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Innovative Multi-disciPlinary European Research training netwOrk on VolcanoEs

Project description

Interdisciplinary training of volcano scientists

The use of innovative methods in volcano science will advance our knowledge of volcanic and geothermal systems and may also result in economic and social benefits. The EU-funded IMPROVE project will perform research to define the underground structure and dynamics of volcanic and geothermal systems aiming to significantly impact volcano science and the science–industry relationship. The project will employ exploration and monitoring approaches and disciplines such as geology, geophysics, geochemistry, engineering and informatics. The IMPROVE consortium consists of nine academic beneficiaries, one partner from a state-owned company in the energy sector and two technology-developing SMEs. Together they will train a new generation of volcano scientists to manage interdisciplinary understanding and knowledge, promote innovation and cooperate in an inter-sectorial open science environment.


Based on previous and current international projects and initiatives, IMPROVE aims at training the new generation of volcano scientists who manage inter-disciplinary understanding and knowledge, pursue innovation, and cooperate in an inter-sectorial, Open Science environment. IMPROVE ESRs are trained to grow as independent scientists with broad overviews and top level expertise, able to convert their knowledge, ideas and skills into scientific advance as well as economic and social benefits. The consortium involves nine academic Beneficiaries, and three Partners constituted by one Energy State Company and two technology-developing SMEs. The underlying research aims at the definition of the underground structure and dynamics of volcanic and geothermal systems, with innovative objectives expected to impact significantly volcano science as well as science-industry relationships; and involves exploration and monitoring methods, disciplines like geology, geophysics, geochemistry, engineering, informatics, and theoretical and experimental approaches. The program includes two multi-disciplinary Field Experiments, four Network Schools, five Specialized Short Courses, three ESRs’ Workshops, one Network Workshop on science-business relationships, nine Digital Training Modules, and a Final Conference. Multidisciplinary data will be managed through a Data management Plan, and organized in a database fully available to the consortium and, after project closure, accessible by the broadest scientific community. ESRs’ training-through-research develops under multi-disciplinary team work and multiple tutorships, and includes as major training elements a variety of transferable and soft skills aimed at growing a generation of young scientists who are highly attractive for science as well as for the industry.


Net EU contribution
€ 1 307 498,40
Via di Vigna Murata 605
00143 Roma

See on map

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 1 307 498,40

Participants (8)