how these data will be processed and shared to support Open Research during the project’s development and after the project’s conclusion.
Data Management Plan (final)The Data Management Plan will detail how these data will be processed and shared to support Open Research during the project’s development and after the project’s conclusion.
This deliverable will describe the general considerations the marketing message creation and the tendering process of the 3 trial videos showing the similarities as well as the uniqueness of the 3 approaches
Website with interactive community platformThis deliverable will describe the structure and the functionalities of the website including the interactive community platform. It will further detail the digital implementation strategy with the project website as key element.
Panagiotis Pediaditis , Themistoklis Xygkis, George Korres, Nikos Hatziargyriou
Published in:
2023 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), Issue 04-06 September 2023, 2023, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 979-8-3503-9790-1
Mirko Ginocchi, Riccardo Scalabrin , Gianmarco Cocchi, Sergio Toscani, Ferdinanda Ponci, ntonello Monti
Published in:
2023 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Issue 22-25 May 2023, 2023, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-6654-5383-7
Mirko Ginocchi, David Pacheco, Marco Pau, Ferdinanda Ponci, Antonello Monti
Published in:
2023 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS), Issue 27-29 September 2023, 2023, Page(s) 01-06, ISBN 979-8-3503-1240-9
Navreet Dult, Benjamin Petters
Published in:
27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Issue 12-15 June 2023, 2023, Page(s) 2817-2821, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Panagiotis Pediaditis, Charalampos Ziras, Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos, Nikos D. Hatziargyriou
Published in:
2022 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), Issue 05-07 September 2022, 2022, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-6654-0557-7
Ferdinando Bosco, Vincenzo Croce, Francesco Nucci, Gabriele Fedele, Antonio Vito Mantine, Olivia Cicala, Ercole De Luca, Alessandro Chelli, Mattia Alfieri
Published in:
2022 Workshop on Blockchain for Renewables Integration (BLORIN), Issue 02-03 September 2022, 2022, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-6654-7249-4
Riccardo NEBULONI, Valentin ILEA, Alberto BERIZZI), Cristian BOVO, Carlo ARRIGONI, Franco CORTI, Brunella Conte
Published in:
27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Issue 12-15 June 2023, 2023, Page(s) 2034-2038, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Ilaria Losa, Mirko Ginocchi, Ercole de Luca, Gabriele Fedele, Olivia Cicala
Published in:
CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, Issue 02-03 June 2022, 2022, Page(s) 18-22, ISBN 978-1-83953-705-9
Ilaria Losa, Antonello Monti, Vincenzo Croce, Ercole de Luca, Dimitris Stratogiannis, Benjamin-Georg Petters
Published in:
CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop, Issue 22.-23.09.2020, 2020, Page(s) pp. 592-595, ISBN 978-1-83953-214-6
Christoph Jätz, Benjamin Petters, Navreet Dult, Amir Ahmadifar, Antonello Monti
Published in:
27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Issue 12-15 June 2023, 2023, Page(s) 1255-1259, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Ilaria Losa, Antonello Monti, Mirko Ginocchi, Vincenzo Croce; Ferdinando Bosco, Ercole de Luca, Gabriele Fedele, Dimitris Stratogiannis, Benjamin Petters
Published in:
CIRED 2021, Issue 20.-23.09.2021, 2021
Ilaria Losa; Benjamin Georg Peters; Navreet Dult
Published in:
27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Issue 12-15 June 2023, 2023, Page(s) 6-10, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Jonathan Klimt, Niklas Eiling, Felix Wege, Jonas Baude, Antonello Monti
Published in:
Energies, Issue vol. 16, 2023, 2023, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Amir Ahmadifar, Erdem Gümrükcü, Aytug Yavuzer, Florian oppermann, Antonello Monti
Published in:
Software Impacts, Issue vol. 19, 2024, 2024, Page(s) 100603, ISSN 2665-9638
P. Pediaditis, D. Papadaskalopoulos, A. Papavasiliou and N. Hatziargyriou
Published in:
IEEE, Issue vol. 9, 2021, 2021, Page(s) 132928-132939, ISSN 2169-3536
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Amir Ahmadifar, Mirko Ginocchi, Megha Shyam Golla, Ferdinanda Ponci, Antonello Monti
Published in:
IEEE Access, Issue Vol. 11, 2023, 2023, Page(s) 4131 - 4154, ISSN 2169-3536
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
M. Pau, M. Mirz, J. Dinkelbach, P. McKeever, F. Ponci and A. Monti
Published in:
IEEE, Issue vol. 10, 2022, 2022, Page(s) 37050-37063, ISSN 2169-3536
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
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