Description du projet
Un bateau-taxi futuriste bientôt prêt à entrer dans la course
Oubliez les bus et les tramways, un véhicule taxi hydroptère pourrait être la solution pour échapper aux embouteillages urbains. Imaginez-vous traversant la Seine à bord d’un petit bateau rapide et efficace! Les SeaBubbles, ainsi nommés, seront exploités en tant que service de taxi nautique. Le projet financé par l’UE mettra en place un réseau de postes d’amarrage où les navires seront chargés et où les passagers pourront monter à bord et descendre. Ces postes produiront de l’électricité au moyen de panneaux solaires et de turbines hydrocinétiques afin d’être autonomes et indépendants du réseau. L’objectif est de mettre en place les SeaBubbles dans plus de 50 villes dans le monde d’ici 2024, afin de réduire la congestion routière tout en optimisant les voies navigables sous-utilisées.
Many of the cities in EU are badly congested. Congestion increases air pollution, leads to more traffic accidents & makes the cities less accessible to its dwellers.
A lot of cities were built and developed along some body of water—typically 30-40% of locations are within a 10 min walk from a river bank or canal. This creates an opportunity for water-based transport that was not exploited before due to low speeds of existing boats or high emissions of their diesel engines.
SeaBubbles are small, fast & very efficient electric hydrofoil craft that that can carry a driver & four passengers with a max speed of 30 km/h, while producing no emissions or noise. SeaBubbles are designed by the same world-class team has previously built the unique sailing hydrofoil trimaran that broke the speed sailing record in 2009.
SeaBubbles will be operated as a water taxi service, which requires a network of mooring stations for boarding/unboarding passengers and charging the vessels. These stations will produce electricity via solar panels & hydrokinetic turbines, with the goal to make them autonomous from the grid. SeaBubbles will carry passengers between two typical urban points 2x faster than a regular taxi and at a comparable price.
Our goal is to have 60+ SeaBubbles operating by the end of 2018, active in 2-3 cities globally, as well as 12+ docks, with a total electricity production of ~100 MWh and a CO2 annual reduction of ~300+ tons with revenues of €10m+. By 2024 we want to be in 50+ cities globally. Once successful, SeaBubbles will be creating jobs in vessel and mooring station manufacturing, hydrofoil craft driving as well as software development
SeaBubbles are supported by the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and received interest of other cities in EU, and positive media coverage from Bloomberg, The Telegraph, The Verge and many others.
In this Phase 2 project we will industrialize SeaBubbles and trial them is several cities in EU and in the world.
Champ scientifique
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftwaresoftware development
- social scienceseconomics and businessbusiness and managementbusiness models
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringair pollution engineering
- natural sciencesearth and related environmental sciencesenvironmental sciencespollution
- social sciencessocial geographytransportpublic transport
Régime de financement
SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2Coordinateur
75008 PARIS
L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.