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REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe

Descrizione del progetto

Iniezione di biometano nella rete europea

L’estesa rete dei gasdotti europei ha una lunghezza totale di 2,2 milioni di chilometri. Il passaggio a reti del gas verdi richiede una maggiore diffusione del mercato comune europeo del biometano. Il biometano è un combustibile rinnovabile che può essere trasportato nei gasdotti per il gas naturale esistenti. Il progetto REGATRACE, finanziato dall’UE, creerà un sistema commerciale efficiente basato sul rilascio e lo scambio di biometano/gas rinnovabili con garanzie d’origine abbinato a una logistica efficiente in termini di costi. Secondo il progetto, è necessario un centro commerciale europeo per il biometano (e altri gas rinnovabili) per consentire gli investimenti e promuovere il commercio transfrontaliero del biometano. Ciò rientra in un più ampio sforzo per disaccoppiare i sistemi energetici europei dai combustibili fossili.


REGATRACE (REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe) aims creating an efficient trade system based on issuing and trading biomethane/renewable gases Guarantees of Origin (GoO). This will strongly contribute to the uptake of the European common biomethane market.
This objective will be achieved through the founding pillars: - European biomethane/renewable gases GoO system - Set-up of national GoO issuing bodies - Integration of GoO from different renewable gas technologies with electric and hydrogen GoO systems - Integrated assessment and sustainable feedstock mobilisation strategies and technology synergies - Support for biomethane market uptake - Transferability of results beyond the project’s countries.
REGATRACE relates, within the H2020 Work Program 2018-2020 on Secure, clean and efficient energy, to the Call BUILDING A LOW-CARBON, CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE: SECURE, CLEAN and EFFICIENT ENERGY, with topic LC-SC3-RES-28-2018-2019-2020: Market Uptake support and to the specific issue: Development of cost-effective logistics, feedstock mobilisation strategies and trade-centres for intermediate bioenergy carriers.
The intermediate bioenergy carrier is biomethane, a Europe-wide trade centre for biomethane and other renewable gases is necessary for enabling investments to supply the whole European market and for promoting cross-border biomethane trade. REGATRACE supports the mobilisation of biogas feedstocks, which otherwise would not be utilised. Efficient bioenergy logistics refers to biomass conversion and use of the gas grid as the logistic tool.
A stable, reliable and common market for biomethane and other renewable gases in Europe plays an important role to achieve EU political targets and to decouple the energy systems from fossil fuels: biomethane/renewable gases can be produced from waste or residual streams of organic material and they can be transmitted and stored in existing infrastructures, so allowing to combine the European natural gas and electricity grids.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 420 306,89
00187 Roma

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo di attività
Costo totale
€ 420 309,40

Partecipanti (34)