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Digital Global Biogas Cooperation

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Report on the training

In order to operate and specially to maintain the DiBiCoo Online Information System personnel from FVB WIP EBA and AKBOE will be trained in a dedicated training course organised by LLU The course will contain the basics of the developed system how to make changes how to maintain the database and on potential future software developments LLU will provide a report with main findings of the training Link to task 46

Report on the final conference

GIZ will organize a oneday International Conference at the end of the project in Brussels serving as the major platform for the presentation and discussion of the DiBiCoo results to the political and economic communities in Europe fostering alliances between public and private sector aiming to the further roll out of biogas technologies The project coordinator will provide the agenda summary and presentations of the final conference Link to task 76

Report on business design trainings design and manager trainings

In the framework of the manager training programme 5 Business Design Trainings 1 in each target country will be organized They combine theoretical studies and practical experience in which executives from Africa Asia and Latin America participate in intensive coaching and trainings by GIZ experts New sustainable business models will be discovered with positive effects for the economy of biogasThe workshops focus on designing an innovative business model in an intercreation process finally aiming at a joint strategy for implementation of innovative concepts and ideas The project coordinator will provide a report with all relevant findings participant lists and agenda of those trainingsLink to task 55

Report on financing option

Many projects in the field of biogas are failing implementation because of lacking suitable financing. GIZ as one of the most important international development organisations, has a large track of financing expertise. Green Cape will provide a report on the different financing options. Link to task 3.4

Project flyer – printed and electronic flyers

Project logo – An DiBiCoo project logo will be developed during the first month of the project action. Logo will be used by the partners in all deliverables and dissemination materials. Project flyer in English and in national languages – ICEADDIS will elaborate DiBiCoo project flyer in English language. The flyer will include a short summary of the project, main objectives of the project and a list of partners. Link to task 7.3

Report on “Export opportunities for European biogas technologies and services from the industry perspective

The lead partner will be set-up a stakeholder survey with the European biogas industry. The output of this survey will be a report summarizing the view of the European biogas industry on export opportunities. The results will be used as input to the tool development (WP4) and for the capacity building (WP5) as well as finally for the consideration in the DiBiCoo Market uptake programme under WP6. Link to task 2.3

Report on the study tours

The organisation of 4 study tours for business delegations interested stakeholders and project partners to importing and exporting countries will be organised This will enable importers to see existing technologies in operation under real life conditions and to learn more about the technologies WIP will be in charge for the report including agendas participants list and main findings Link to task 52

Result-Oriented Report

The project coordinator GIZ will be responsible for the timely delivery of the resultoriented report That will be the summary of the main findings and lessons learnt in month 33 Link to task 16

Impacts of demo case biogas projects

In order to ensure the quality and sustainability of the demo cases regional specificities socioeconomic spatial and environmental aspects are considered and its impacts are assessed Benefits for the environment GHG emissions waste management etc and the local economy jobs rural development etc will be expressed by concrete numbers and qualitative descriptions The results will be presented to the public in order to ensure that only opportunities with the highest benefits and the minimum negative impacts are promoted Thereby the implementation of quality and sustainability standards for bioenergy will be promoted AEA will be responsible for the main impacts of demo case biogas projectsLink to task 64

Report on the stakeholder workshops

In each importing target country a series of 2 local stakeholder workshops 25 10 workshops will be organised to which the stakeholders identified in Task 31 will be invited The objective of the workshops is to collect stakeholder feedback for the market and framework analysis to identify research needs and to identify concrete project opportunities as preparation for WP 6 The workshops will be implemented by the responsible importing target country partners The lead partner will provide an agenda minutes and participant list of the workshop Link to task 32

Report on the website

The website will serve as knowledge sharing platform offering all deliverables produced in the project for download as outlined in the Plan for disseminating and exploiting the project’s results. ICEADDIS will run the website and GIZ will provide continuous update of the web content, based mainly upon input collected from the partners, and the deliverables approved for the project. ICEADDIS will keep the website in operation for at least two years beyond project duration and will report on the main activities. Link to task 7.1

Communication and dissemination (and exploitation) plan

The communication and dissemination (and exploitation) plan shows the results of activities in the fields of communication and dissemination. Outlines the processes and dissemination strategy. Periodic updates.

