Reporting period: 2023-03-01 to 2024-02-29
Briefly, smart polymer-based composite piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials are being developed for their integration into piezoelectric, thermoelectric or hybrid thermo/piezoelectric
devices to generate electrical energy from mechanical vibrations, thermal wasted energy, or both. These three novel Energy Harvesting Systems/prototypes will be used to power specific sensors in buildings, vehicle and aircrafts in an efficient manner widening the IoT implementation.
InComEss project responds to the necessity of developing novel systems with energy harvesting and storage capabilities to overcome the main drawback of the current smart materials which lies in their limited implementation (due to material’s operational reliability, issues of recyclability, dependence on rare elements and manufacturing cost concerns).
The overall objective of InComEss aims to achieve highly efficient energy harvesting systems by the combination of 1) smart piezoelectric and thermoelectric composite materials with 2) enhanced energy density printed supercapacitor. The efficiency of the developed Energy Harvesting Solutions (piezoelectric, thermoelectric and hybriId thermo/piezoelectric) will be enabled by an advanced power conditioning circuit to power sensor nodes for the IoT implementation.
The project objectives are in line with the increased energy efficiency, reduction of CO2 emissions and circular economy European Goals.
During the first and second period, research efforts were focused on the development and characterization of novel smart materials: high-performance polymer based lead-free piezoelectric materials and new thermoelectric materials based on carbon/thermoplastic composites free of rare-earth. Different piezoelectric and thermoelectric generators (PEG, TEG) were fabricated and characterised at lab-scale and supported by theoretical simulations. Regarding the energy storage developments, carbon and conductive polymer and carbon-based electrode supercapacitors were investigated and developed by Screen-printing. Carbon-based supercapacitors were also developed and scaled up by Roll-to-Roll process.
From the power management side, successful power conditioning circuits (PCC) were specifically developed to match each type of generator, connection to supercapacitor and wireless sensor nodes (WSN). A miniaturised Fibre Optic Sensors (FOS) interrogator with reduced energy consumption, Wireless MEMS nodes were developed and optimized together with an IoT platform.
During the last period the attention was centered on the demonstration phase. It has been seen that:
• The InComEss PEG and TEG prototypes developed in the project have demonstrated their ability to generate electricity upon mechanical vibrations and temperature differences, but their power output was not sufficient to PCC/electronics neither the sensors selected for each use-case. The performances of the InComEss prototypes are still far away from the commercial solutions (based on lead and rare-earth). Because of this, commercial solutions were investigated in parallel.
• In the Aeronautic demo, the tests performed have validated the functioning of powered WSN by PEG. This was achieved by harvesting the available mechanical vibrations of the wing slat (with a lead-based PEG) which was able to power the PCC, the interrogator and FOS and transmit data to an IoT platform. Each 2 minutes the IoT platform received temperature data (read by the FOS) of a slat composite laminate skin.
• The Automotive use-case also demonstrated the reliability of powering WSN by TEG. It was possible to harvest the thermal waste on the vehicle’s exhaust system (by using an inorganic TEG) to power fuel level WSN and data monitoring through an IoT platform. The influence of vehicle working condition/ driving modes on the exhaust gas mass flow and temperature difference on the TEG were studied observing the data of fuel level sensor each 1.5-2 minutes.
• The building demo has demonstrated the potential to include FOS in a façade envelope for Structural Health Monitoring. However, the demonstration of the piezoelectric generators (lead-based) failed during the tests of impact, rain, and wind observing the generated output power was not enough for feeding the conditioner circuit and electronics. Further research is needed regarding the frequency vibrations to excite the piezoelectric generator.
Moreover, it is important to highlight that besides that further improvements of developed energy generator/prototypes' efficiency are needed, it is key also to investigate other sensors/WSN and other communication protocols with much lower energy consumption for implementing new lead-free piezoelectrics and rare-earth free thermoelectrics with the aim of feeding sensors and data monitoring.
- Lead-free and polymer-based PEG - TRL4
- Polymer-based TEG free of rare-earth (block and patch) - TRL4
- Printed Supercapacitors - TRL5
- Power Conditioner Circuit - TRL5
- Miniaturised FOS interrogator - TRL5
Potential expected impacts. In general, for society:
• Development of new technologies, applications and services providing direct support for the wider implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy (DSM) and IoT. An open IoT platform has been used to facilitate the development of an ecosystem of plug-and-play devices, that will be cross-application.
• Innovation capacity. Technology transfer of project results available to EU industry and academia.
• Industrial Competitiveness. InComEss will strengthen the EU market positioning and competitiveness of the InComEss industrial partners.
InComEss has developed self-powered WSN and IoT solutions. InComEss has also the potential reinforcing competitiveness and leadership of other industries: WSNs are key to develop the next generation of smart products in EU relevant sectors (transport, building, etc.). InComEss reinforces competitiveness of EU wireless sensors industry & IoT sector.
• Better jobs and new skills. InComEss will contribute to create high quality jobs in electronics industries and throughout EU sectors (automotive, aeronautic, building, energy, etc.). Training contents developed within the project to ensure the results are correctly adopted and used by the industry and other stakeholders (education, standardisation bodies, etc.).
• Environmental. Use of resources in a sustainable and efficient manner including the avoidance of lead and rare-earth elements for the development of InComEss solutions.
Reduction of hazardous waste by ≥50% through efficient manufacturing processes and materials selections for the new PEG, TEGs and Supercapacitors developed in the project. The recyclability of InComEss solutions was 50% and reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions by 34% (as average).
• Contribution to standards. Standards will contribute to remove technical barriers to trade, leading to new markets and economic growth for industry. They will also facilitate technology transfer contributing to ensure safety of products.