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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

General purpose integration platform

This type of platforms will allow users to interact simultaneously with from different sources of data to create derived services. The base of the development will be a generic purpose platform that can be customized according specific needs.

Citizen-science toolbox and evidence hub

An on-line ‘one-stop-shop’ of guidelines and materials for existing and future citizen-observatory leaders.

Evaluation of KT materials deployed

This will be mainly the output of subtask 8.3.6: COS4CLOUD Workshops &Update-meetings

Training material available online and capacity building report

Led by OU. Including the user and administrator manual per service.

Customizable Interface service for COS4CLOUD Apps

This services will allow reporting observations supported with images or from low-cost sensors linked with the mobile. The apps share a common codebase to interface with back-end standardised services in WP2 and consist of open source technologies. The mobile platform connects the mobile front end asynchronous with the (scientific back end) and makes direct interaction possible. The platform aims to combine sensor and user data (with great and legal respect to privacy), doing the reduction on the phone where needed (or backend) and distribute datasets for immediate feedback to the user and further analysis by scientists.

Experts portal for biodiversity data validation

This deliverable will be an example of how a generic interactive platform service may be adapted to develop a data quality platform by the Experts Validation for biodiversity observations

Platform for interactive pre-processing camera trap images

The service to develop will be able to 1 automatically filter most if not all of the unwanted pictures and 2 propose the species name The idea is to create a GUI that use the outputs generated in Task 35 that allows users to visualize the results and if they accept the suggestion classification from the system the picture is uploaded to any of the chosen biodiversity COs iSpot Artportalen Natusfera with the proposed identification the uploading process will be using an interoperable API defined in WP2 Some of the data retrieved produced by this service will be used for training in Task 35

Data-use notification service

Service to report the use of data provided by users of citizen observatories integrated into the EOSC hub. The system will provide credit in a way many people will recognise data authorship using a citable and traceable identifier. The automatic recognition of data authorship will be one of the main factors to recruit and engage citizen observatories within the EOSC hub

Experts portal for environmental data validation

A second example of generic interactive platform adaptation will be an Experts Validation platform for environmental observations, with link also to WP5 for environmental data quality

Identification of and engagement with projects of interest

OU will create a database that will be shared in the project web.

Design and evaluation of school-based CS activities

Lead by NKUA This report will present the general design model and the implementation approach of the schoolbased CS activities

Evaluation of project impact

This report will summarize the outputs fromm the taksks 84 COS4CLOUD will monitor and evaluate the impacts of the project as identified in the Exploitation plan D71 by tracking the online presence of our outputs such as references in policy documents online conversations and news reports by using appropriate software eg Altmetric Impact story This will qualify and to an extent quantify the impact of the project and ensure that we are engaged in online discussions while gaining feedback on our work in realtime

Guidelines on best practice for COs as part of the outreach methodology

Guidelines on best practice for building citizen observatories

Report to demonstrate the COS4CLOUD engagement model

Led by CSIC with support from OU and NKUA This report will demonstrate how the model for longterm largescale engagement in citizen science using the EOSC hub has been implemented monitored and evaluated in the project

Sustainability strategy for COS4CLOUD services in the EOSC hub

Strategic plans to ensure the long term sustainability of the prototyped services

Cross-platform training data aggregation service

This deliverable corresponds to a service that allows to create a training set on a particular group of living organisms on-demand, i.e. allowing to solicit particular data such as images of specific species and/or specific platforms, or images with a sufficient quality of expert validation

Project Video

A promotional video of the project to be shared in the project website and other identified media channels

Similarity-search based identification service

This deliverable will corrrespond to a software component: an application that allows CS platforms (or other research projects) to set up a similarity-search based identification service on any particular group of living organisms (making use of the service developed in Task 3.2 to automatically collect the appropriate training data)

MECODA data analysis package

This deliverable corresponds to the package MECODA (ModulE for Citizen Observatory Data Analysis). This package will be adapted from an existing package, MOODA, following principles of reusability. The primary function of MOODA (Module for Ocean Observatory Data Analysis) is to help scientists to analyze data from the EMSO-ERIC facilities. MOODA, developed by CSIC in the framework of the H2020 project EMSODEV, is an open-source package to be adaptable and scalable allowing future contributions from researchers and developers from all the disciplines associated to the marine observatories. In a similar way, MECODA will be adapted from MOODA to be used for scientist and students developing research and training activities linked to citizen science. MECODA will offer user interfaces, such as Jupyter, to make the execution of analytics experiments on citizen science datasets straightforward and user-friendly. MECODA and MOODA may collaborate and share products in developments applied to citizen science in marine environments, this type of collaboration could be extended with other Environmental and Citizen Science research infrastructures in the future

Set of COS4CLOUD documentation per stakeholder audience

Internal technical reports on project results, INSPIRE and other relevant guidelines compliant databases and datasets and a code repository based on relevant guidelines. Executive summaries and practical guides will be added to technical documentation towards the new services.