Report on research needs for the adaptation of biogas technologies

Based on the current knowledge on the current biogas markets and framework conditions in Task 32 research and technical adaptation needs will be investigated This will include all relevant topics along the biogas value chain starting from feedstock sourcing to the conversion process and final use of the products biogas digestate It will furthermore prioritize the identified needs in order to boost the biogas markets in the importing target countries as much as possible GREENCAPE will create a research needs matrix that will be applied by the partners to each target country The research needs will be presented to local Task 32 but also to European policy makers in Tasks 57 and 76 and will be reported by WIPLink to task 35

Project poster of the DiBiCoo project

Posters/roll ups – in order to make the DiBiCoo project visible, posters (A2 format) will be developed for the dissemination purposes in the related national and international events and in the European Workshop in Brussels. The posters will be created in English and in the national languages. Link to task 7.3

Report on the evaluation of the tool

After the first stage of the tool development in Task 42 it will be applied and further developed using the control questions approach Afterwards various novel algorithms and tools like chatbots virtual assistance will be applied for the improvement of the digital matchmaking processThe evaluation of the performance and usability of the developed tool will be done in an iterative way during the course of the project The final evaluation will be done by applying an enduser surveyThe usability evaluation will focus on aspects how well end users can use a system to achieve their goal in finding an appropriate contact candidateThe functional evaluation of the system will be completed linking all the needed requirements with achieved results End users will be involved to try and test the tool to evaluate its functionality performance and usability After the evaluation data are gathered necessary improvements will be implemented LLU will provide a report on the evaluation of the tool Link to task 43

Report on social media

WIP will create project accounts in different social networks and the partners will provide contributions and promote the DiBiCoo project and the outcomes especially good practise examples among their own social networks and will provide a report on social media activitiesLink to task 77

Follow-up strategy for the for the extension of the tool for other RES technologies

A further advantage of this newly developed open source tool is in its general applicability to other renewable energy technologies such as eg hydropower geothermal heat pumps solar energy wind power and solid biomass conversion This can be done by filling the empty system with the appropriate dataAlready during the development of the tool WIP GIZ and EBA will promote the tool to other RES sectors approaching especially the European renewable energy associations LLU will provide a followup strategy for the extension of the toolLink to task 45

Report on the capacity building on biogas project development

In each of the importing countries 2 capacity building training courses on biogas project development will be organised 2 5 10 courses in total for potential biogas plant operators and other stakeholders The objective of the trainings is to set the initial framework for the market uptake of biogas technologies WIP will coordinate this task while EBA FVB and AKBOE will be mainly responsible for the content and quality of the training course WIP will be in charge for the report including agendas participants list and main findings Link to task 53

Overview and factsheets on European Biogas technologies

The lead partner will provide an overview and factsheet This will be based on the information gathered in Task 2.1. Information will be collected, especially from the industry stakeholders. The factsheets will be presented on the DiBiCoo Online Information System of WP4. Link to task 2.2

Report on the promotion of the tool

AEA develops in close cooperation with all partners fair guiding principles for steering registration quality control and communication within the platform Each country will have at least one information event on the new platform and will spread the information via press releaseLink to task 47

Presentations of the DiBiCoo project

All partners commit themselves to present the DiBiCoo project and its interim results at conferences or workshop of other national or European networks and programs promoting the production and use of woody bioenergy and biogas WIP will provide a standard presentation for this purpose to all partners which can be translated and amended by each of the partner for the specific purpose of the presentation Link to task 75

Technical concepts for demo case biogas projects

Potential biogas projects were identified in Task 36 These projects will now be compared to each other regarding the key challenges potential of the feedstock source potential technical application and adaptation and final use of the biogas From this pool of projects at least one per target country will be selected as a demo case for further investigation minimum 5 demo cases This selection will be in a transparent and fair way upon decision by the DiBiCoo Steering Committee AEA will provide those technical concepts for demo case biogas projectsLink to task 61

Project video

A short animation video about the DiBiCoo project will be elaborated in order to show the content of the project to a broad range of stakeholders. The video will be elaborated by a professional video creator underthe guidelines of ICEADDIS. The video will be put on the DiBiCoo website, promoted in YouTube and other social media, and used during the DiBiCoo events. Link to task 7.2

