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WHISSPER - fighting traffic noise exposure by diffraction


Gehörschutz durch Ablenkung von Verkehrslärm

Straßenverkehr ist der am häufigsten auftretende Umgebungslärm, von dessen schädlichen Auswirkungen in der Europäischen Union mehr als 100 Millionen Menschen betroffen sind. Die Langzeitexposition erhöht die Stressbelastung und verursacht Schlafstörungen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt WHISSPER fördert daher neue Technologien, die vom niederländischen Unternehmen 4Silence entwickelt wurden. Die bahnbrechende und doch einfache und nachhaltige Lösung basiert auf der Ablenkung von Verkehrslärm nach oben, um die horizontale Geräuschbelastung zu reduzieren. In den Niederlanden getestete Prototypen erwiesen sich dabei nicht nur als äußerst effizient, sondern auch einfach in der Umsetzung und Wartung. Schwerpunkt von WHISSPER ist die Optimierung der 4Silence-Lösung, um sie in verschiedenen Betriebsumgebungen zu testen.


The European expenditure on road and railway amounts ~€ 90 billion per year. Around 6% of the expenditure accounts for noise reduction measures, which equals to €5,43 billion. Despite spending these vast amounts of money, the overall exposure to traffic noise is escalating. Today, more than 1 in 4 Europeans is exposed to traffic noise levels dangerous to their health in their homes, schools and workplaces. The World Health Organization has classified traffic noise as the second worst environmental stressor affecting human health in Europe and the only one that is still growing.
Road and railway authorities recognize the problem, but budgets are limited, and currently available measures are based upon high cost solutions and have issues with life-time, noise reduction levels, and applicability. 4Silence helps to solve the problem. The technology company has invented a highly innovative, but also simple and sustainable solution based on the principle of diffraction, i.e. bending traffic noise in an upward direction in order to obtain horizontal noise reduction. It constitutes a revolutionary approach in the world of noise reduction, which traditionally focuses at noise absorption or blocking noise.
The prototypes are complete and qualified and have been tested in real world settings in the Netherlands. Demonstrations have provided evidence that the solution is highly effective in reducing noise exposure while having far lower cost (~50% cost reduction) and easier implementation and maintenance. This coincides with the increasing need of authorities for more cost-effective noise reduction measures. To ensure complete commercial scalability and enable international acceptance by road and railway authorities across Europe, the 4Silence solution requires optimization and scale up testing in different operational environments. With the support of several leading road and railway authorities, 4Silence aims to use the project set a new standard for traffic noise abatement.

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€ 2 159 500,00
7524 PK Enschede

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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).

Oost-Nederland Overijssel Twente
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 3 085 000,00