Co-design service platform for citizen observatories: methodological guide

This deliverable will summarize the results from Task 5.2 as a guideline: COS4CLOUD will develop its services from a bottom-up approach, including a comprehensive stakeholder mapping for each stakeholder identified, including their motivations for engagement, barriers and mitigation strategies. This information will be used to customize the engagement strategy and the data collection tools to multiply the data gathering and to involve as many actors as possible in the co-design process. Different participatory strategies, such as co-creation workshops, public meetings, policy dialogues, focus groups, data thirds or participatory mapping, are then deployed for the different stakeholders and the different phases of co-design

Final DMP

The final version of the DMP at the end of the project


A New Theoretical Engagement Model for Citizen Science Projects: Using Enablers to Overcome Long term Public Engagement Challenges

Autores: Liñán, Sonia; Salvador, Xavier; Comaposada, Andrea; Sánchez, Laura; Aparicio Camín, Nuria; Álvarez Sanchéz, Ana María; Piera, Jaume
Publicado en: VIII International Symposium on Marine Sciences (2022), Edición 29, 2022
Editor: International Symposium on Marine Sciences

Overview of LifeCLEF location-based species prediction task 2020 (GeoLifeCLEF)

Autores: Deneu, Benjamin; Lorieul, Titouan; Cole, Elijah; Servajean, Maximilien; Botella, Christophe; Bonnet, Pierre; Joly, Alexis
Publicado en: CLEF 2020 - 11th International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 2020, ISSN 1613-0073
Editor: CEUR-WS

Overview of lifeclef 2022: an evaluation of machine-learning based species identification and species distribution prediction

Autores: A Joly, H Goëau, S Kahl, L Picek, T Lorieul…
Publicado en: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 13th International Conference of the CLEF Association, 2022
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-13643-6_19

Integrating Citizen Observatories into school environmental education for sustainability: Design and Evaluation of a case study engaging students with Pla@ntNet and OdourCollect

Autores: Daskolia, M., Pappa, M., Joly, A., Bonnet, P., Arias, R., Piera, J., Soacha, K.
Publicado en: Proceedings of ICERI-15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2022, Página(s) 5479-5489, ISBN 978-84-09-45476-1
Editor: IATED
DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1345

Customized e-floras: How to develop your own project on the Pl@ntNet platform

Autores: A Affouard, M Chouet, JC Lombardo, H Gresse, H Goëau, T Lorieul, ...
Publicado en: TDWG 2021: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2021
Editor: Pensoft
DOI: 10.3897/biss.5.73857

A new theoretical engagement framework for citizen science projectsusing a multi-temporal approach to address long-term public engagementchallenges

Autores: Sonia Liñán, Xavier Salvador, Andrea Comaposada, Laura Sanchez, Ana Álvarez, Jaume Piera
Publicado en: ECSA Conference, 2022, Página(s) 70
Editor: ECSA

How Do Deep Convolutional SDM Trained on Satellite Images Unravel Vegetation Ecology?

Autores: B Deneu, A Joly, P Bonnet, M Servajean, F Munoz
Publicado en: ICPR 2020 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition - workshops and challenges, Edición February 2021, 2021, Página(s) N/A, ISBN 978-3-030-68780-9
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68780-9_15

Towards an Interdisciplinary Citizen Science Interoperable Service in EOSC

Autores: Matheus A, Otsu K, and Masó J
Publicado en: EOSC Symposium, 2022
Editor: EOSC

Overview of GeoLifeCLEF 2021: Predicting species distribution from 2 million remote sensing images

Autores: T Lorieul, E Cole, B Deneu, M Servajean, P Bonnet, A Joly
Publicado en: CLEF 2021 Working Notes, 2021
Editor: CEUR-WS

Could AI replace human intelligence? A systematic review on citizen science

Autores: Otsu K and Masó J
Publicado en: ECSA Conference, 2022, Página(s) 25
Editor: ECSA