Report on the webinars

ICEADDIS will organise a series of 10 thematic webinars about European biogas technologies and biogas development The purpose is to inform especially those stakeholders about project and cooperation opportunities who will not be able to attend the physical capacity building events In each webinar selected experts will give presentations on among other topics project development biogas technologies including feedstock and digestate handling business models financing and sustainability issues Iceaddis will provide a report on the main issues of the webinarsLink to task 54

Report on biogas markets and frameworks in Argentina, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, and South Africa

In order to better understand the opportunities and constraints for biogas projects in the importing countries, a market analysis and an assessment of the framework conditions will be performed. RDI will elaborate a template for the market and framework analysis. The data collection itself, as well as the data handling will be performed by each of the importing country representatives. The report will provide the main results of the analysis. Link to task 3.3

Report on the European legal, institutional and political frameworks

The legal, institutional and political frameworks at local, national and European level in Europe are briefly described in order to show stakeholders from the importing countries the reasons for the biogas market development in Europe. Thereby, especially the experiences on how, why and under what conditions these frameworks could act as a barrier or as an enabling element will be addressed. The results will be provided by the lead partner. Link to task 2.4

Publications of the DiBiCoo project

All partners commit themselves to issue a publication on the project and its interim results to local national or European technical magazines or public media Partners will collect press clippings and other media reports and provide them to the Project Coordinator for collection and documentation A report including all press clippings provided to the Project Coordinator will be compiled at the end of the project for documentation and dissemination of the media echo of the project All media clippings provided to the project coordinator will be provided for download from a media archive on the website as far as this is not inflicting with any third parties copyrightLink to task 74

Follow-up strategy for the continuous use of the tool

The tool will be developed by using the opensource approach all codes will be made available for example by using the github service for its further development and usage by any interested party Basic documentation of the developed tool will be provided for better understanding of the code and how to use the Application Programming Interface API A detailed user manual will be provided to ease the application of the tool for the new usersAs host of the Project Coordination Marketplace on the FVB website FVB will host the tool and maintain it after the end of the DiBiCoo project EBA will promote the tool on the European level and link it to itsLink to task 44

DiBiCoo Online Information System (Version 1.0 & Report)

LLU is reponsible for the DiBiCoo Online Information System, IT development of the tool. The data for the tool will be acquired from the results of WP2 and WP3. The tool development process will be iterative, where the final solution evolves through close collaboration between cross-functional teams. Link to task 4.2


The potential of Biogas in Energy Transition in Indonesia

Autores: Elisabeth Rianawati, Saut Sagala, Ichsan Hafiz, Johannes Anhorn, Sinshaw Alemu, Jorge Hilbert, Dwight Rosslee, Mutala Mohammed, Yaseen Salie, Dominik Rutz, Michael Rohrer, Angela Sainz, Franz Kirchmeyr, Aleksejs Zacepins, Frank Hofmann
Publicado en: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Editor: IOP Publishing Ltd
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/1143/1/012031

Biogas - Global Challenges, Markets and Cooperation Opportunities

Autores: Dominik Rutz, Oscar Gue, Felix Col-morgen, Rainer Janssen, Johannes Anhorn, Ann-Kathrin van Laere, Lo-renz Strimitzer, Mieke Decorte, Franz Kirchmeyr, Saut Sagala, Marc Rein-hard, Sinshaw Alemu, Jorge Antonio Hilbert, Dwight Rosslee, Mutala Mo-hammed, Yaseen Salie
Publicado en: Conference: 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2020, Página(s) pp. 755 - 757, ISBN 978-88-89407-20-2
Editor: ETA s.r.l.
DOI: 10.5071/28theubce2020-4av.1.9

Biogas Market in Indonesia: The Roles of Carbon Trading

Autores: Nadiya Pranindita; Saut Sagala; Agunan Samosir; Johannes Anhorn; Ann-Kathrin van Laere; Aleksejs Zacepins;Angela Sainz;Dominik Rutz;Dwight Rosslee;Franz Kirchmeyr;Bernhard Wlcek;Jorge Antonio Hilbert;Frank Hoffman;Wondwossen Bogale;Yaseen Salie;Mutala Mohammed
Publicado en: 2021 Third International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Climate Change, 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-1632-0
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ieeeconf53624.2021.9668030

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