Descrizione del progetto
Un nuovo sguardo ai dati olografici per le automobili
Un visore a testa alta (HUD, heads-up display) è un display trasparente che presenta dati. Può apparire sul parabrezza senza che gli occhi del guidatore debbano rimettere a fuoco. Gli HUD sono molto popolari negli aeromobili commerciali o nelle automobili, ma sono costosi con la tecnologia attuale. I produttori di automobili sono alla ricerca di soluzioni HUD a basso costo e compatte per visualizzare informazioni importanti nel campo visivo. Per questo motivo, il progetto VIEW-AHEAD si propone di sostituire la tecnologia convenzionale con una nuova soluzione di elemento ottico olografico fotopolimerico (HOE) laminata all’interno del parabrezza dell’auto. Questo HUD sarà più piccolo e in grado di adattarsi a qualsiasi veicolo.
Head-up Displays (HUDs) represent the next generation of information display in cars. Every major automotive manufacturer
(OEM) is seeking low-cost, compact HUDs that can display information across a wide field of view (FOV). Analysts predict an $11.8 billion market opportunity by 2025.
However, existing solutions based on conventional optics cannot meet these market needs. Using current technology, a
HUD covering the driver’s FOV would be too bulky for all but the largest vehicles and cost €4000+.
At Ceres, we have broken the link between size and performance by replacing part of the complex HUD optics with a
photopolymer Holographic Optical Element (HOE) laminated within a vehicle windshield. This dramatically reduces the size
of the HUD unit, allowing 'windshield display' HUDs to be fitted to any vehicle.
Our primary customer, a major European OEM, has successfully demonstrated our technology in full size windscreen
laminated prototypes. They are now so excited by the technology’s potential that they have a stated aim to fit at least 2
million of the 1st generation VIEW-AHEAD HUDs across their vehicle range by 2025.
However, to manufacture in volumes required by the market we must adapt our latest flat-bed replication machine to work on
a continuous reel-to-reel basis and prove the HOE integration with the windshield interlayer material and final lamination
process. Our prospective customers are asking for volume manufacture to be demonstrated before 2021, meaning we
urgently need to accelerate the development of the manufacturing technology.
With help from Horizon 2020, we will deliver a game-changing technology to a hungry market, resulting in cumulative sales
of over 3.9 million HOE units by 2025. Across multiple revenue streams we anticipate turnover of €162m and net profits of
€93m cumulative within 3 years, with over €2.6 billion revenue across the supply chain.
Campo scientifico
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
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