Integrating Citizen Science into Environmental Education for Sustainability. Design and implementation of an online training course to foster participation in building sustainable and just societies through school education

Autores: Daskolia, M., Gkotzos, D., Grilia, N., Piera, J., Soacha, K.
Publicado en: "Proceedings of the 1st International Virtual Conference on ""Innovative practices in teaching and learning for building a sustainable and just society""", 2022
Editor: RCE Crete- Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (Greece)

Integrating Citizen Science in the European Open Science Cloud ‘Cos4Cloud’: a minimum viable ecosystem (MVE) for tackling common challenges of citizen observatories

Autores: Piera, Jaume; Cos4Cloud Consortium
Publicado en: EOSC Hub Week, Edición 16, 2020
Editor: EOSC

Engaging teachers in the co-design of educational scenarios aiming to integrate citizen observatories technologies into school-based environmental education.

Autores: Daskolia, M, Piera, J., Soacha, K.
Publicado en: Proceedings of EDULEARN - 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2022, ISBN 978-84-09-42484-9
Editor: IATED
DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.2414

Towards an Interdisciplinary Citizen Science Interoperable Service in EOSC

Autores: Matheus A, Otsu K, and Masó J
Publicado en: EGI 2022 Conference, 2022
Editor: EGI

Overview of LifeCLEF Plant Identification task 2020

Autores: Goëau, Hervé; Bonnet, Pierre; Joly, Alexis
Publicado en: CLEF 2020 - Conference and labs of the Evaluation Forum, The CLEF Initiative, Sep 2020, Thessalonique, Greece, Edición 1, 2020, ISSN 1613-0073
Editor: CEUR-WS

Citizen Science and Environmental Oral History in Climate Education. Integrating the use of a citizen observatory for biodiversity monitoring into a climate change education project

Autores: Daskolia, M., Trigatzi, A., Piera, J., Woods, S.M., Bonnet, P.
Publicado en: Proceedings of ICERI-15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2022, Página(s) 6974-6983, ISBN 978-84-09-45476-1
Editor: IATED
DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1767

A minimum viable ecosystem of services for Citizen Observatories: Cos4Cloud tackling technological challenges in the age of Open Science

Autores: Piera, Jaume; Soacha Godoy, Karen Adriana; Cos4Cloud Consortium
Publicado en: ISMS Conference, Edición 11, 2020
Editor: ISMS

With the Citizen Observatory of Pl@ntNet in the National Garden. Implementation and evaluation of an educational scenario in the context of a Citizen Science project and Environmental Education

Autores: Daskalaki, Ζ., Daskolia, Μ., & Gkotzos, D.
Publicado en: "Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Scientific Congress on ""Integration and Use of ICT in the Educational Process""", 2022, Página(s) 209-218, ISBN 978-618-83186-7-0
Editor: ETPE

Overview of LifeCLEF 2021: An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Based Species Identification and Species Distribution Prediction

Autores: A Joly, H Goëau, E Cole, S Kahl, L Picek, H Glotin, B Deneu, M Servajean, ...
Publicado en: CLEF 2021: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-85251-1
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85251-1_24

How the Citizen Science Platform iSpot Ensures Data Accuracy During and After Collection. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6: e94578.

Autores: Dodd, M.
Publicado en: Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2022 conference, 2022
Editor: Pensoft
DOI: 10.3897/biss.6.94578

ICTs, data and vulnerable people: a guide for citizens

Autores: Alexandra Castañeda, Andreas Matheus, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anna Berti Suman, Annelies Duerinckx, Christoforos Pavlakis, Corelia Baibarac-Duignan, Elisabetta Broglio, Federico Caruso, Gefion Thuermer, Helen Feord, Janice Ansine, Jaume Piera, Karen Soacha, Katerina Zourou, Katherin Wagenknecht, Katrin Vohland, Linda Freyburg, Marcel Leppée, Marta Camara Oliveira, Mieke Sterken, Tim Woods
Publicado en: PANELFIT Project Workshop, Berlin, March 2020, 2021
Editor: UPV-EHU
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.22773.70882

Pl@ntNet-300K: a plant image dataset with high label ambiguity and a long-tailed distribution

Autores: C Garcin, A Joly, P Bonnet, JC Lombardo, A Affouard, M Chouet, ...
Publicado en: NeurIPS 2021 - 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021
Editor: Neurips proceedings
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5645731

