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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Improving access to FORest GENetic resources Information and services for end-USers

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

D3.1: Genetic, phenotypic and environmental characterisation of two GCUs for at least one species.

Genetic, phenotypic and environmental characterisation of two GCUs for at least one species.

D3.3: Trait proxy identification (relationship of phenotypes from WP2 and NIRS from WP3) & heritability estimates of trait proxy for at least one species.

Trait proxy identification (relationship of phenotypes from WP2 and NIRS from WP3) & heritability estimates of trait proxy for at least one species.

D2.1: Database of relevant phenotypic properties for the GenRes collection.

Database of relevant phenotypic properties for the GenRes collection.

D3.9: Distribution map of adaptive potential (climate-driven selection) for present and future climatic conditions for at least one species.

Distribution map of adaptive potential (climate-driven selection) for present and future climatic conditions for at least one species

D3.7: Estimation of GCUs adaptability (quantitative genetics linking trait proxy and genomics) for at least one species.

Estimation of GCUs adaptability (quantitative genetics linking trait proxy and genomics) for at least one species.

D4.5: Multivariate description of genomic, environmental and functional status for a subset of the selected GCUs/species.

Multivariate description of genomic, environmental and functional status for a subset of the selected GCUs/species.

D1.3: Species ecophysiology

Species ecophysiology M18 A table describing the species ecophysiology published in a data paper

7.7: Knowledge transfer guidelines for forest services in Europe

Knowledge transfer guidelines for forest services in Europe – a compilation of good practices on how to transfer scientific knowledge to forest managers and involve them in shaping protocols.

5.3: Terms of reference for data sharing and use in EUFGIS

Terms of reference for data sharing and use in EUFGIS. (M24). The data sharing agreement will be prepared through consultative process, checked by legal experts and signed by data providers.

D3.5: Fitness (fertility estimated by drones, realised fecundity estimated via seedlings modelling) & selection gradients (relationship fitness and trait proxy) for at least one species.

Fitness (fertility estimated by drones, realised fecundity estimated via seedlings modelling) & selection gradients (relationship fitness and trait proxy) for at least one species.

D4.7: Multidimensional index of ecological resilience and vulnerability for a subset of the selected GCUs/species.

Multidimensional index of ecological resilience and vulnerability for a subset of the selected GCUs/species

6.1: Design of the web application

Design of the web application A report on the design of the web application describing the different elements

7.8: Updated version of the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication plan

An updated version of the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan.

6.2: Updated and final design of the web application

Updated and final design of the web application. A report on the final design on the web application due to amendments occuring during the development process.

D3.2: Genetic, phenotypic and environmental characterisation of two GCUs for the remaining species considered in WP3.

Genetic, phenotypic and environmental characterisation of two GCUs for the remaining species considered in WP3.

7.1: Website with related channels

Website with related channels the project website with regular newsblogs from partners and links to the newsletters materials and twitter feed

7.2: Calendar of events for sharing knowledge with stakeholders

Calendar of events for sharing knowledge with stakeholders

5.1: FORGENIUS data management plan

FORGENIUS data management plan M6 It will include information on dataset reference and name dataset description standards and metadata data sharing data archiving and preservation


Assisted tree migration can reduce but not avert the decline of forest ecosystem services in Europe,

Autores: Achille Mauri, Marco Girardello, Giovanni Forzieri, Federica Manca, Pieter S.A. Beck, Alessandro Cescatti, Giovanni Strona,
Publicado en: Global Environmental Change, Edición Volume 80, 2023, ISSN 0959-3780
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102676

On the feasibility of estimating contemporary effective population size (Ne) for genetic conservation and monitoring of forest trees

Autores: Santos-del-Blanco, Luis; Olsson, Sanna; Budde, Katharina Birgit; Grivet, Delphine; González-Martínez, Santiago C.; Alía, Ricardo; Robledo-Arnuncio, Juan J.; 0000-0002-5361-2815
Publicado en: Biological Conservation, Edición 5, 2022, ISSN 0006-3207
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109704

EU-Trees4F, a dataset on the future distribution of European tree species

Autores: Mauri A., Girardello M., Strona, G., Beck, P. S. A, Forzieri G., Caudullo G.Manca F., Cescatti A.
Publicado en: Scientific Data, 2022, ISSN 2052-4463
Editor: Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01128-5

Combining climatic and genomic data improves range-wide tree height growth prediction in a forest tree

