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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils

Description du projet

Vers une gestion du sol durable et intelligente du point de vue climatique

Les sociétés dépendent du sol. Un sol fertile et productif est la base de notre existence et la condition requise pour un approvisionnement stable en aliments, fibres, aliments pour animaux, bois d’œuvre et biomasse. Le sol supporte la biodiversité et contribue à un large éventail de services d’écosystèmes, et en tant que plus grande réserve de carbone sur terre, il est aussi au cœur des défis climatiques mondiaux. Le sol fait partie de la solution dans la réalisation des ODD. Une gestion du sol agricole durable et intelligente du point de vue climatique est cruciale face à la menace que représente le réchauffement climatique. Le projet EJP SOIL, financé par l’UE, va créer un environnement propice visant à renforcer la contribution des sols agricoles aux défis sociétaux clés que sont notamment l’adaptation au changement climatique et l’atténuation de ses effets, la production agricole durable, la fourniture de services écosystémiques ainsi que la prévention de la dégradation des terres et des sols et leur restauration. Le projet rassemble un groupe de 26 instituts de recherche et universités européens de premier plan établis dans 24 pays. Pour obtenir plus d’informations, consultez le site du projet


The main objective of EJP SOIL is to create an enabling environment to enhance the contribution of agricultural soils to key societal challenges such as climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable agricultural production, ecosystem services provision and prevention and restoration of land and soil degradation.
The EJP SOIL will build a sustainable European integrated research community on agricultural soils and will develop and deploy a roadmap on climate-smart sustainable agricultural soil management.
The EJP SOIL roadmap is based on a knowledge framework with 4 interacting components. Knowledge development is set out in project calls with internal and external partners. Knowledge sharing & transfer is framed in capacity building for young scientists, enhancing general public awareness and fostering societal understanding and appreciation of agricultural soil management and its contribution to society. Knowledge harmonization, storage & organization supports harmonised soil information and reporting practices. Knowledge application deals with ways to overcome barriers for adoption of novel practices in a European context, co-developing adequate tools and providing evidence-based recommendations for EU policies.
EJP SOIL activities in interaction with stakeholders, MSs and DG AGRI will pursue the long-term goal of promoting farmers as stewards of land and soil resources and support policy development and deployment, in particular the CAP and Climate policies. The EJP SOIL addresses 6 expected impacts with targeted activities in response to societal, scientific, policy and operational challenges. A first annual workplan based on the roadmap is provided as part of the proposal.
The EJP Soil consortium unites a unique group of 26 leading European research institutes and universities in 24 countries. The consortium has developed this proposal in close collaboration with its programme owners and has secured over 40M€ in co-funding and 10M€ for external calls over 5 years.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 4 425 543,82
75007 Paris

Voir sur la carte

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 9 957 712,63

Participants (45)