Participation of LIRMM / Inria to the GeoLifeCLEF 2020 challenge

Autores: Deneu, Benjamin; Servajean, Maximilien; Bonnet, Pierre; Munoz, François; Joly, Alexis
Publicado en: CLEF 2020 - 11th International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 2020, ISSN 1613-0073
Editor: CEUR-WS

LifeCLEF 2021 Teaser: Biodiversity Identification and Prediction Challenges

Autores: A Joly, H Goëau, E Cole, S Kahl, L Picek, H Glotin, B Deneu, M Servajean, ...
Publicado en: ECIR 2021: Advances in Information Retrieval, Edición N/A, 2021, Página(s) pp 601-607, ISBN 978-3-030-72240-1
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72240-1_70

Design and Development of Interoperable Cloud Sensor Services to Support Citizen Science Projects

Autores: Henning Bredel, SImon Jirka, Joan Masó Pau, and Jaume Piera
Publicado en: EGU General Assembly 2020, Edición June 2020, 2020
Editor: Copernicus
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13338

Overview of PlantCLEF 2021: cross-domain plant identification

Autores: H Goëau, P Bonnet, A Joly
Publicado en: CLEF 2021 Working Notes, 2021
Editor: CEUR-WS

Overview of GeoLifeCLEF 2022: Predicting species presence from multi-modal remote sensing, bioclimatic and pedologic data

Autores: Lorieul, T., Cole, E., Deneu, B., Servajean, M., Bonnet, P., & Joly, A.
Publicado en: CLEF 2022-Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, Edición Vol. 3180, No. 155, 2022, Página(s) pp. 1940-1956, ISSN 1613-0073
Editor: CEUR-WS

Maximizing engagement in citizen science, moving to seventh level

Autores: Liñán, Sonia; Soacha Godoy, Karen Adriana; Comaposada, Andrea; Panadero Hernández, Patricia; Piera, Jaume
Publicado en: ISMS Conference, Edición 10, 2020
Editor: ISMS

Lifeclef 2022 teaser: An evaluation of machine-learning based species identification and species distribution prediction

Autores: Joly, A., Goëau, H., Kahl, S., Picek, L., Lorieul, T., Cole, E., ...
Publicado en: Advances in Information Retrieval: 44th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2022, 2022
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-99739-7_49

Designing a digital game on the biodiversity of the school garden in the context of utilizing educational activities concerning Environmental Science with the aid of Citizen's science digital tools

Autores: Tzinieri, M.
Publicado en: Polynoe, 2022

Very High Resolution Species Distribution Modeling Based on Remote Sensing Imagery: How to Capture Fine-Grained and Large-Scale Vegetation Ecology With Convolutional Neural Networks?

Autores: Deneu, B., Joly, A., Bonnet, P., Servajean, M., & Munoz, F.
Publicado en: Frontiers in plant science, Edición 13, 2022, ISSN 1664-462X
Editor: Frontiers Media S. A.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.839279

Contribution citoyenne au suivi de la flore d'un parc national français, un exemple remarquable à l'échelle du Parc national des Cévennes

Autores: Bonnet, Pierre; Goëau, Hervé; Hopkins, Frantz; Véla, Errol; Sahl, Amandine; Affouard, Antoine; Lombardo, Jean-Christophe; Champ, Julien; Hugo, Gresse; Joly, Alexis
Publicado en: "Carnets Botaniques, Société Botanique d'Occitanie, 2020, pp.1-9. ⟨10.34971/zaz0-n247⟩", Edición 1-9, 2020, ISSN 2727-6287
Editor: Société botanique d’Occitanie (SBOcc)
DOI: 10.34971/zaz0-n247

Challenges for Marine Ecological Assessments: Completeness of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Biodiversity Data in European Seas

Autores: Francisco Ramírez; Valerio Sbragaglia; Karen Soacha; Marta Coll; Marta Coll; Jaume Piera
Publicado en: Frontiers in Marine Science, Edición 53, 2022, ISSN 2296-7745
Editor: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.802235

AI Naturalists Might Hold the Key to Unlocking Biodiversity Data in Social Media Imagery

Autores: Tom A. August, Oliver L. Pescott, Alexis Joly, Pierre Bonnet
Publicado en: Patterns, Edición 1/7, 2020, Página(s) 100116, ISSN 2666-3899
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.patter.2020.100116

Pl@ntNet Services, a Contribution to the Monitoring and Sharing of Information on the World Flora

