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Advanced Multistage Sequential Wastewater Treatment Technology

Description du projet

Un nouveau système modulable pour traiter les eaux usées

Le traitement des eaux usées convertit les eaux résiduaires en un effluent utile et sûr qui peut être renvoyé dans le cycle de l’eau, afin d’être réutilisé. En d’autres termes, la concentration de polluants doit être réduite, mais le traitement coûte cher et implique un processus énergivore. Le projet ANAERGY, financé par l’UE, a mis au point un nouveau système de traitement modulable qui intègre des étapes d’oxydation anaérobie, aérobie et avancée. Le digesteur anaérobie, y compris la technologie brevetée PUREMUST®, peut atteindre des taux élevés d’élimination des polluants (jusqu’à 99 %) et de production de biogaz (16 m3/h). Selon le projet, l’adoption industrielle du système ANAERGY peut entraîner des économies importantes, tout en diminuant la pollution de l’eau, et en augmentant la réutilisation de l’eau et la part de l’énergie renouvelable.


Enhancing of wastewater treatment technologies is a key goal of the EU to achieve sustainable and circular economy. Due to the required high investment and operational costs of current technologies, many industries find more economical to pay fines for direct discharges of polluted effluents than to treat them. Particularly, the heterogeneity and seasonality of the agro-food sector produce a broad variety of wastewater streams which claim for more efficient and customizable solutions to meet with increasingly stringent wastewater regulations.
Within this context, Ingeobras and Proycon have developed ANAERGY, a modulable wastewater treatment system that integrates for the first time: anaerobic, aerobic and advanced oxidation stages. The exclusive design of the anaerobic digester, including patented PUREMUST® technology, enable to reach high pollutants elimination rates (95-99%) and production of biogas (16 m3/m3). Also, its small size and flexibility allow reducing installation and operational costs, together with a tailored response to end-user´s requirements. Following their collaboration for 12 years, Ingeobras will manage technical upgrades, assembly, commercialization and installation, while Proycon will be in charge of manufacturing the digesters.
The adoption of ANAERGY by industries lead to major economic savings by eliminating wastewater discharge fees and reducing energy costs (biogas ≈80% energy needs). The benefits that ANAERGY will bring to the market will make the proposed project profitable with a ROI of 6.6 over 4 years and a payback period by the 1st quarter of the second year. Likewise, by improving current technology, ANAERGY will decrease water pollution, increase water reusability and strengthen renewable energy share. Together, these actions generate social, environmental and economic benefits for all society, contributing to overall well-being, water and food security, and sustainable development.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 975 275,00
50004 Zaragoza

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Noreste Aragón Zaragoza
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 1 393 250,00

Participants (1)