Periodic Reporting for period 2 - POSEIDON (NanoPhOtonic devices applying SElf-assembled colloIDs for novel ON-chip light sources)
Berichtszeitraum: 2021-01-01 bis 2022-06-30
WP2: Synthesis of colloidal building blocks: Development of particle synthesis protocols for polystyrene and PDVB laytex particles by miniemulsion and classical emulsion polymerization was completed. Synthesis of new RAFT polymers from different monomer systems for modification of quantum dots (QDs) and gold (Au) nanoparticles (NPs) were completed. Modification of QDs with RAFT polymer for particle transfer from organic apolar to aqueous medium was successful. Synthesis of metal nanoparticles for nanoantenna light sources was completed with final evaluation that refers to the synthesis of nanoparticle building blocks for the fabrication of nanoantenna light sources (in agreement with simulation results from WP1).
WP3: Integrated assembly of colloidal light sources has focused on the theoretical design of such materials and identified core-shell particle assemblies as a promising avenue. There has been excellent progress in the self-assembly of nanoantenna structures. The consortium has agreed on four distinct strategies as outlined in WP1. All strategies are subjected to rigorous examination, both in terms of synthetic feasibility and theoretical assessment of emission enhancement. To this point, dimer nanoantennas and patch nanoantennas have emerged as feasible candidates. As a side aspect with potential relevance to tailor emission properties, we successfully prepared chiral nanoantenna arrays that exhibit chiroptical properties. We are 100% capable of producing crescent shape and disk shape gold nano-antennas.
WP4: Creation of electrically pumped light source: The main structures were developed and their characterization is ongoing. More nanoantenna structures need to be evaluated to extract the efficiency and directionality of the light emission. Integrating monolayer QDs and nanoparticles on an optimized photonic chip fabricated by AMO to create electrically pumped nano-antennas was completed. Activities in this WP were also focused on exploring new nano-antennas, blocking layers etc. for reducing electrical junction breakdown and enhancing emission efficiencies of the electrically pumped nanoantennas.
WP5: Creation and optimization of PIC: The fabrication runs so far have been successful with satisfactory preliminary results. Gaps for improvements have been identified and are being addressed. New proposed process flows are a good direction to reach the project goals and will soon be fully evaluated. All the necessary basic calculations of particle-on-mirror configuration have been completed by AMO. The process margin was verified. Additionally, we have identified few more configurations, which might increase the coupling efficiency. The necessary data will be discussed with CSIC to perform further simulations. Currently, we are one step away (QD+Au NPs) to form the first generation of the integrated optically pumped light source.
WP6: Dissemination & Exploitation: Mid-term report on dissemination and the second version of the exploitation plan was prepared. Several communication materials have been created: logo & templates, factsheet, press release, the LinkedIn page with the growing number of followers (156 followers), business cards (with QR code link to website), the website that was visited by 4000 users during Jan 2021-June 2022.
WP7: Project Management & coordination: Three high-level project meetings have been held (M18, M24, and M30 meeting) and an EC review meeting in month 15. Additional monthly WP web conferences were organized and topic specific meetings took place in smaller groups.
During the last two decades, integrated photonics based on silicon photonics have gained a lot of interest in research and industry developments. The rapid increase of data traffic makes drastic changes to more efficient technologies like full optical data transmission necessary. Recent developments in optical communication mainly rely on hybrid integration of III-V lasers on top of the silicon platform. This procedure is not only costly in terms of III-V wafers, but especially the assembly can reach up to 80% of the fabrication cost. Large scale integration of efficient (laser) light sources would open the field to many new applications such as point of care medicine, environmental sensing as well as quantum photonics. POSEIDON aims to test out different approaches for colloidal assembly focused on the integration on photonic chips. The two test scenarios are sensing and communication technologies. By defining ways to integrate light emitting materials efficiently onto the photonic platform, POSEIDON paves the route to a new age of photonic integrated circuits.