Autores: Pierre Bonnet, Julien Champ, Hervé Goëau, Fabian-Robert Stöter, Benjamin Deneu, Maximilien Servajean, Antoine Affouard, Jean-Christophe Lombardo, Oleksandra Levchenko, Hugo Gresse, Alexis Joly
Publicado en: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Edición 4, 2020, Página(s) e58933, ISSN 2535-0897
Editor: """Biodiversity Information Science and Standards website"""
DOI: 10.3897/biss.4.58933

Pl@ntNet Crops: merging citizen science observations and structured survey data to improve crop recognition for agri-food-environment applications

Autores: M van der Velde; H Goeau; P Bonnet; R d’Andrimont; M Yordanov; A Affouard; M Claverie; B Czucz; N Elvekjaer; L Martinez-Sanchez; X Rotllan-Puig; A Sima; A Verhegghen; A Joly
Publicado en: Environmental Research Letters, Edición 4, 2023, ISSN 1748-9326
Editor: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/acadf3

Motion vectors and deep neural networks for video camera traps

Autores: Miklas Riechmann; Ross Gardiner; Kai Waddington; Ryan Rueger; Frederic Fol Leymarie; Stefan Rueger
Publicado en: Ecological informatics, 69, Edición 3, 2022, ISSN 1574-9541
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2022.101657

Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals

Autores: Dilek Fraisl, Jillian Campbell, Linda See, Uta Wehn, Jessica Wardlaw, Margaret Gold, Inian Moorthy, Rosa Arias, Jaume Piera, Jessica L. Oliver, Joan Masó, Marianne Penker, Steffen Fritz
Publicado en: Sustainability Science, Edición 15/6, 2020, Página(s) 1735-1751, ISSN 1862-4065
Editor: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s11625-020-00833-7

How Networks of Citizen Observatories Can Increase the Quality and Quantity of Citizen-Science-Generated Data Used to Monitor SDG Indicators

Autores: Sasha Marie Woods; Maria Daskolia; Alexis Joly; Pierre Bonnet; Karen Soacha; Sonia Liñan; Tim Woods; Jaume Piera; Luigi Ceccaroni
Publicado en: Sustainability, Edición 49, 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su14074078

Citizen Science Monitoring for Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 6.3.2 in England and Zambia

Autores: Frank C Nyoni; C. G. E. van Noordwijk; Steven Loiselle; Stuart Warner; Isabel J Bishop
Publicado en:, Edición 12(24), 2020, Página(s) 1-15, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202011.0067.v1

A new theoretical engagement framework for citizen science projects: using a multi-temporal approach to address long-term public engagement challenges

Autores: Sonia Liñán; Xavier Salvador; Ana Álvarez; Andrea Comaposada; Laura Sanchez; Nuria Aparicio; Ivan Rodero; Jaume Piera
Publicado en: Environmental Research Letters, Edición 48, 2022, ISSN 1748-9326
Editor: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac939d

Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences

Autores: Dilek Fraisl; Gerid Hager; Baptiste Bedessem; Margaret Gold; Pen-Yuan Hsing; Finn Danielsen; Colleen B. Hitchcock; Joseph M. Hulbert; Jaume Piera; Helen Spiers; Martin Thiel; Mordechai Haklay
Publicado en: Nature Reviews Methods Primers, Edición 52, 2022, ISSN 2662-8449
Editor: Springuer Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s43586-022-00144-4

How citizen scientists contribute to monitor protected areas thanks to automatic plant identification tools

Autores: Pierre Bonnet, Alexis Joly, Jean‐Michel Faton, Susan Brown, David Kimiti, Benjamin Deneu, Maximilien Servajean, Antoine Affouard, Jean‐Christophe Lombardo, Laura Mary, Christel Vignau, François Munoz
Publicado en: Ecological Solutions and Evidence, Edición 1/2, 2020, ISSN 2688-8319
Editor: John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society
DOI: 10.1002/2688-8319.12023

Protecting small populations of rare species. Case study on Dactylorhiza viridis (Orchidaceae) in Fancott Woods and Meadows SSSI, Bedfordshire, UK

Autores: Irina Tatarenko, Mike Dodd, Hilary Wallace, Graham Bellamy, Andy Fleckney
Publicado en: Nature Conservation Research, Edición 5/Suppl.1, 2020, Página(s) 165-171, ISSN 2500-008X
Editor: Nature Conservation Research
DOI: 10.24189/ncr.2020.028

Convolutional neural networks improve species distribution modelling by capturing the spatial structure of the environment

