Periodic Reporting for period 2 - WEDISTRICT (Smart and local reneWable Energy DISTRICT heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living)
Reporting period: 2021-04-01 to 2022-03-31
The overall objective of WEDISTRICT is to demonstrate DHC as an integrated solution that exploits the combination of RES, thermal storage and waste heat recycling technologies to satisfy 100% of the heating and cooling energy demand in new DHC and up to 60-100% in retrofitted DHC. The focus of WEDISTRICT is large-scale replication of best practice: better valorization of local resources, like renewable and waste heat by making District Heating and Cooling networks more efficient in relation to the use of new resources. In parallel, systems will evolve to provide even more flexible solutions by the integration of innovative molten-salts based thermal storage, the interaction with other energy networks (electricity and gas) and the involvement of end-users (operators and consumers) through ICT-based control and decision making.
T1.2 General project management. Periodical follow-up meetings. 3 amendments approved.
T1.3 IPR and Knowledge Management Strategy prepared and KERs identified. Regular tracking of IPR-related activities performed.
T2.1 District heating and cooling stock at EU level. Market analysis, trends, improvements and inefficiencies.
T2.2 KPIs defined.
T2.3 Feasibility analysis of all the technologies and due diligence of the pilot projects.
T2.4 Set of requirements for each planned result.
T2.5 11 demo-followers reached and confirmed.
T3.1 Fresnel and PTC technologies have refined their development. WeSSun has finalized the full characterization and tests.
T3.2 Geothermal-PV Hybridization Optimized design and integration completed.
T3.3 Two innovative cooling technologies designed, constructed and tested (Air cooling unit for DH integration and Absorption chiller for DHC systems).
T3.4 Analysis of the storage options completed. For the molten salts technology, testing melting procedures and thermal cycles at laboratory scale.
T3.5 Biomass boiler for the Polish demosite designed, optimized and manufactured. Several modifications in biomass boiler to be installed in Alcalá demosite designed.
T3.6 Base thermal and electrical supply schemes. Discussion and test to improve the WHR from the FC.
T4.1 Final form of the Advanced Digitalization platform.
T4.2 Performance evaluation of different traditional statistical methods, with more timely Machine Learning approaches.
T4.3 API defined. “TRNSYS Docker”. Test of the stability of the TRNSYS Docker, correct integration of the AD weather forecast and Docker meteorological macro.
T4.4 Identification of the controllable elements of each of the pilots, as well as the different control strategies and target/cost functions that better suit their needs/commitments.
T4.5 Command and Control internal architecture defined. First wireframe and list of features agreed.
T5.1 35 macros in TRNSYS completed. Creation of 27 decks, 34 identified. Demosites models completed. Simulation environment created.
T5.2 Lean Final Methodology has been finalized and validated.
T5.3 Engineering designs completed.
T5.4 Integration of WEDISTRICT technologies assessment for the 11 virtual demos. All the information gathered by simulators, 1st virtual demosites. Starting detailed analysis.
T6.1 Energy diagnosis and pre-assessment at each demo site.
T6.2 Preparation and adaptation of demosites. Alcalá: application for licenses and permits.. Bucharest: finalized. Lulea: finalized. Polish demosite: licenses and permits needed (Bierutów, Sejny and Dzierżążno) identified.
T6.3 Demonstration activity for new DHCs. Alcala: Development of a Demonstration Plan. Contingency plan for Molten Salts storage. Contingency plan for the demo location in case permits were not finally granted.
T6.4 Demonstration activity for retrofitting DHCs. Bucharest: most of the installations completed and thermal subsystem commissioned. Demonstration Plan completed.
T6.5 Demonstration activity for waste heat recovery in DHCs. Lulea: a large proportion of the installation activities completed and fuel cells subsystem commissioned.
T6.6 Development of a monitoring plan specific for each demo-site (measurements, control and alarm variables).
T6.7 Some validation works for the RACU system started.
T6.8 Selection of methodology and standards to be used in order to perform LCA, LCC and S-LCA. Development life cycle inventory for Bucharest and Lulea to collect all the input data needed to for the models.
T7.1 Communication and Dissemination Master Plan. Development of Logo, Templates and Project Website; Set-Up of Social Media Channels; Production of Communication Means; Monitoring of Communication and Dissemination Activities. Active participation in dissemination and communications activities by the consortium.
T7.2 Alcalá campaign finalized. Alternatives for the second campaign.
T7.3 Definition of the ethical grounds for the project.
T8.1 Market and PESTLE Analyses.
T8.2 Business modelling focused on each ER and three demosites (Alcalà, Lulea and Bucharest) performed.
T8.3 Clustering activities with similar projects. External Advisory Board (EAB) of the project confirmed.
T8.4 Workshops about ER exploitation and IP management. Preliminary exploitation plans for each ER and demo sites.
T8.5 Qualitative study on 4th and 5th generation.
T8.6 Conceptual visualisation and main functionalities of WEDISTRICTool. Excel model to analyse the results from the simulation and development of a friendly interface.