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Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management


Entwicklung von Technologien zur Verbesserung des Wohlergehens bei der Zucht von Kleinwiederkäuern

In Europa ist gerade in Regionen mit rauen Umweltbedingungen die Zucht von Kleinwiederkäuern wie Schafen und Ziegen eine wichtige Quelle für Fleisch, Milch und Wolle. Den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben, die in der Kleinwiederkäuerzucht aktiv sind, fehlen jedoch im Hinblick auf Effizienz, Leistung und Wohlergehen moderne Verbesserungen, um den Bedürfnissen der Tiere gerecht zu werden. Die Entwicklung neuartiger, geeigneter Technologien kann Produktivität steigern und Kosten senken. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt TechCare wird einen partizipativen Ansatz verfolgen, um spezielle Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Wohlbefinden von Kleinwiederkäuern zu identifizieren und innovative Technologien zu entwickeln, um das Management des Wohlbefindens auf Einzeltier- oder Herdenebene entlang der Wertschöpfungskette zu überwachen und zu verbessern. Ziel des Projekts ist es, an der Nachfrage orientierte und innovative Lösungen zugunsten des Wohlergehens der Tiere in allen Phasen der Kleinwiederkäuerzucht zu entwickeln und zu überprüfen.


TechCare is a multi-actor approach project aiming to develop appropriate business models using innovative technologies to improve welfare management for all EU small ruminant (SR) systems, to enable stakeholders to choose animal welfare-friendly products. SRs play a key socio-economic role in Europe, especially in harsh environments where innovative technology is not much implanted. SRs are often managed as a flock/herd, allowing only average welfare states to be considered. Innovative technologies are a unique opportunity to monitor and improve SR welfare management at the individual or flock/herd level, along the value chain.
Based on SR welfare state-of-the-art, TechCare will undertake a multi-actor approach to encapsulate stakeholders’ expectations in terms of welfare and innovative technologies, and provide them with adapted solutions, in a co-design approach. TechCare will cover all stages of SR production and build novel welfare approaches to develop and validate tools, early warning systems, algorithms and indicators for efficient identification of welfare issues, including positive welfare, to include them in welfare management models. The innovative technologies identified in TechCare will pass different stages of validation, from prototyping to large scale studies. TechCare identified solutions will therefore be replicable and adapted to different SR systems, production purposes, and value chains, for improvement of SR welfare management EU-wide.
Business models will be constructed and validated with stakeholders. Dissemination, communication and exploitation materials will be produced and widely shared for easy use of TechCare solutions, ensuring their uptake and relevance to all sectors and stakeholders.
TechCare will offer a durable improvement of SR welfare management using innovative technologies along the whole value chain and across the EU, and will act as an example in terms of approach and solutions for other species and production systems.


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