Autores: B Deneu, M Servajean, P Bonnet, C Botella, F Munoz, A Joly
Publicado en: PLOS Computational Biology, 2021, Página(s) pp 601-607, ISSN 1553-734X
Editor: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008856

Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability-Online training course: Module 4 - Citizen Science and school curricula in the context of Environmnental Education/ Education for Sustainable Development

Autores: Maria Daskolia; Panagiota-Maria Grillia
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2023
Editor: NKUA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7768394

Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability-Online training course: Module 3 -The European Cos4Cloud project: approaching the challenge of Open Science from a Citizen Science perspective

Autores: Daskolia, Maria
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2023
Editor: NKUA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7753913

Overview of LifeCLEF 2020: A System-Oriented Evaluation of Automated Species Identification and Species Distribution Prediction

Autores: Alexis Joly, Hervé Goëau, Stefan Kahl, Benjamin Deneu, Maximillien Servajean, Elijah Cole, Lukáš Picek, Rafael Ruiz de Castañeda, Isabelle Bolon, Andrew Durso, Titouan Lorieul, Christophe Botella, Hervé Glotin, Julien Champ, Ivan Eggel, Willem-Pier Vellinga, Pierre Bonnet, Henning Müller
Publicado en: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction - 11th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 22–25, 2020, Proceedings, Edición 12260, 2020, Página(s) 342-363, ISBN 978-3-030-58218-0
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58219-7_23

Citizen Science in Europe

Autores: Vohland, K., Göbel, C., Balázs, B., Butkevičienė, E., Daskolia, M., Duží, B., Hecker, S., Manzoni, M. & Schade, S.
Publicado en: 2021, Página(s) pp 35-53, ISBN 978-3-030-58277-7
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58278-4_3

LifeCLEF 2020 Teaser: Biodiversity Identification and Prediction Challenges

Autores: Alexis Joly, Hervé Goëau, Stefan Kahl, Christophe Botella, Rafael Ruiz De Castaneda, Hervé Glotin, Elijah Cole, Julien Champ, Benjamin Deneu, Maximillien Servajean, Titouan Lorieul, Willem-Pier Vellinga, Fabian-Robert Stöter, Andrew Durso, Pierre Bonnet, Henning Müller
Publicado en: Advances in Information Retrieval - 42nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14–17, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, Edición 12036, 2020, Página(s) 542-549, ISBN 978-3-030-45441-8
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45442-5_70

Citizen Science & Environmental Education for Sustainability-Online training course: Module 2 - From Citizen Science to Citizen Observatories. Supporting Environmental Protection in action

Autores: Daskolia, Maria; Gkotzos, Dimitrios
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2023
Editor: NKUA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7751678

Best Practice for using SensorThings API with Citizen Science

Autores: Matheus A, Bredel H, Otsu K, Chouet M, and Masó J
Publicado en: OGC Best Practice, 2022, Página(s) 21-068, 29/09/2022
Editor: Open Geospatial Consortium

Derechos de propiedad intelectual


Número de solicitud/publicación: FR 1534305
Fecha: 2020-04-21

Duns logoDesign of DUNS logo and isotype

Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2303153803213
Fecha: 2023-03-15
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.


Número de solicitud/publicación: FR 1534305
Fecha: 2020-04-21

Isotipo Cos4Bio

Número de solicitud/publicación: es 111049709286
Fecha: 1643-02-10
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.

Cos4Env logo

Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2303153803206
Fecha: 2023-03-15
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.

Cos4Bio logo

Número de solicitud/publicación: ES 2111049709279
Fecha: 2021-11-04
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.


Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2303153803190
Fecha: 2023-03-15
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.

Isotipo Cos4Bio

Número de solicitud/publicación: es 111049709286
Fecha: 1643-02-10
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.

Duns logoDesign of DUNS logo and isotype

Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2303153803213
Fecha: 2023-03-15
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.

Duns IsotypeDesign of DUNS logo and isotype

Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2303153803220
Fecha: 2023-03-15
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.

Duns IsotypeDesign of DUNS logo and isotype

Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2303153803220
Fecha: 2023-03-15
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.


Número de solicitud/publicación: BX BOIP 89776-01
Fecha: 1643-02-10


Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2110259629728
Fecha: 1643-02-10
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.


Número de solicitud/publicación: es 2110259629728
Fecha: 1643-02-10
Solicitante(s): BINEO CONSULTING S.L.

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