Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PestiSi (Cost effective solution against insects in long-term grain storage by natural diatomaceous earth)
Période du rapport: 2020-05-01 au 2021-07-31
Two-third of stored grain commodities are estimated to be chemically treated twice per season minimum. Due to global climate change and increased international trading, the incidence of insect contaminations will expectedly increase. Chemical regulations allow the use of less active ingredient per treatment which leads to the increased number of necessary treatments which have greater environmental impact on a long term. The wide spreading of our method will reduce the possible food and feed contamination by chemical pesticides, which will be beneficial for the whole society.
Our objective is to commercialise PestiSi as a diatomaceous-earth-based insecticide applied during long-term grain storage. In order to complete this, product development, validation studies, pre-commercial actions are needed, our business plan shall be updated, and the knowledge shall be spread among stakeholders (pre-marketing).