Description du projet
Des contrôleurs aériens pour les drones
Les technologies des drones sont de plus en plus présentées comme un moyen potentiellement efficace d’améliorer la sécurité et l’efficacité des transports civils. Néanmoins, jusqu’à présent, des problèmes de sécurité ont rendu impossible le vol de drones à basse altitude dans la plupart des environnements civils, car les technologies liées au guidage et à la télécommande des drones n’ont pas atteint le niveau de maturité requis. Un système de gestion du trafic pour les drones est indispensable pour assurer la sécurité de l’espace aérien. Le projet LABYRINTH, financé par l’UE, étudiera des systèmes de planification centralisés capables de communiquer avec les drones opérant dans certaines zones et de calculer leurs trajectoires pour éviter les collisions. Le projet créera une technologie basée sur l’espace U pour répondre aux besoins d’applications autonomes des drones. Cette technologie sera déployée dans différents scénarios civils tels que les routes, les ports maritimes et les aéroports.
Ensuring transport safety and security is one of the EU’s main priorities, as spotlighted in WHITE PAPER–Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area, which sets out a strategy leading to reach a safer, more efficient and more sustainable civil road, rail, air and waterborne transport. Drone applications are considered as potentially capable of revolutionizing the world around us. Nevertheless, security issues make impossible to fly drones in most situations, due to drone guidance and control-related technologies have not reached enough readiness level to guarantee safe operations in most of low altitude scenarios.
To face these issues, SESAR has created U-SPACE, a new framework designed to integrate safely, securely and efficiently drone operations at low level into EU airspace. Active geofencing is one of the main drone emerging technologies outlined in the U-Space Blueprint. However, although geofencing is a useful technology to avoid drones presence in restricted places, it is not prepared to face the future proliferation of drones in areas such as cities, where drone swarm applications will lead to an increasing risk of collisions.
LABYRINTH has identified the need to research on centralized planification systems capable of communicating with the drones in a certain area, processing their desired origin and destination points and compute paths to avoid collisions. This is embodied in the Unmanned Traffic Management Systems (UTM) that, in contrast to EU strategy, are one of the NASA’s main research priorities, whose objective is to create flight control centres for auto-piloted drones.
Aligned with this, LABYRINTH aims to use this new approach to create a U-SPACE-based technology to make a leap forward in the efforts undertaken so far through the development of autonomous drone applications, focussing on solutions adressed to enhace safety and efficiency of civil trasnport in road, seaport and airport scenarios, including emergency assistance operations.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinateur
28903 Getafe (Madrid)