Autores: Archambeau J, Benito-Garzón M, Barraquand F, de Miguel M, Plomion C, González-Martínez SC
Publicado en: American Naturalist, Edición 200, 2022, Página(s) 141-159, ISSN 0003-0147
Editor: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1086/720619

Empirical approach for modelling tree phenology in mixed forests using remote sensing

Autores: Noumonvi Koffi Dodji, Oblišar Gal, Žust Ana, Vilhar Urša
Publicado en: Remote sensing, Edición 15(13), 2021, ISSN 2072-4292
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/rs13153015

Low but significant evolutionary potential for growth, phenology and reproduction traits in European beech

Autores: Marjana Westergren, Juliette Archambeau, Marko Bajc, Rok Damjanić, Adélaïde Theraroz, Hojka Kraigher, Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, Santiago C. González-Martínez
Publicado en: Molecular Ecology, Edición Early View on-line, 2023, ISSN 0962-1083
Editor: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/mec.17196

Plant hydraulics at the heart of plant, crops and ecosystem functions in the face of climate change

Autores: Torres-Ruiz, José M. Cochard, Hervé Delzon, Sylvain Boivin, Thomas Burlett, Regis Cailleret, Maxime Corso, Déborah Delmas, Chloé E. L. De Caceres, Miquel Diaz-Espejo, Antonio Fernández-Conradi, Pilar Guillemot, Joannes Lamarque, Laurent J. Limousin, Jean-Marc Mantova, Marylou Mencuccini, Maurizio Morin, Xavier Pimont, François De Dios, Victor Resco Ruffault, Julien Trueba, Santiago Martin-St
Publicado en: New Phytologist, Edición Vol 241, 2024, ISSN 0028-646X
Editor: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/nph.19463

Tree Mortality Risks Under Climate Change in Europe: Assessment of Silviculture Practices and Genetic Conservation Networks

Autores: Petit-Cailleux, Cathleen; Davi, Hendrik; Lefèvre, François; Verkerk, Pieter Johannes; Fady, Bruno; Lindner, Marcus; Oddou-Muratorio, Sylvie
Publicado en: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Edición 6, 2021, Página(s) volume 9, ISSN 2296-701X
Editor: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.706414

How woody plants adjust above‐ and below‐ground traits in response to sustained drought

Autores: Lucy Rowland; Jose‐Alberto Ramírez‐Valiente; Iain P. Hartley; Maurizio Mencuccini
Publicado en: New Phytologist, Edición 6, 2023, ISSN 0028-646X
Editor: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/nph.19000

Growth plasticity of conifers did not avoid declining resilience to soil and atmospheric droughts during the 20th century

Autores: Tong Zheng, Jordi Martínez-Vilalta, Raúl García-Valdés, Antonio Gazol, J. Julio Camarero, Changcheng Mu, Maurizio Mencuccini,
Publicado en: Forest Ecosystems,, Edición Volume 10,, 2023, ISSN 2197-5620
Editor: KeAi Communications Co., Ltd
DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2023.100107

Marginality indices for biodiversity conservation in forest trees

Autores: Picard, Nicolas; Marchi, Maurizio; Serra-Varela, Maria, Jesus; Westergren, Marjana; Cavers, Stephen; Notivol, Eduardo; Piotti, Andrea; Alizoti, Paraskevi; Bozzano, Michele; González-Martínez, Santiago, C; Grivet, Delphine; Aravanopoulos, Filippos, A; Vendramin, Giovanni, Giuseppe; Ducci, Fulvio; Fady, Bruno; Alía, Ricardo
Publicado en: Ecological Indicators, Edición 4, 2022, ISSN 1470-160X
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109367

Reduced within-population quantitative genetic variation is associated with climate harshness in maritime pine

Autores: Juliette Archambeau; Marta Benito Garzón; Marina de Miguel; Benjamin Brachi; Frédéric Barraquand; Santiago C. González-Martínez
Publicado en: Heredity, Edición 131, 2023, Página(s) 68/78, ISSN 0018-067X
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41437-023-00622-9

The genetic consequences of population marginality: a case study in maritime pine

Autores: Adélaïde Theraroz Carlos Guadaño-Peyrot Juliette Archambeau Sara Pinosio Francesca Bagnoli Andrea Piotti Camilla Avanzi Giovanni G. Vendramin Ricardo Alía Delphine Grivet Marjana Westergren Santiago C. González-Martínez
Publicado en: bioRxiv, 2023, ISSN 2692-8205
Editor: bioRxiv
DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.27.573436

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