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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

5 services of Drones for increased airports and waterways safety and security.

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Final Activity Report

This document describes all the activities and outcomes of the project. It constitutes the synthesis of all the project results and lessons learnt, including the recommendations for future actions and roadmap towards industrialised products.

Data Management Plan V2

The data management plan describes all the measures taken to make project data FAIR ( Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable) and identifies all the data sets that will be managed during and after the project to warrant the IPRs. Version V2

Project and Risk Management Plan

The document describes the organization and procedures put in place in the project to warrant that the outputs are produced on quality, on time and on cost. The risk management is an important part of the process to avoid any unwanted surprise.

Final assessment and recommendations for the future

This deliverable presents the final assessment of the project outcomes (system) and the recommendations proposed for the next steps of industrialization of the platform.

Pilots' Events 2 Reports (including questionnaires and training)

This deliverable gathers the results of the end-user training sessions and the answers to the assessment questionnaire for wave 2 of the project events.

5D-AeroSafe System integration report V2

This deliverable is the integration and validation report for the second version of 5D-AeroSafe system (V1). It consists in the assessment of the system through the integration tests from a technical and from an operational point of view.

Dissemination and Communication Plan V2

This deliverable describes the planning of all the events in which 5DAeroSpace will participate and describe the participation presentations documents demonstrations It also describes the dissemination actions during the lst 18 months

Pilots' Events 1 Reports (including questionnaires and training)

This deliverable gathers the results of the enduser training sessions and the answers to the assessment questionnaire for wave 1 of the project events

Dissemination and Communication Plan V1

This deliverable describes the planning of all the events in which 5DAeroSpace will participate and describe the participation presentations documents demonstrations It also describes the dissemination actions during the first 18 months

Exploitation Plan V2

This deliverable is the final version of the exploitation for the system. It comprises the exploitable foreground, the business cases, the business models, the SWOT analysis with the competition and benchmarking and the exploitation strategies (consortium and individual).

Pilots planning document

This deliverables presents the planning of all the tests and demonstrations of the system (V1 and V2). It comprises factory tests and field tests and demonstrations in all the locations chosen.

5D-AeroSafe System integration report V1

This deliverable is the integration and validation report for the first version of 5D-AeroSafe system (V1). It consists in the assessment of the system through the integration tests from a technical and from an operational point of view.

Synthesis of the Regulatory Framework and Concept of Operations V1

This document makes a synthesis of all legal texts and procedures that regulate the use of UAVs in the airspace in general and in the environment of airports airfiedls and waterways in particular This document will be used for the system design to be sure that the project does not violate any rule taking into account today situation and possible evolutions Version V1

Pilots assessment V1

This deliverable is the assessment of the system V1 from an operational point of view (evaluation by end-users and stakeholders) and from a technical point of view (technical partners and external experts).

Project and risk management Plan V2

The document describes the organization and procedures put in place in the project to warrant that the outputs are produced on quality on time and on cost The risk management is an important part of the process to avoid any unwanted surprise V2

Use Cases Definition

The report presents all the scenarios in which the UAVs can be involved during calibration or inspection phases The document will be an important input to define the concept of operations of 5DAeroSafe system

Pilots assessment V2

This deliverable is the assessment of the system V2 from an operational point of view (evaluation by end-users and stakeholders) and from a technical point of view (technical partners and external experts).

Synthesis of the Regulatory Framework and Concept of Operations V2

This document makes a synthesis of all legal texts and procedures that regulate the use of UAVs in the airspace in general and in the environment of airports, airfiedls and waterways in particular. This document will be used for the system design to be sure that the project does not violate any rule (taking into account today situation and possible evolutions). Version V2.

Project and risk management Plan V3

The document describes the organization and procedures put in place in the project to warrant that the outputs are produced on quality, on time and on cost. The risk management is an important part of the process to avoid any unwanted surprise.

Pilots' Events 3 Reports (including questionnaires and training)

This deliverable gathers the results of the end-user training sessions and the answers to the assessment questionnaire for wave 3 of the project events.

User Workshop and Report

This deliverable is the report of the first project workshop with the endusers and stakeholders to define the requirements that will support the development of the system

Exploitation Plan V1

This deliverable is the first version of the exploitation for the system It comprises a first view of the exploitable foreground and the exploitation strategies consortium and individual

Data Management Plan V1

The data management plan describes all the measures taken to make project data FAIR ( Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable) and identifies all the data sets that will be managed during and after the project to warrant the IPRs. Version V1

Preliminary Data Management Plan

The preliminary data management plan describes the sets of data that will be used in the project it specifies which sets of data will be public in the frame of ORDP

Pilot videos 2

This deliverable consists in the second set of videos that will be used to support the project dissemination.

Pilot videos 3

This deliverable consists in the third set of videos that will be used to support the project dissemination.

Project Videos 1

This deliverable consists in the first set of videos that will be used to support the project dissemination

Project Dissemination Materials (project factsheet/leaflet, presentation and website)

This deliverable is composed of the project website and the initial communication data set that will be used during the dissemination events and the meetings where the partners will present the project


On the Weighted Cluster S-UAV Scheme Using Latency-Oriented Trust

Pubblicato in: IEEE ACCESS, Numero VOLUME 11, 2023, 2023, Pagina/e 56310 - 56323, ISSN 2169-3536
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2023.3282441

Projekt 5D AeroSafe- monitorowanie lotnisk z wykorzystaniem platform bezzałogowych. (5D-AeroSafe project - airport monitoring using unmanned platforms)

Autori: Przemysław MĄDRZYCKI, Robert GRZESIAK, Paweł KALINOWSKI, Dariusz KARCZMARZ
Pubblicato in: Maritime Security Yearbook 2022; XVI : 455-469, Numero yearly (2022), 2022, ISSN 1898-3189
Editore: Naval Academy
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0016.2033

New capabilities for monitoring airport (waterport) infrastructure using unmanned aerial vehicles.

Autori: Przemyslaw MADRZYCKI, Dariusz KARCZMARZ, Robert GRZESIAK
Pubblicato in: . 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Numero 19-21 July 2023, 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-2297-2
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iceccme57830.2023.10252892

A holistic platform employing SDR to facilitate automated airport and waterdrome inspections using UAVs

Autori: Nikolaos Astyrakakis, Dimitra Papatsaroucha, Pityanou Konstantina, Fanourios Fakoukakis, Nikolaos Zotos, Marinos Kardaris, George Bogdos, Evangelos Markakis
Pubblicato in: Aerospace Europe Conference 2023, Numero 10ᵀᴴ EUCASS – 9ᵀᴴ CEAS, 2023, Pagina/e[0]=doc_indexer
Editore: EUCASS
DOI: 10.13009/eucass2023-676

Automatic UAV-based airport pavement inspection using mixed real andvirtual scenarios

Autori: Pablo Alonso, Jon Ander Iñiguez de Gordoa, Juan Diego Ortega, Sara García, Francisco Javier Iriarte, Marcos Nieto,
Pubblicato in: Proc. SPIE 12701, Fifteenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2022), Numero 1270118 (7 June 2023), 2023
Editore: NA
DOI: 10.1117/12.2679734

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